Semi-Quick Character Creation1 min read

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If you want to have characters who are a little more “together”, but don’t want to spend too much time on the process, fill out the following before you play and then you can work towards picking out your skills.

  • High concept aspect
  • Trouble
  • Name

Pick the Highest Skill

Lay out the Skill Prompt Cards (see link below) on the table or just write each skill on an individual note card. In clockwise order, each first person will pick their high skill and take the card, which will allow each person to specialize in a skill and not have skill overlap with the highest skill. Then the next person will pick their highest skill and take the card until everyone has picked their highest skill.

For more information on these steps check the Long Character Creation process.

Pick Some Second Highest Skills

Return the Skill Cards picked up from the previous step back to the table. The person who was last in picking their first skill last will pick their secondary skill first, and the and take the card, then the process will repeat in counterclockwise order until all or most of your second tier skills are picked. 

If you do not want to pick all of your skills and save them for later feel free.

For more information on these steps check the Long Character Creation process.