Gay on Trial: Why more than marriage is at stake in the federal legal challenge to Prop. 8

The article Gay on Trial: Why more than marriage is at stake in the federal legal challenge to Prop. 8 (the American Prospect) has a great run-down on the current state of the gay rights movement especially in light of the famous lawyers David Boies and Ted Olson taking up the case. The only part […]

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“Stand by Me” – Playing for Change

This just shows the power of the internet to bring people together. I could listen to this sort of music all day. Playing for Change brings musicians from around the world to perform for each song in a beautiful and progressive layering of talent from around the world – Zimbabwe, India, Ireland, Tibet, United States, […]

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Facebook for Scientists gets Millions in Funding

In 2008 I listed some Notes to the Obama Administration and in part of that was having research between different organizations or researchers being more publicly and/or centrally located so that work is not repeated and researchers can more closely work together and share insights to allow more rapid scientific advancement. This Facebook for scientists […]

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Conservative Christian Vitriol with Reverend Manning

I started writing this post one third of the way through his vitriol laden rant fully expecting not much was going to change by the end, buy and nothing did change.I did watch the whole thing before finishing this post. The Louisiana Gun: The Manning Bar (on YouTube as well) with Reverend Dr. James David […]

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Debate: Is Religion a Force for Good or Evil in the World?

A little about me: I am a 35 year old white married male of the Unitarian Unversalist and Centrist persuasions. I have never been a prostitute, used the services of a prostitute, nor known or known anyone who knew a prostitute. I am writing this post in a response to a debate I am participating […]

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