Evolution of Myth and Religion Tree Evolution of Myth and Religion Tree

Transforming the World Conversations (Religion) Notes and Links (22 feb 2019)4 min read


Here are links for my Transforming the World Conversation (Religion) on Fri, 18 Jan 2019. I have tried to keep this links as uncontroversial and as academic as possible, with the exception of the section of separation of church and state.

The previous date was snowed out and was rescheduled for Fri, 22 Feb 2019.

My Posts

Ancient Greek and Roman Gods and History

Biblical Geology

Ceremonies and Prayers


Divine Feminine

Evolutionary Creationism

Free Thought Movement

Gnostic Bible (Nag Hammadi)

Human Rights



Religion and Research

Sacred Texts

Secularism/ Secular Humanism

Separation of Church and State

Historical Sexual Oppression

Sexuality, Sacred or Prostitution, Sacred


Unitarian Universalism

Universal Life Church

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