Continuum of Socialism

The Continuum of Socialism, an Explanation

I am writing this post to help people understand:

* why there is so much confusion and such a strong aversion to the word Socialism today

* why it is very, very misplaced

* how we need to reframe the socialism conversation.

Part of these problems are due to:

* our massively broken education system
* over a hundred years of governmental propaganda and continuously stoked fears

There are technical definitions and then there is the more colloquial usage. I will cover both in this article just for completeness and to help relieve some of the confusion.

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Continuum of Capitalism (Oligarchy vs Communism vs Socialism)

Continuum of Capitalism, an Explanation

This post will discuss my set of Continuum of Capitalism infographics which were added to my post: The Cancer of Capitalism and Its Antidote. I want to explain this idea more because, in that post, I just post these two graphics and do not explain it or do I explain my ideas on economic systems at all. Keep in mind, that this post is speaking in very simplified and very broad and sweeping terms. 

If you have NOT read my Cancer of Capitalism post from above, then please go read it NOW!!

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