7% Difference a Revolution Makes – Introduction8 min read

Elections Politics
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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1 – A General Look at the Systemic Suppression Inherent with America’s Two Party System
    • The confluence of 3 Historical Movements
    • Dumbing Down of America
    • Progressives not having a Voice and Third Party Suppression
    • Media Suppression of Third Party Voices
    • Intraparty Collusion to Suppress Minority Voices
    • Third Party Suppression by the Commission for Presidential Debates (CPD) and the Presidential Debate
    • 7% Difference in Voting between Hillary and Bernie, but the Candidates Could Not Be More Different
    • Lack of Representation of the wide range of views of Americans
  • Chapter 2 – A Closer Look at the Other Systemic Issues with Our Electoral System (forthcoming)
  • Chapter 3 – Electoral Corruption and Collusion with Hillary 2016 (forthcoming)
  • Chapter 4 – My thoughts for Electoral Reform
    • Introduction
    • Constitutional Amendments
    • Financing of Elections
    • News and Media Reform
    • Voting Reform
    • Supporting Electoral Reform
    • An inclusive America
  • Chapter 5 – In Closing (forthcoming)


Victor Tiffany, who runs the Revolt Against Plutocracy website, started to circulate the Bernie or Bust Pledge around the interwebs last September or so, and since then I have wanted to write this series of posts, but I have found it very, very difficult to articulate because it is such a large and complicated issue. I signed the pledge, but I was conflicted about it, not because of any doubts I had of Bernie as a candidate, but because of how I, as well as most people, had been programmed by the mainstream corporate media to believe that a vote for anyone other than the two candidates that the corporations had chosen through legalized bribery and media collusion would be a wasted vote or a vote for the other team. I had been brainwashed to believe a lie, a very harmful lie, and now I have been set free.

Here is Lee Camp’s interview with Victor Tiffany about the Bernie or Bust pledge:


I voted for Obama in 2008. I also voted for him in 2012, but not because I wanted to. I had just found out about Jill Stein and the Green Party through having just taken the I Side With test out of curiosity and, as a result of taking that test, I was seriously considering voting for Jill Stein because the Green Party platform really made sense to me, but I fell prey to the false controlled narrative posed by the corporate media that I would be wasting my vote if I voted for anyone else but Romney or Obama, or that a vote that was not for Obama was one for Romney, and that I should fear a Romney presidency. Don’t get me wrong. I feared a Romney presidency. I was sick to my stomach when Romney took an early lead, but thankfully I stayed up until after midnight watching the votes rack up, and then to watch Obama’s eventual historic acceptance speech.

That moment where I knowingly voted my fears and not my values has haunted me since that election day in 2012. It has haunted me because I did not vote for the person that represented my values. I voted my fears and this is really the heart of our country’s electoral problem (besides the systemic corruption). Fear is the prime motivator for our votes and how our candidates frame their campaign as they pivot to the right during the general election. This has been especially obvious between Hilary and Trump. This is how the corporations control us and our votes through framing the election choice through the lens of fear. Fear of what they say the otherside will do. Fear is a very powerful base emotion that overrules our sense of reason, logic, rationality, or justice. We must all remember that fear is what leads us to the path of the Darkside.  Anything that is done out of fear is not done out of love, justice, or truth.

With all of the corruption from Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party this election cycle it has really brought my 2012 voting choice fresh in my mind and has helped to cement in me the need for us to be brave and to vote our values and not our fears. It has shown me how much control the media has over our votes, our perception of having electoral choices, and how corrupt politicians really can be when blinded by power, greed, pride, and money. We need a change. We need things to change drastically because Hillary or Trump are no answer that anyone with any set of morals or awareness should be able to stomach for they are prime examples of the very corruption that we, the now awakened progressive moment, are raging against.

With the Clinton campaign’s subversion of  the electoral process and the will of the people by engaging in electoral fraud, voter suppression, money laundering, and collusion to coronate Hillary as queen has fired me up and has me completely agreeing with the Bernie or Bust movement,especially as has been brought to light through the Wikileaks from the Democratic Party and the Wikileaks from the Hillary Clinton emails. This was a powerful moment that has set me free from voting my fears ever again. I have no doubts now. We cannot get real change by voting for the same people (the lesser or greater of two chosen corporate evils) that created the problem and are the problem. We need radical change not only to our policies, but also to our electoral process and our politicians, or we will all be doomed. We need to stop voting our fears and start voting our values. Once we do that en masse the electoral landscape will change drastically for the better and then real change can happen, but that can never happen until the electorate starts to educate themselves on all of the available the candidates (not just the Republican or the Democratic candidates because there are more poltical parties and candidates) and on the issues, and then they must vote their values and not their fears.

What you will find here and in the posts that follow will be me trying to articulate why I support the Bernie or Bust movement, why it is really important, not just for me but for all of America and the world, and why I will vote for Jill Stein in November and will await a Trump (or other Republican) presidency because the DNC chose electoral fraud, voter suppression, money laundering and collusion as a means to subvert the will of the people and the electoral process to force Hillary upon us. It is possible and currently within Hillary’s mode of operation to steal the general election too, which is quite possible, since her corruption and tentacles seem to know no bounds.

Victor from Revolt Against Plutocracy now has a Jill or Bust pledge for people to sign to which I have signed and I would implore you to sign it now, or possibly after having read my first chapter or the rest of the chapters in this series (assuming I can finish them). Please help be the change we need. Please join the Revolution and Vote for Jill Stein. If we vote for her she can win. Anyone who tells you otherwise is the problem and should be ignored for they are not ready to be unplugged yet.

NOTE: What follows is nowhere near as well written, organized, supported or researched as I would like and this is because of limited time. My time is  limited not only because the elections coming up soon, but also because I have a life outside of politics and my blog, so I needed to get this out there sooner than later. Please forgive me. Some of the ideas I cover below in this first chapter I will cover in more detail in the next few chapters (assuming I am able to get them written).

Thank you for your understanding and I hope you will find some of this enlightening.

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