Waterdeep - Dragon Heist

Intersectional Character History for Valeriana Estelmer and Dathana Kell (Narrative)

This is the will be the text of the Intersectional Character History for my character, Durden Multae (changeling monk), and Kyle’s character, Valeriana Estelmer (human wizard) for the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist campaign we will be starting this Sunday (23 Sep 2018). 

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once upon a time...

Looking for a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writing

Ever since working on reworking a friend’s character history for Dungeons and Dragons in 2011 I have been working on learning how to write with what little time I have had available. In the last year, I have been looking into going back to school for a Creative Writing degree. Specifically, I have been looking for places […]

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Coruscant Skyline

Angel of Death (Narrative for Kulae Ordo, Star Wars)

Introduction This was written as a post-session narrative for a Star Wars: Edge of Empire game. This was the first time in gaming that an in-game event really affected me and would have deeply affected my character too. Our rag-tag group of fringers, which had been basically annoying the Empire off and on between shipping jobs, […]

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Bloodflame Successor (Demascatus, D&D 4e, Narrative)

Introduction This is a was a rewrite of part of a character history for a D&D 4E game that I did for a player at our table, the 16-year-old son of one of the other players. I originally did a rewrite for when he wanted to intertwine his character’s beginning history with my characters’. Since […]

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Dark Voices – Demascatus’ Character History – (D&D 4e, Narrative)

Introduction This is a was a rewrite of a character history for a D&D 4E game that I did for a player at our table, the 16 year old son of one of the players, who wanted to intertwine his history with my character’s. I worked with him on his history and then he sent it […]

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