Milestones for Characters3 min read

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  • Published: Sat, 20 May 2017
  • Version: 1.0

Cheat Sheet Usage Summary

A quick cheat sheet listing the options for character advancement at each milestone type.

Cheat Sheet

Minor Milestones (pg 256)

Minor Milestones Occur?

Minor Milestones usually occur at the end of a session of play, or when one piece of a story has been resolved.

Character Updates

During a minor milestone, you can choose to do ONE (and only one) of the following:

  • Rank Change: Switch the rank values of any two skills, or replace one Average (+1) skill with one that isn’t on your sheet.
  • Switch Stunt: Change any single stunt for another stunt.
  • New Stunt: Purchase a new stunt, provided you have the refresh to do so. (Remember, you can’t go below 1 refresh.)
  • Transform Aspect: Rename one character aspect that isn’t your high concept.


In addition, you can also rename any moderate consequences you have, so that you can start them on the road to recovery, presuming you have not already done so.

Significant Milestones (pg 258)

Significant Milestones Occur?

Significant milestones usually occur at the end of a scenario or the conclusion of a big plot event.

Character Updates

In addition to the benefit of a minor milestone, you also gain both of the following:

  • One additional skill point, which you can spend to buy a new skill at Average (+1) or increase an existing skill by one rank.


If you have any severe consequences, you can rename them to begin the recovery process, if you haven’t already. When you spend your skill point, it’s worth one step on the ladder. You can use it to buy a new skill at Average (+1), or you can use it to increase an existing skill by one step on the ladder— say, from Good (+3) to Great (+4).

Major Milestones (pg 260)

Major Milestones Occur?

A major milestone should only occur when something happens in the campaign that shakes it up a lot—the end of a story arc (or around three scenarios), the death of a main NPC villain, or any other large-scale change that reverberates around your game world.

Character Updates

Achieving a major milestone confers the benefits of a significant milestone and a minor milestone, and all of the following additional options:

  • Take an additional point of refresh, which allows you to immediately buy a new stunt or keep it in order to give yourself more fate points at the beginning of a session.
  • Advance a skill beyond the campaign’s current skill cap, if you’re able to, thus increasing the skill cap.
  • Rename your character’s high concept if you desire.


If you have an extreme consequence, rename it to reflect that you’ve moved past its most debilitating effects. This allows you to take another extreme consequence in the future, if you desire.