Happy Birthday - Cat with a golden gun riding a fire breathing unicorn Happy Birthday – Cat with a golden gun riding a fire breathing unicorn

It’s My Birthday (2021)4 min read

Globalization Holiday Politics Resource Based Economy


If you are one of those few people who would like to do something for me for my birthday, which is coming up really soon (Nov 16), then here are a few ideas for you so you do not have to wonder what to do. <3

I am here to help! =)

I. Support Me and My Political Work Directly

A. Support My Political Work Directly

B. Read, Follow, and Share My Policies

Please take the time to read, follow, and share my policies:

C. Read and Share My Post-Capitalism Posts

Please take the time to read and share the following posts of mine which are all related:

D. Follow and Share My Live Streaming

Join me 3 times a week for progressive political talk:

  • Tuesdays for about 2 hours between 5:00pm – 7:00pm US CST.
  • Thursdays for about 2 hours between 5:00pm – 7:00pm US CST.
  • Saturdays for about 2 hours between 3:00pm – 5:00pm US CST.

Currently, I am using Restream.io in order to simultaneously stream to the following 4 services, so please follow and share:

… so you can watch my live stream in any of these places.

If you want to comment and participate you will want to sign up for a Twitch account and chat with me that way.

II. Support Peter Joseph

If you do not want to support me directly and would prefer to support someone more politically significant than I, then please, support Peter Joseph and his all important work!!

A. Buy, Read, and Share “The New Human Rights Movement”

Book Cover for The New Human Rights Movement by Peter Joseph
Book Cover for
The New Human Rights Movement
by Peter Joseph

For me, this is the most important thing you can do for me and it will be the greatest gift you really can give me:

Purchase this book The New Human Rights Movement for yourself and read it.  Seriously! Read it!

Here are links to where you can order this book.

This book is perhaps the most important book in the last 50 years. If I could buy this book for everyone in the world I would. This book is worth just for the amazing Appendix on Sustainable Energy technologies. This book forms the fundamental basis for my political policies on Interstellar New Deal too.

This is one of the most powerful and life changing books I have read. It has changed me and opened my eyes in ways I never thought possible.

When you are done reading this amazing book give it to someone else so they can read or ask them to do the same for you.

B. Watch InterReflections

Once you have read The New Human Rights Movement Then you will want to watch InterReflections which is also created by Peter Joseph, the author of the above book. This movie is an Avant-guard narrative presentation of the information from his book.

C. Support His Patreon Campaign

You can also support Peter through his Patreon Campaign too!

D. Listen to his Podcast Revolution Now!

You can also listen to his weekly podcast Revolution Now! through various places. I usually listen it through YouTube.

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James O'Neill

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