once upon a time...

Looking for a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writing

Ever since working on reworking a friend’s character history for Dungeons and Dragons in 2011 I have been working on learning how to write with what little time I have had available. In the last year, I have been looking into going back to school for a Creative Writing degree. Specifically, I have been looking for places […]

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My Thoughts for Electoral Reform

I have said for quite a while: ‘Any candidate that does not have electoral reform as one of their first issues is the problem.’. We cannot have a truly representative democracy or a government that represents the people until our horribly broken electoral system is fixed. Our corrupt corporate owned government is what stands in the way of America being a truly great country instead of the laughing stock that we are due to how corrupt and fraud-ridden our system is. It would be amazing if we could finally join the rest of the world and be an actual democracy and not just throw the word around just because we like the sound of the word or because it is seen as a sacred though defiled part of our people’s collective history.

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My Quote - Post Nomination Revolution

The Revolution Following Clinton’s Theft of the Democratic Nomination

To all of my fellow Berners out there – I know we all feel a soul-crushing sorrow with Bernie’s call for a vote for Hillary for president on the floor of the Democratic National Convention which ushered in the completion of her theft of the nomination a few weeks ago. I arrived in the baggage […]

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Primary Election Today in Wisconsin! (Tue, 9 Aug 2016)

Note: In some ways, you can see this as a supplemental post to my previous post about the problems inherent with America’s two party system. This topic will be added to a part of that series of posts. In case you did not know, and I bet that most people in Wiscosnin do not, there is a […]

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We didn't vote because it won't make a difference.

The Systemic Suppression Inherent with America’s Two Party System

I will cover many of the issues with the two party system and the suppression that is inherent in it, as well as give some specific examples. What follows is nowhere near as well written, organized, supported or researched as I would like and this is because of limited time. My time is  limited not only because the elections coming up soon, but also because I have a life outside of politics and my blog, so I needed to get this out there sooner than later. Please forgive me. 

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7% Difference a Revolution Makes – Introduction

Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1 – A General Look at the Systemic Suppression Inherent with America’s Two Party System The confluence of 3 Historical Movements Dumbing Down of America Progressives not having a Voice and Third Party Suppression Media Suppression of Third Party Voices Intraparty Collusion to Suppress Minority Voices Third Party Suppression by […]

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We will not yield!

My Experience at the Democratic National Convention Protests in Philadelphia 2016

Introduction He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it. Martin Luther King Jr. First, I would like to thank 2 people for really making this happen – my wife, Tatsiana, and our […]

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