Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Return from the Ocean by Free Xenon (24 Dec 2022) – My First Track

Saturday, January 28th, 2023


I have been wanting to start attempting to make music for a while, especially to create music for our yoga studio. I finally gave it a twirl while I was creating a romantic video for my wife as a Christmas present. A part of that process was creating this as background music for the video, although this was not the vibe or type of music that was really needed for that sort of video.

Keep in mind I have zero idea what I am doing… zero!
Anyhow, below is my first attempt.

I. Return from the Ocean

A. Track Overview

This was created with FL Studio and made from the sweet sounds from The ocean sounds (from Cancun, Mexico) are pulled pulled from here – Sleep Ocean Soundscape in Cancun, Mexico – Relaxing Early Morning Sea Sounds,

Here is a a Twitter quote about this track:

Ambient techno with cavitation and a little triphop. It’s not bad at all. I’ve heard much much worse in 18 years of reviewing music.

Eric Saeger

I don’t understand most of what he said, but I will take it!! 😊 ❤

B. The Track (4 min 18 sec)

Return from the Ocean by Free Xenon

II. New Track in the Works – Funk’s Nightmare

I am working on a new track, but it will be a while before I get a chance to finish it because tax season has hit. Here is a sample of the first approximately 1 minute, which is all I currently have done. About when this is ending I am expecting to add a hip-hop drum fill of sorts and then have it explode with more intense music.

Funk’s Nightmare – the first ~1 minute

Starting a Twitch Stream

Sunday, August 25th, 2019


I am starting a Twitch stream where I will concentrate on playing turn based strategy games while I wait for someone to pop in to talk politics! This idea might be a complete train wreck or it may be educational, hopefully for all. We Shall SEEE!!

Here is my stream: Free Xenon @ Twitch

What Games Will I Play?

I will be looking to play mostly turn based strategy games because my hands can no longer handle FPS (first-person shooter) based games because I have RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury). Also, because of that, you will also see me wearing wrist braces too.

I will be playing these games at various times:

Currently, I started BattleTech with a new career whose lance is named Stone Heart’s Legion.

Lets Also Talk Shop

If you stop in to see me play we can also talk politics if you like too!
If you do not know me very well, I am very progressive, so be prepared! =)

Streaming Schedule

I am just getting started so I do NOT have a set schedule yet. I am hoping that when school starts for my daughter (which is soon) to attempt to stream regularly on Fridays during the day, and possibly one other day too.

Update (22 Oct 2019): Currently, my schedule is:

  • Fridays: from 11:00am – 2:00pm US CST where I will play games and a
  • Saturdays: I try to fit in 1 hour of streaming where I can. This is a Just Chatting session, so I will sit there and ramble on a topic or two until someone pops in.

New Page: About My Blog

Wednesday, June 19th, 2019

I quickly added a page titled About My Blog which has 2 sections to it:

  • A small section on what this blog is about.
  • A larger section detailing my website history on the interwebs from 1999 to today which includes screenshots.

Amazing D&D Cartoon Inspired Commercial from Renault of Brazil!

Saturday, June 15th, 2019



Growing up I had always been a fan of fantasy and science fiction, but my first introduction to what would be come one of the most powerful influences in my life, role playing games, was the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon from the mid-1980’s (1983-1985). This cartoon is what inspired me to look for someone to teach me this amazing game which led to a life of great friendships and memories as well as a powerful hobby that I still do to this day.

First Episode of the D&D Cartoon

The series is definitely a bit cheesy by today’s standards of animation and writing, but in its day… wow! Below you can watch the first episode which I found on YouTube:

Dungeons & Dragons (Ep. 01) The Night of No Tomorrow

It seems you can also watch full series of the Dungeons and Dragons Cartoon on YouTube too! Yea!

Learn More

The Video

Without any further ado, here is the video Cave of the Dragon Commercial by Renault of Brazil for their KWID Outsider:
Cave of the Dragon Commercial in Brazil for Renault’s KWID Outsider.

English Captions For Video

Here’s the translation until someone makes proper subtitles:

Sheila: Do it, Bobby!
Bobby: Arrrrgh!

(Cave crashes)

Bobby: Uniiii..?

(Venger comes flying)

Hank: It’s Venger! Run!
Sheila: Do it, Eric!
Eric: Arrrrgh!

(Car stops near party)

DM: Time to return home, kids!
ALL: Let’s go.

(Car pursued by Venger)

Venger: Fools! You’ll never escape!
Hank: Go, go, go, go, go!

Eric: Presto, do something!
Venger: Noooooooo!

(Car goes through portal)

Narrator: Leave the impossible behind.

ALL: We’re back!
Bobby: Wait… where’s Uni?

Narrator: New Renault Kwid Outsider, the Compact SUV.

Relaxation for Humans by Daleks (Video)

Friday, August 31st, 2018

Here is great video showing what would happen if Daleks made a relaxation tape for humans.

If you are angry with a “Third Party Split” then you have no idea what is going on.

Wednesday, August 8th, 2018
"But the third parties split..." "Blame the system and not the people"
“But the third parties split…”
“Blame the system and not the people”

With America’s 2018 mid-term electoral cycle (and all of its other electoral cycles) where the US’s few major 3rd parties (Green Party and Libertarian) consistently’ish on the ballots and affecting the electoral result, some of you are blaming these 3rd parties for the duopoly party’s loss. If you are doing this then you have no idea what is going and you are pissed at the wrong thing. You need to get your self woke! I am not even kidding here. Your ignorance is hurting us all.

You are pissed at a symptom (a fever) instead of being pissed at the problem (virus which caused the fever). Doing so is as ridiculous and useless as being mad at a knife wound you are bandaging while the murderer is still stabbing you every 2 years. Perhaps it would behoove you to stop the murder (heinously broken electoral system) and console the victims instead of victim blaming (the American People and their few parties).

Fixing the system is the only way this is going to get better. This is the only thing that makes sense, although you have to be able to see the forest for the trees, to be able to understand the bigger picture if there is going to be any change. If you cannot identify the root cause then you cannot solve the problem.

First, you will need to accept that we in America, in no way, have anything resembling a democracy. The politicians, media, and entertainment industry keeps us believing that we do. It is an world-wide embarrassment for any American to state the the US is a democracy. Then you can my articles talking about the real problems that create this situation and the real solutions to it:

If you would like to see what my polices would be like if I ran for office where I would target these issues, then read my policy site:

Are you ready to really enlighten yourself even more, to really, really, really understand the most powerful issue facing humanity and how to fix it, I have a post for your to read. I am warning you, that you may not be prepared for what I am about to tell you. Prepare to have your illusions shattered: Read my post The Cancer of Capitalism.