Repsonse to Jim Blazsik’s post titled: “The Republican case for Traditional Marriage: a response to Maura Flynn”

Introduction I am a bit cranky that all the responses I posted to the BLog post titled “The Republican case for Traditional Marriage: a response to Maura Flynn ” by Jim Blazsik have not been approved. My first Response was June 16, and then I made 2 more – 1 on June 23 and 24. Currently, […]

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Debate: Is Religion a Force for Good or Evil in the World?

A little about me: I am a 35 year old white married male of the Unitarian Unversalist and Centrist persuasions. I have never been a prostitute, used the services of a prostitute, nor known or known anyone who knew a prostitute. I am writing this post in a response to a debate I am participating […]

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California’s Proposition 8 Upheld by State Supreme Court

It looks like California’s Proposition 8 Upheld by State Supreme Court. I find this a sad, sad result, and a little surprising. I guess I do understand why they did uphold it considering the scope of what was being challenged, but if the real issue of civil rights violation went before the US Supreme court, […]

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The Courage Campaign’s Video Contra Proposition 8

This Courage Campaign Video was put together in response to Kenneth Star’s filing to the Supreme Court in favor or California’s passing of Prop 8 which bans same-sex marriage. Watch the video and then sign the petition. Tell the Supreme Court to invalidate Prop 8, reject Ken Starr’s case, and let loving, committed couples marry. […]

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Thomas Paine Fest at the Free Congregation

The Free Congregation of Sauk County celebrated what is perhaps the longest running annual celebration in the world of Thomas Paine, one of the most influential men of the revolutionary war. He wrote the inspiring and powerful Common Sense pamphlet which helped to stir the colonists to revolt against Great Britain.

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