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11 EU Nations Just Kicked Off a Plan to Make Public Science Free For All of Us1 min read

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This is a big freaking deal! I cannot tell you how many times I wanted access to a research paper or a doctoral or research thesis and it was hidden behind a freaking pay wall, which pretty much stopped my knowledge inquiry cold! =)

Fortunately, there has been a movement over the last decade or so to set knowledge and research free and there have been various educational institutions which have likewise done so, even in the US. All publicly funded research should be available for all! All research and knowledge should be available for all… period. This is a great step forward!

Read it and rejoice! This is one of the many reasons why Europe is decades ahead of USA and its arrogance, ignorance, hubris, and faux-ceptionalism!

11 EU Nations Just Kicked Off a Plan to Make Public Science Free For All of Us (Scientific America, Sep 2018)


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