Supernatural Series Parodies by The Hillywood Show (Video)2 min read


I just found out about these two parody songs of the Supernatural series (which I LOVE, BTW) by The Hillywood Show. These are great fun if you love the series! They also have parodies for other geeky stuff like: Lord of the Rings, Twilight, Stranger Things, Doctor Who, and more…

When I first encountered the S1 video I did not get it. Hilly does not look at all like Dean and Osric, as amazing as he is, does not look like Sam. Then, when S2 came out and I watched it and then I watched S1 again. Then I got it.

These are fun and reverent homages to the Supernatural series. Now, I cannot stop listening to them, especially S1, which is an amazing tribute to the Mark of Caine storyline.

Parody 1 (May 2015) – Supernatural Seasons 9-11

The first one is from 2015: Supernatural Parody 1 by the Hillywood Show which is sung to the song: “Shake It Off” by Twenty One Two.

SPOILERS: Do not watch if you are do not want spoilers because they start with spoilers material right at the first cut. This video is spoiler heavy for seasons 9 – 11. Watch those 3 seasons first before you watch this Parody. You have been warned!!! 

Parody 2 (Aug 2018) – Supernatural – General

This one is for the overall series and there are no spoilers so you may watch this one at your leisure! It is amazing and fun with much more of the Supernatural Cast cast participating! I am loving Misha’s part! This one is magnificently sung to Ray Parker Jr’s soundtrack song to the movie Ghostbusters.

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