The ADHD Iceberg by Finuccni Alfredo What people think ADHD is: trouble focusing and fidgeting What ADHD really is: * difficulty maintaining relationships * depression * difficulty following and maintaining conversations * fidgeting * sensory processing disorder * financial problems * anxiety * uncontrollable fidgeting * poor sense of time * 'all or nothing' * trouble recalling commonly used words * sleeping problems * hyperfixations * auditory processing disorder * executive dysfunction * inability to focus even if there are no distractions * poor impulse control * mood swings * rejective sensitive dysphoria * losing items relentlessly * forgetting to eat, sleep, go to the bathroom * difficulty switching tasks or inability to stick to one * problems focusing on things even if they are of interest * choice paralysis * trouble regulating emotions * chronic unemployment * forgetting thoughts 0.2 seconds after having them

My Journey into ADHD! (2023)

Introduction My daughter (age 14) and I (age 49) were recently diagnosed with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in February 2023 and April 2023 respectively, and I am very excited for both of us. Now that we know that we are part of the neurodiverse community we can begin to work towards understanding ourselves better and […]

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