The ADHD Iceberg by Finuccni Alfredo What people think ADHD is: trouble focusing and fidgeting What ADHD really is: * difficulty maintaining relationships * depression * difficulty following and maintaining conversations * fidgeting * sensory processing disorder * financial problems * anxiety * uncontrollable fidgeting * poor sense of time * 'all or nothing' * trouble recalling commonly used words * sleeping problems * hyperfixations * auditory processing disorder * executive dysfunction * inability to focus even if there are no distractions * poor impulse control * mood swings * rejective sensitive dysphoria * losing items relentlessly * forgetting to eat, sleep, go to the bathroom * difficulty switching tasks or inability to stick to one * problems focusing on things even if they are of interest * choice paralysis * trouble regulating emotions * chronic unemployment * forgetting thoughts 0.2 seconds after having them

My Journey into ADHD! (2023)

Introduction My daughter (age 14) and I (age 49) were recently diagnosed with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in February 2023 and April 2023 respectively, and I am very excited for both of us. Now that we know that we are part of the neurodiverse community we can begin to work towards understanding ourselves better and […]

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Crazy eyed guy in dress pants and shirt with stripped tie in front of a pin board full of papers with pins with red string connecting various points through the papered mess. Related accessibility words are overlain upon the image with random alignments and positioning.

Accessibility Auditing is Harmful for the Web: A Clarion Call for Systemic Change in Our Approach as Accessibility Advocates and Auditors

This post will go over the issues with accessibility auditing as an industry standard, and I will make a call for larger order systemic change in the industry, so that we can solve the web’s accessibility issues relatively “quickly” – in five or so years.

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Carl Sagan from his Keynote Speech at the Emerging Issues Forum in Cornell University in Feb of 1990

Carl Sagan’s Keynote Speech at the 5th Emerging Issues Forum (1990)

Introduction If you have not watched this amazing video of Carl Sagan from his Keynote Speech at the 5th Emerging Issues Forum in Feb of 1990 (1 hour 5 min) where he talks about climate change, then do it NOW! Sadly, his powerful and amazingly prophetic words are still very, very relevant today. I also […]

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Screen Cap - The Perimeter of Ignorance - Neil deGrasse Tyson

Video: “The Perimeter of Ignorance” (Neil deGrasse Tyson)

Introduction I am not sure how I have not shared this here yet, but a quite a few years ago I found this wonderful video of a presentation given by the notorious NdT (Neil deGrasse Tyson) at Beyond Belief: Science, Religion, Reason, and Survival from 2006. The title of his presentation is “The Perimeter of […]

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What is leap year?

New Page: Calendar Reform

In over a decade of me trying to figure out why our world is so messed up there have been quite a few ideas I have come up with or have discovered when thinking about how to make the world a simpler or better place, reform such as: time, metrics, language, culture, economy, and many others. However, here is one area of reform which you may have not ever considered, because it is such an integral part of our everyday life: Calendar Reform.

I had originally written about this topic for my micronational work (Republic of Talossa) in April of 2006, so this rewrite is a fairly significant expansion of my previous work, as well as being an attempt to put this idea before a much larger audience through my personal blog. My previous work was about 1,300 words and this one is approximately 13,000 words because, now, I am attempting to show you how and why and not just tell you, which I hope will be powerful!

Why do we need calendar reform you ask? Well, Hopefully, I can make that case here, so settle in for a ride that is going to ask you to think A LOT about our calendar, which we take for granted and give very little thought to about how we plan things and how it affects us in our daily lives.

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The Gay Debate: The Bible and Homosexuality [video]

This is sad but true. The Tea Part has no real grasp on what America really is or who our founders really are. They claim to be Christians and hide behind claims of righteousness, but violate Jesus’ words at every turn. Hypocrisy and fundamentalism at it worst. Matthew Vines speaks on the theological debate regarding […]

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