Website Redesign in Progress (2018)2 min read

Arions-Home Meta Redesign Website

Under Construction: If you see any issues let me know and I will put it on my list of things to do , such as get the main menu switched to green instead of that red.

Redesign has begun: I have been meaning to a do a redesign for quite a while, so I started to do so. Things are still a bit rough though, but getting better. I have:

  • found a theme that I like which is also a mobile design too. This is something that my previous theme lacked, so this is a big step up.
  • also been playing with the styling too, to make it more consistent.
  • spent a bit of time rearranging the menus which better, but not perfect yet
  • added some accessibility functionality too
  • added a Google Translation widget which is going to be great.
  • SSL enabled (2018/7/23)

Functionality I am looking for:

  • Admins Side: a single sidebar widget for pages and posts which gives me the following info:
    • word count
    • page count
    • reading time
    • readability level: flesch-kinkaid etc
  • Client Side: for the following functionality:
    • reading progress bar (Dec 2020)
    • text to speech (sidebar widgets)

Link Spam: Although, I still have the link spam issue to deal with, hopefully sooner than later. This also seems to have copied some text from one post and put it into another so I have some posts that are 2 in one. If you notice any of this let me know so I can correct it. I also have 2 security plugins installed that will hopefully help prevent this in the future and help me to clean this link spam up. (5 Jun 2019)

Domain Move: At some point I will also be moving this to a new domain too: which makes more sense, since I go by that pseudonym all over the interwebs! Done! (11 Jun 2019)

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James O'Neill

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