"You have betrayed not only yourself and everything you have fought for, but also all of those true progressives who saw you and Bernie Sanders as our last hope for real change. That hope in us has almost been snuffed out, not only with you selling out and supporting Hillary who is the woman who stands for everything you have been fighting against, but also by not endorsing Bernie Sanders early on when he really, really needed it. You had that chance to turn the tides to make a real difference, to change the world, to be a part of a really, really historic moment, but you chose cowardice instead." “You have betrayed not only yourself and everything you have fought for, but also all of those true progressives who saw you and Bernie Sanders as our last hope for real change. That hope in us has almost been snuffed out, not only with you selling out and supporting Hillary who is the woman who stands for everything you have been fighting against, but also by not endorsing Bernie Sanders early on when he really, really needed it. You had that chance to turn the tides to make a real difference, to change the world, to be a part of a really, really historic moment, but you chose cowardice instead.”

Open Letter to Elizabeth Warren11 min read

Elections Politics
A quote from my post titled 'An Open Letter to Elizabeth Warren'
A quote from my post titled ‘An Open Letter to Elizabeth Warren’

Senator Warren,

I am a father, husband, small business owner, home owner and a Navy Veteran who was a part of Desert Storm. Over my 42 years of life and experience I have come to value the electoral process and have an understanding as to how important, powerful and corrupt the process is. I had formerly voted for Obama twice, but have since transitioned over to the Green Party because I wanted real change.

This Electoral Cycle

My emotions swelled this election cycle because my hope for our country’s future, my daughter’s future, and the world was truly embodied in two people – Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. These two principled progressives who form the rallying cry of the progressive movement in the Congress trying fight-by-fight to hold the corrupt system and politicians accountable. I am sickened to know that I was wrong in this to instill my hope in BOTH of you.

I expected Obama’s endorsement of Hillary since he had also sold out quite a while ago, which was shown horrendously when he supported and still supports the TPP (and other things). You have NOT endorsed Hillary because she is the right candidate, a principled candidate with the right positions. She is not a better candidate than Bernie Sanders – not by an order of magnitude. She is worse in pretty much every way. Perhaps, the most important way is that she is worse is because of her judgement (or lack thereof). She has had to apologize or flip-flop to be on the right side of almost all of the issues and to be on the right side of history. In stark contrast to her – for almost every stupid decision that America has made in the last 30 years there is a video of Bernie Sanders who was sometimes the sole voice trying to prevent it. What more reason do you really need to say NO to Hillary and YES to Bernie? Judgment matters. Judgement prevents the problems, saves lives, and does not create them so that we have to apologize later with many lives destroyed in its wake. I have felt so strongly about how bad a candidate Hillary is that I wrote a massive post titled ‘Why I am NOT voting for Hillary 2016” where I even have your very important Bill Moyers interview linked and this interview has formed a cornerstone to my view of Hillary and her politics.


What does this portend for Hillary’s future potential presidency? It will be soiled and mired by a string of flat-yet-expected apologies where history will see her for what she is – corrupt, and with broken moral compass, and  unable to see the right side of the issues . How much will Americans and the world at large suffer because of her inability to see the right answers to the issues that face us even though Bernie Sanders has shown himself to be uncannily prophetic? You are endorsing a woman with bad judgement and whose only response to destroying people’s lives is “I am sorry. I was wrong. Vote for me anyhow because I am a woman and because I am not Trump!!” That is her only real selling point. She is not Donald Trump and that is a sad, sad statement.

Your Endorsement of Hillary

When I had heard that you were going to endorse Hillary I became sick to my stomach. I felt betrayed, confused, and disillusioned. I barely had the stomach to watch your endorsement on Rachel Maddow.


You have decided to support Hillary for one really sad reason – out of fear – the fear of a Donald Trump presidency. You have sold the American people out. You have sold yourself out. You have sold out the democratic process by supporting her and the party that has chosen to subvert the democratic process through voter suppression, money laundering , collusion, and electoral fraud. She will lose to Donald Trump (or whoever their candidate ends up being). She will lose because the Democratic Party and their corporate owners betrayed the people and engaged in horrible and despicable acts to force a heinously incompetent and corporate candidate upon us. Hillary is a candidate who listens to the corporations and not the people as she has well proven.

In case you and the Democratic Party have not noticed the tides of history have changed. We may not have the anger or gumption that many Europeans have, but we are angry. We no longer want corruption and corporate control. We want real justice and true change for the people and you said ‘NO’ to that when you endorsed Hillary. You said yes to more of the same. It makes me sad to say that you will end up joining Hillary to be on the wrong side of history when she eventually loses. The Bernie or Bust movement is a clarion call to the world, to the establishment, to the corruption found in our government that we have had enough, that we are done. Things will change even if you do not see it, but I know you see it. I know you know it. I know that for whatever reason you have sold yourself to the control of the corrupt Democratic Party and their corporate owners, and have betrayed your values and principles poisoning your potential legacy. This saddens me greatly because you are better than this, at least, I thought you were.

You have made the same mistake that the American people have been trained to make by the mainstream media and the corporate owned and reinforced two-party system. They want you to vote your fears and not your values, for in this we are all easier to control.  I made that mistake in 2012 when I wanted to vote for Jill Stein, but I let fear force me to vote for Obama so that Romney would not win. I stayed up all night watching the votes come in with my stomach roiling, especially since Romney took an early lead. I will never do that again. I will never again vote my fears. I will be brave. I will have my voice truly heard. I will have my vote count. I will vote my conscience. It seems that you do not have the same courage in the electoral process that you have in fighting big banks. I expected better of you, Senator, Warren.  I really, really did. You were a hero of mine. You are not a villain to me yet, but I do pity you and how you really must feel inside doing this despicable act for whatever misguided  reasons you have.

I also used to greatly support Rachel Maddow  who was one of the few remaining progressive voices in the news before she also betrayed us by selling out to the establishment. Now you, one of the few people I respected in politics, have done the same. You have betrayed not only yourself and everything you have fought for, but also all of those true progressives who saw you and Bernie Sanders as our last hope for real change. That hope in us has almost been snuffed out, not only with you selling out and supporting Hillary who is the woman who stands for everything you have been fighting against, but also by not endorsing Bernie Sanders early on when he really, really needed it. You had that chance to turn the tides to make a real difference, to change the world, to be a part of a really, really historic moment, but you chose cowardice instead. I do not know if Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Establishment has some dirt on you or if you have really been playing progressives as the fools for so many years, but what you have done is unforgivable.  It is like you have completely forgotten the sort of corrupt politician she is. One to which you yourself have brought to light by your interview with Bill Moyers. It seems somewhat convenient that you have forgotten this.

As I am sure you are well aware Hillary has not really changed since then. She is still corrupt and flip-flops when it is politically expedient. She is not a politician that is guided by principles and by what is best for the people. She is guided by money, power, and a ruthless desire to be president – nothing else. We thought that you were also guided by principles like Bernie Sanders, but it seems like we were wrong. You have betrayed everything you have ever stood for and are now cavorting with the enemy. When the going got tough you folded like a sheet.

In Closing

We progressives had feared this possibility of you endorsing Hillary or running with her to try to “unite the party” to try to mitigate how much progressives revile Hillary and do not want to vote for her. We feared this moment that you would show a sign of weakness, a loss of principles, and it has come to pass. I never could have imagined that you would do this for I thought better of you. It is hard to unite a party when most of us who vote for Bernie are Independents and some Democrats, and with Independents being the largest voting block your support will end up backfiring. We do not want Hillary. We do not want Trump. We want a truly progressive candidate like Bernie Sanders or Jill Stein.

With the “Democratic” Party engaging in voter suppression, money laundering as well electoral fraud and corruption for Hillary Clinton and her campaign how can our dreams of real change not be completely crushed? When one of our cherished progressive icons says ‘Yes, I support this icon of corruption and power. This is what I want.‘ and we are supposed to accept this and fall in line? The hope for my daughter’s future has just been ransacked and sold out. I cannot say that I have not truly considered moving to Norway or Sweden before, but your betrayal of your progressive values has made me consider it again because the future for this country and the world just became much, much bleaker. Collectively we just witnessed the death of a progressive icon – Elizabeth Warren.

You had my respect. You had my support. You were one of my personal heroes, someone who gave me hope. Now, you are a sad sign of the insidious toll that corruption and fear can take on a politician, even one as formerly principled as yourself.  I know the following will not mean much to you at all, especially because I am not a constituent of Massachusetts, but I have unfriended you on Facebook, unfollowed you on Twitter, and I have unsubscribed myself from your newsletter. You have lost me. You have lost my support. Mrs. Warren, I really, really hope you find your way before it is too late.


James O’Neill

#WhyWarrenWhy #WarrenFear  #ValuesNotFear #WarrenBetrayal

#HillNo #BernieOrBust #StillSanders #Sanders2016

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2 thoughts on “Open Letter to Elizabeth Warren

  1. For those who say Bernie is selling out…

    You never listened.

    He has always said 1. Hillary would be a much better president than Trump, even given his strong objections to what she represents; and 2. that Trump must be stopped.

    Bernie-or-busters invented “Bernie or Bust!” Bernie didn’t.

    Bernie isn’t a buster, never was and never endorsed it. He won’t support it in the general.

    I respect all Bernie is doing still, including staying in the race for his super important role in moving Democratic party politics; fighting the corruption of big money, his very reason for running; and likewise for supporting Hillary Clinton at this juncture, if she’s the nominee. Bernie’s secret sauce is his constancy. He’s not one to blow in the wind.

    So, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. What is Ralph Nader’s legacy?

    Fair or not, Nader is remembered as the twatwaffle who marginalized the Green Party, emboldened the political party establishment, ended his career and launched George W. Bush through the world’s chest cavity. That indelible narrative is the EXACT OPPOSITE of the goals of the foolhardy Nader protest vote.

    So let’s open the dustbin of history and look inside. What WAS Nader known for prior to being a twatwaffle?

    The most important consumer advocate of the twentieth century. Every car you touch has Nader’s fingerprints — just for starters. (Pun.) How many Millennials know that?

    Bernie is far too serious to throw away his one priceless vote — and his political influence — to a privileged, pointless, suicidal tantrum. Bernie and his movement will be intact and relevant, hopefully, for a long time.

    I feel the Bern. I don’t feel the bust. (Neither does Bernie. Neither does Elizabeth Warren.)

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