Table of Contents
My 2020 Candidate List
If you are not sure who are some good potential candidates for the 2020 presidential election I will show you my current picks below. As painfully progressive as I am there are only 6 candidates that really matter to me. There are only 2 that will be viable candidates for the primary and general election. The others are great to boost the conversation. I have donated to them to try to get them on to the debate stage.
Please join me in helping to get these progressive voices on the debate stage so we can have a real conversation about change and the issues that America and the world are facing. Please donate to all 4. Even a few dollars here and there would help towards getting each of their individual donors to 65,000 which would enable us to get their progressive voices heard within a sea of corporate candidates.
If you want to see my platform if I ran for office then here it is:
Also keep in mind my post Why you need to vote in every… single… election!!
Progressive Litmus Test
If the candidate is not on board with these issues then the candidate is NOT worth looking at:
- Against
- corporate money in government or elections
- war
- genocide
- income inequality
- racism
- Pro
- electoral reform
- universal healthcare
- universal education
- unions and cooperative ownership
- acting aggressively against climate change
- free press
- shift to 100% renewable energy
The Final Four
Note: Keep in mind, I have not fully researched all of the below candidates and I will update this post as the months go on and I find out more.
The Primary Democratic Party Candidates
If Bernie (or one of these candidates) gets screwed out the nomination by the Democratic Party again through their engaging in electoral fraud, voter suppression, money laundering, and collusion like they did in 2016, then I will, of course, vote for the Green Party candidate… again. =)
Bernie Sanders

Of course, Bernie Sanders is my primary candidate and the one I will be voting for and giving the most money to (monthly donation). Over his lengthy political history starting in the 60’s from marching with Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights activism, to being elected mayor of Burlington and then senator of Vermont, his message of economic, political, and social justice has been consistent then as well as during the 2016 campaign, and now. He has proven himself a tireless candidate of the people. He gives me great hope for the future of Humanity.
Below is a video going over excerpts from over 30 years of speeches by Bernie Sanders:
- Donate to Bernie Sander’s Campaign
- Bernie Sanders 2020
- Bernie Sanders (Facebook)
- Bernie Sanders (Twitter)
- Bernie Sander (Wikipedia)
Tulsi Gabbard

Tulsi Gabbard is my second choice for president. She is a Gulf War Vet who, in 2016, stepped down from Vice President of the Democratic Party to support and campaign with Bernie. She is running now to aggressively bring an antiwar message to the presidential debates.
- Donate to Tulsi Gabbard’s campaign
- Tulsi Gabbard 2020
- Tulsi Gabbard (Facebook)
- Tulsi Gabbard (Twitter)
- Tulsi Gabbard (Wikipedia)
The Secondary Democratic Party Candidates
Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson
Even though I identify as a non-believer as an Agnostic Humanist, I am still willing to recommend, Marianne Williamson, a well known liberal Christian activist because she has many great progressive policy positions. My wife has one of her poems on the wall of our yoga studio:
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
Marianne Williamson
- Donate to Marianne Williamson’s campaign
- Marianne Williamson 2020
- Marianne Williamson (Facebook)
- Marianne Williamson (Twitter)
- Marianne Williamson (Wikipedia)
Mike Gravel

He has some great policies and has been speaking out against American imperialism and warmongering for many, many years as a Senator from Alaska from 1969 to 1981. His antiwar voice is desperately needed.
- Donate to Mike Gravel’s campaign
- Mike Gravel 2020
- Mike Gravel (Facebook)
- Mike Gravel (Twitter)
- Mike Gravel (Wikipedia)
The Very Important Progressive Non-Democrats
The Green Party Candidate – Howie Hawkins

I am biased here because I identify as a Green and have even been a member of the GPUS national committee. Honestly, the Green Party is my real first choice for any position, however, with the incredible amount of corruption in our system as I write about here:
… unfortunately makes it essentially impossible for a Green to win the presidency without a major revolution, which we really, really need.
I voted for Jill Stein in the last election due the Democratic Party engaging in electoral fraud, voter suppression, money laundering, and collusion, and because there was no other candidate on the ballot that was worthy of my vote.
This year though, it appears that Howie Hawkins, one of the the founders of the Green Party Movement in the US, may be looking to throw his hat into the ring. I have just donated to him and so should you too. There is no other party that puts people and the environment ahead of everything else. Their voice should be heard within the din of the multitudes of corporate owed candidates. This should not be surprising but, his platform ends up looking very similar to my platform.
Even the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges endorses him!!
Here is his official campaign declaration video:
- Donate to Howie Hawkins’ campaign
- Howie Hawkins 2020
- Howie Hawkins (Facebook)
- Howie Hawkins (Twitter)
- Howie Hawkins (Wikipedia)
- Howie Hawkins (Green Party US)
Money Free Party – Steve Saylor

If you really, want to get down with the sickness with radical, radical change then you may want to look at the Money Free Party. I know, it really sounds strange. Just take a look at what Steve Saylor has to say – he has nine videos for you, but here is the first to get you started:
Here are the rest of the videos if you would like to learn more: Money Free Party Campaign Videos with Steve Saylor.
- Saylor 2020
- Money Free Party USA
- Money Free Party USA (Facebook)
- Money Free Party (Twitter)
- Money Free Party (Wikipedia)
Comments on Other Democratic Candidates

Grab Bag of Corporate Stooges
The rest of the Democratic Party candidates are corporate stooges and their policies and histories reflect that, so do not even bother taking a look:
- Kamala Harris
- Joe Biden
- Beto O’Rourke
- Corey Booker
Elizabeth Warren

With Elizabeth Warren’s betrayal of Progressives in 2016 I will not really be considering her as a candidate unless the Green Party candidate is absolute crap. It has also come to light that she did not endorse him because Hillary was considering her for Vice President – great political move there, Lizzy. She has decided to not take corporate money only during the primary, but will accept corporate money during the general, sooo… Meh! Not that I am at all bitter! =(
Pete Buttigieg

On a first glance he looks great on paper and hits many of the wonderful qualities that we may look for in a progressive democratic candidate:
- young (38)
- gay
- former Navy – Afghanistan
- well educated – a Harvard Rhodes Scholar
- speaks 8 languages
- very articulate
When I had originally heard about him and that he was running for office I was like “Ooooh! He sounds interesting.”. However, harmful identity politics aside, all of those are irrelevant and have zero bearing on his actual platform and beliefs which is what really matters:
- corporate owned – takes corporate money
- oligarch owned – 44 billionaires
- pro-genocide by supporting Israel
- does not support free speech: against BDS movements
- does not support a free press: against whistleblower protections
- against universal healthcare – uses Republican talking points
- against universal education
- supports the draft so that our children can die for corporate profit
…and so much more! =(
He will end being much like Obama who made the neo-liberal bombing of innocent people and corporate whoredom go down smooth.