2008 Presidential Election Comments1 min read

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We are present and have been involved in a very historic and monumental moment in the history of the United States. The first black president has been elected. I am quite happy that Obama has won. I am looking forward to the changes he will bring.

Congress and Senate

I am a bit concerned at the overwhelming majority that the Democratic Party has in the Senate and Congress. So concerned that I almost voted Republican. If I had known more about those candidates I just might have I am worried that With A Democrat President and House and Congress that they will just steam-roll legislation through without any real opposition. All branches flush with vigor and power that Obama and the election has brought may bring about similar mistakes as Bush and post 9/11 legislation brought.

California’s Proposition 8

One last thought I am rather surprised that California’s Proposition 8 passed which instituted a State Constitutional ban on Gay marriage. With California being one of the most liberal and progressive states in the union, and Google and Apple in support of the ban as well, I fully expected this to be beaten down like a red-headed step child.

Heres to hoping that this administration will do well and correct our current oversights and not allow high emotions of recent victory spoil the process.

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