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Resource Based Economy Q&A from Facebook (May 2021)15 min read

Economy Education Globalization Politics Resource Based Economy
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This is just a quick post to answer a great set of questions from someone in an RBE Facebook Group which I will list below in it’s own quick section.

Go to the Source Material

For a lot of the general background on this check out the big brains on this topic:

  • The Venus Project (TVP) and Jacque Fresco
  • The Zeitgeist Movement (TZM) and Peter Joseph

My preference to start would be Peter Josephs’ The New Human Rights Movement: Reinventing the Economy to End Oppression which is required reading for my my political policy site Interstellar New Deal. If I could buy everyone in the world this book I would!!!!

I have aggregated a huge list of both of their resources here for you to check out at the bottom of my Cancer of Capitalism post. Here is a direct link to that section.

My Writings

I answer a lot of these questions in the 141 pages of my many other posts on Capitalism and Resource Based Economies:

  1. Capitalism and Resource Based Economies Q&A from Facebook (Dec 2020) (31 pages)
  2. Tension within Methods of Exchange (6 pgs)
  3. The Cancer of Capitalism (30 pgs)
  4. Productivity and Motivation? (7 pgs)
  5. How will a Resource Based Economy work? (9 pgs)
  6. Human Nature, Competition, Employment, and Housing (21 pgs)
  7. Some Technical Steps Towards Implementing (7 pgs)
  8. Benefits for Industries and Businesses (6 pgs)
  9. The Cities of Tomorrow (15 pgs – mostly pictures)
  10. How might an RBE playout, if it ever did? (Dec 2020) (19 pgs)

My Capitalism and Resource Based Economies Q&A from Facebook (Dec 2020) post links to 9 all of the posts I have written on these two topics. This post here will be a continuation of that Q&A post and will follow a similar format!!

I. Questions

Now on to the these questions for me to answer. Here is the quote from Facebook:

Just want to know more about this society and its work. Will there be any government? How will it be chosen and how do aspirants become aspirants. A everything is free for everyone, will education have any special meaning or its useless to study. Who will become doctors and engineers or it will all be handled by AI? Who will run shops which sell everything for free? Who will open factories which sell things free? Is there some literature which explains all this and how such a large number of AI machines become available and in effect how everything is run?

Questions from a Facebook group

For some of the answers of this I will link back to the posts mentioned above much like I did in my first Q&A post from December of last year to save time and so I do not have to repeat myself.

II. Answers

A. How will an RBE work?

I cover the basics here of how an RBE might work in these posts (37 pgs):

  1. Productivity and Motivation? (7 pgs)
  2. How will a Resource Based Economy work? (9 pgs)
  3. Human Nature, Competition, Employment, and Housing (21 pgs)

If you want to know how an RBE might come into being I have a huge post on that:

B. What will government look like and how will the workers be chosen.

This is the most difficult question to answer because we are talking about creating a “government” and a workers for a world we can barely imagine through the horrors and brain damage we all have from monetary systems. Honestly, within an RBE, government as we know it will not exist. We will not need politicians or elections, or any of that stuff for they are a symptom of the values problem we suffer from.

We will strive for a world with very different values than we have today, which will forge into being systems and methods of leadership that fit those new sustainable, equitable, and interdependent needs. I cover some of the basic concepts here in a section quote – 3. Engage! and Leadership – from a post of mine.

Ideally, the people that should be in charge of this process are those who best embody the values found in 8P3H and that best understand the vision, scope, and breadth of what an RBE is trying to accomplish, so, hopefully, by the time this goes down there will enough people who will fit this description.

Obviously, at every level (community, county, state, nation, continent, global) there will need to be Cybernation Process Facilitators (or whatever title) to help keep things moving and to make decisions (or to facilitate a decision process) during this insane process. Perhaps, for some positions there will be local, state, continental, or geographical elections perhaps through direct democracy or something completely different. Who knows what sort of options are available then. Maybe it can be done completely online or through normal in-person elections, maybe even a mixture of that and other options.

Once a leadership of sorts are selected, then we can move into the meat and potatoes of what it means to implement an RBE.

3. Engage! and Leadership from my post How might an RBE playout, if it ever did?

C. Will education have any special meaning or is it useless to study.

In pretty much all of my RBE writings you will find that education is the cornerstone of a RBE. Education, schools, and universities shall be the center of ALL RBE cities, because a highly education populace is the key to equity, innovation, problem solving, and creativity. Education is such an important concept that it is one of my Philosophical Pillars for Peace which should form the philosophical backbone of an RBE world, and this is also why Education is the first part of my political policies on my policy site. Freedom and peace cannot exist in a world filled with stupid people.

Here is a quote from my post Productivity and Motivation?:

A heavy part of RBE is universal access to free education and this will carry much of the burden of social engineering and solving the productivity problem. Although, to make that happen, our education systems will also need to evolve to focus on fostering problem solving, critical thinking, scientific method, compassion, communication, and creativity as well as sustainability, and the interdependence of all things, and so much more; much of which is being stamped out by our current school systems (at least here in the US).

Having access to a lifetime of free education alone may ensure that people will be doing things (especially if we require 5 years of university/apprenticeship for all – not just high school). It is hard for a highly educated person to just sit there when their mind is crunching through their ever-expanding understanding of the world, because the more about the world that people understand then more they can see problems and the solutions to them.

Being highly educated is both a boon and burden to the individual. Because of this, however, when they can see both the problem and a potential solution, then it will be hard to not do something about it or to tell someone their idea for the solution which could be vetted by those who are working on that or a similar problems or solutions, or they could start their own collaborative project to gather with other like-minded individuals to work on the viability of that solution.

An RBE creates a ‘problem‘ with loads of highly educated people and then also gives them the method and unlimited opportunity of solving or sharing the solution to that burden by allowing them to collectively solve that problem.

Universal Free Education Systems Create a Highly Educated Populace from Productivity and Motivation in a Resource Based Economy?

And here is a quote from my other post with similar ideas:

Consider what having a highly educated populace means:

Educated Populace: A highly educated populace is a both a curse and a blessing, because highly educated people:

Curiosity: With their diverse and interdisciplinary education, a curious, passionate, and innovative populace will be driven to work in areas that matter because they will see existing problems and they will see answers too, which will drive them to engage in a project that needs people. They will also look for unusual technical solutions to theses problems because of their interdisciplinary education.

Passion: People’s passions is what will drive most things. I am passionate about RPGs, politics, RBE, and computer programming and no one pays me for that. Even though I am not paid for my interest I still spend inordinate amounts of time on these areas such as writing this post! Believe it or not there will be a lot people who will be passionate about any given field of human need, especially as the need for wasteful manual labor jobs are eliminated.

Technological and Knowledge Support: People will also be able to freely pursue their passions and solutions to problems because the education and technological support will be available, so nothing should ever stand in their way.

As I have pointed out, with the powerful interdisciplinary education and lifelong access to education, research, and Humanity’s vast knowledge base a highly educated populace will find it hard to not do something useful, so most people will be doing something useful for Humanity for many, many years, especially once automation and AI has taken over the monotonous and boring work.

Highly Educated Populace in an RBE from my post Human Nature, Competition, Employment, and Housing within a Resource Based Economy

I have a large section on Knowledge Resources access within my post: How will a Resource Based Economy work?

As mentioned above there will NOT be patents or proprietary information for that is antithetical to human progress and expansion. All knowledge, data, research, and designs will be available for all to use, work with, and learn from.

If you want to learn quantum theory then you can start your learning through an introductory course through the world-wide university classes or just request a book on it. Perhaps you could even take the class with your friend in Paris through Virtual Reality University (VRU) access. If you have been reading books and books about it or have been already taking courses on it then you can pop onto your university site and ask some questions there; or if your knowledge level is already certified then you can talk with other professionals in your industry through the world-wide quantum physics portal.

Knowledge Resources access within my post: How will a Resource Based Economy work?

In the next section from there I talk about someone wanting to learn about hydroponic farms and then wanting to move to Paris to work and learn in a hydroponic farm there. Check that section Wanting to Work on an Aquaponic Farm? for more info as to how this might look and play out.

Let me also pull this quick quote from this section – 5. Jobs? – of this post Capitalism and Resource Based Economies Q&A from Facebook (Dec 2020). This is perhaps the most important part to remember about a highly educated populace:

Where is the best learning done? That’s right – on the job. A highly educated populace will always be passionate about what they are passionate about, and work – the application of knowledge and learned skills – will be ultimate expression and fulfillment of that. When that happens, you and society as a whole will benefit from it.

5. Jobs? – of this post Capitalism and Resource Based Economies Q&A from Facebook (Dec 2020)

D. Who will become doctors and engineers or it will all be handled by AI?

Well, yes. At first humans will do most of the doctoring until we can get the AI trained up, safe, and ready to go. There will always be humans involved with healthcare, research, evaluation, and care. It is just that AI and robotics will take much of the burden off our doctors, nurses, and care providers, so they can focus are really solving diseases and providing amazing care for our people. AI and Automation can only do so much. Humans will still write the code, design the experiments, and do other creative things.

Engineers are still required to design and fix things, write the code that makes the automation and machine leaning possible. Doctors are needs to research and tune and educate AI. The role of people in highly technical skills shall not be going away. Their roles will evolve as AI and automation gets more sophisticated and powerful.

E. Who will run shops which sell everything for free?

OK, the first thing we need to deal with is removing the concept of stores from your vocabulary when it comes to RBE. “Stores” as we understand them today will NOT exist within a RBE. Stores should be seen as a capitalist swear word. They exist for profit, exploitation, and competition – nothing else. They stand between you and getting what you want.

You will most likely access stuff you want in one of 2 ways.

  1. You will go to a Resource Sharing Center to get what you want. You can check it out for how long you would like to and then depending on its popularity more items may be made and sent to a Resource Sharing Center to meet popular demand.
  2. You can go to your RBE Life app and scroll through the many, many open source items that you might be interested in and then order it and have it delivered to your domicile. They may have various types of clothes and materials there at the Resource Sharing Center for you to try and to get a feel for before you order, etc.

I have a decent sized section on this topic here: Non-perishable Resources which is found in my post How will a Resource Based Economy work?. Take the time to read that rather large section on resource access.

F. Who will open factories which sell things free?

Factories shall be constructed as needed to meet demand. This shall be based on large part of large scale global resource data, usage, demand, and need.

I talk about some of the basic low level concepts of how this might start to play out here:

I go into significantly more detail here in this and following sections starting here if you want to see how it might evolve:

There are a dizzying amount of things to take into account from:

  • Global Resource Survey
  • Earth’s Carrying Capacity
  • Quality of Life Calculation

…and then infrastructure buildout based on that data. Please read that section and the following sections to learn more. There is A LOT to learn or even consider about this topic.

G. Is there some literature which explains all this and how such a large number of AI machines become available and in effect how everything is run?

There is nothing concrete out there on this topic, unfortunately. This requires an incredible amount of resource sharing and openness which we do not have today to even begin to have that conversation.

As I talked about above check out TVP, TZM and my posts for more general ideas on these concepts. I have links to all of that above in the introduction.

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