I took the Political Compass test again here on 29 Apr 2024 to see where I stand with my politics. I cannot imagine it has changed too much, hoping that I am closer to the left-hand side, than when I have taken it before: My Political Tests 2019.
Pursuant to a Facebook thread which was showing someone’s I Side With test I decided to take that and the Political Compass test and see where I stand during this electoral cycle. It seems about every 6-7 years take these tests to see how things have changed. I took the test in:
One thing that annoyed me about this was that the candidates from all of the parties were NOT activated. You have to go to filters at the top and then add the other candidates you would like to compare.
Holy suppression of third party voices, Batman!! How can a voter cast an honest and educated vote if all options are not on the table and before their eyes. I was expecting better of I Side With. I guess they are participating in the Systemic Suppression of 3rd Party Voices too. =( Not cool! At least those options are there, if just hidden from our sight.
Candidate Results
This time I was a little surprised at the results of the I Side With test. I expected my Jill Stein Score to be like 10% higher and did not expect Tulsi to be higher than Bernie, even if it is only 1%.
Party Results
Now, the party affiliation scores look better, although, again I was thinking the my Green Party score would be higher too. Previously Democrats were 9 % higher. Now Green is 7% higher.
Political Compass
Now, the Political Compass test, which is a far smaller test did not really change from when I last took this in 2016.
Currently, I am only seriously considering the following candidates for president:
Bernie Sanders
Tulsi Gabbard
Jill Stein
We shall see who the Green Party’s candidate will be. Who is the Pete dude? I will have to look him up.
My views have changed and matured a bit over the last few years as I have spent the time to create my own policy page: Policies to Transform the Worldand am seriously thinking about running for office.
So, in 2006 when I was just starting to get into politics and religion I took the Political Compass quiz to find out where I stood and I blogged about it, since it was also news to me. I found myself, where the x and y axis met, just to the left and down. Keep in mind I have no idea what that meant, not that I do now, but then I was just getting into the religious, political and electoral worlds which I never ever cared about before then.
Now, 9 years later, and having become active during California’s Proposition 8 trials in challenging right-wing nut-jobs, writing activist articles for my blog, joining a UU church, voting, joining the Green Party, and reading everything from evolutionary psychology and biology, Revolutionary War history, philosophy, theology, Christian history and theology, Near Eastern Archaeology, divine feminine studies, linguistics, and having joined the micronation of the Republic of Talossa, my views have changed quite a bit. I find myself quite a bit away from my uninformed self. Once you start to really care about justice and how the government treats others how you think about the world really changes.
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