Holocene Era Calendar Reform

A New Year Zero for Humanity’s Calendars

Here is a neat calendar reform video which suggests that we start our calendrical history not at 2,000 years ago which pays homage to a single culture and religious belief, but on one that unifies all of humanity and honors more of human history, by starting our counting with the first stone structure ever created by humanity. This is also referred to as the Holocene Calendar or the Human Era Calendar. All we do is add 10,000 years to the year count and we are there. Go ahead and watch the video and give it a think: A New History for Humanity – The Human Era. 

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Review of Calendar Reforms

I am going to write what I think is required for a successful world-wide secular calendar and for calendar reform. I will also list my reviews of the various calendar reform attempts too. I also have a spread sheet with point based ratings of the various Calendar Reform attempts, which also includes a comparison to our current world-wide secular calendar which is the Gregorian Calendar (Wikipedia). I have also posted a bunch of information, history, and issues with the Gregorian Calendar in my 45-page blog page on the Calendar Reform, so if you want to get the skinny on our calendar then please read through that post. It is a page turner, let me tell ya.

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Reformed International Fixed Calendar

A Reformed International Calendar (rIFC)

If you do not know what the International Fixed Calendar (IFC) is, why it matters, or why I would want to reform it, then please read my very large 45-page blog page on the Calendar Reform where I: first talk about the significant issues with our current Calendar, the Gregorian Calendar, and then talk about how the International Fixed Calendar (IFC) solves all of those issues. Towards the end of that large document I recommend some reforms to the IFC to help make it even better.

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What is leap year?

New Page: Calendar Reform

In over a decade of me trying to figure out why our world is so messed up there have been quite a few ideas I have come up with or have discovered when thinking about how to make the world a simpler or better place, reform such as: time, metrics, language, culture, economy, and many others. However, here is one area of reform which you may have not ever considered, because it is such an integral part of our everyday life: Calendar Reform.

I had originally written about this topic for my micronational work (Republic of Talossa) in April of 2006, so this rewrite is a fairly significant expansion of my previous work, as well as being an attempt to put this idea before a much larger audience through my personal blog. My previous work was about 1,300 words and this one is approximately 13,000 words because, now, I am attempting to show you how and why and not just tell you, which I hope will be powerful!

Why do we need calendar reform you ask? Well, Hopefully, I can make that case here, so settle in for a ride that is going to ask you to think A LOT about our calendar, which we take for granted and give very little thought to about how we plan things and how it affects us in our daily lives.

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