And then they said "What about black on black crime?".

Thoughts on the Statistic of the Black on Black Murder Rate Being Higher than White on White Murder

Introduction A. Post Genesis So, yesterday (Friday, 10 Jul 2020), during my Twitch stream (Saturday ~11:00am – 2:00pm CST) and once on my Facebook feed I had people bring up the the statistic that the black on black murder rate is higher than the white on white murder rate: l think a major problem that […]

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Lesser of Two Evil Voting - Sheep Voting for Wolf or Lion

Lesser of the Two-Evils Voting is Antithetical to Democracy

Introduction A. Long Post!! I was not planning on this post being so large (~13k words and 37 pages). I was expecting it to be a few thousand words at most. I mean, how complicated could Lesser of Two-Evils Voting really make things? This is most likely the second largest post that I have written, […]

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Eberron - Karrnathi troops with black Karrnathi banner vs Cyran troops with green Cyran banners.

New Eberron Campaign – Secrets in Eberron?

Once I had originally purchased the DnD Beyond version of the Eberron book I created a character or two and the single character I kept from that small amount of playing is the one that I am using for this campaign. I am going to be playing a House Deneith Dragonmarked Human Male Fighter. This is a smidge significant, because I NEVER play humans. Yes, I am that guy. Oooh, I did play a human female in our first FFG Star Wars game a several years ago though! Here, I was specifically looking to play a soldiery dragonmarked race.

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Eberron - Huge battle scene on a lightning rail with a Talenta halfling riding a pterasaur, a 2-weapon wielding Warforged soldier, and a goblin artificer being assaulted by at least 4 darkly clad assailants.

The Fate of Eberron 5E

In this post I will attempt to provide a way to use Fate Core’s amazing storytelling tools to help drive and maintain the game forward and to increase the depth of storytelling. There are some differences in the way characters are created from the standard setting so I will go over how to pull that all together into one integrated process so that everyone wins, even the DM.

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Aerial close up of the city resource center (The Venus Project)

What Could the Cities of Tomorrow Under a Resource Based Economy Look Like?

The world of tomorrow cannot be built upon the infrastructure of yesterday. James O’Neill Introduction If you do not know what a Resource Based Economy is then you will want to check out my posts below for more information: The Cancer of Capitalism and Its Antidote How will a RBE Work? What will it look like? Productivity […]

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Tension within Monetary Systems Flow Chart

Tension and the Harms of Methods of Exchange

The genesis for this post is from my weekend Twitch stream where I stream politics on Fridays (for ~3 hours) and Saturdays (for ~ 1 hour). I was wanting to add something different to my stream to help make my thoughts clearer to others, so I was thinking using Scapple which is an amazing mind mapping tool that I use A LOT when I write or when I need to attempt to clarify my thinking (such as you see in this post).

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Alien: The Role Playing Game banner

The Fate of Alien RPG

After completing our Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) campaign – Descent to Avernus – we will most likely be shifting over to a new survival horror system – Alien RPG. We usually take a sci-fi break every so often between D&D games which is always welcomed. In this post I will offer a quick analysis of the system and provide a way to use Fate’s amazing storytelling tools to help drive and maintain the game driving forward and to increase the depth of storytelling.

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Xiyatiar-Class Heavy Transport

The Fate of Icarus, The Dark Matter-Mandalorian Inspired Star Wars Campaign

Introduction So, our RPG group is about to finish Balder’s Gate: Descent into Avernus where Zazzu, my Female Tiefling Warlock who now wields Zariel’s sword, will hopefully be able to redeem the fallen angel, Zariel, and bring her back to the the light. Here is my post on the starting of this campaign if you […]

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Reclaim Armistice Day (Nov 11) - Veterans For Peace

A Veteran’s Reflection on Veterans Day

Today I went to my daughter’s school’s Veterans Day program. Once I returned home from that I started writing first by putting my thoughts into a few Facebook posts and then moved those thoughts to a draft blog post as I am want to do. I really needed to get it out of my head, and because of that I also live streamed my thoughts on this through my Twitch channel too. It was an emotional day and I am NOT that sort of guy.

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I agree with the president (Trump): If you don't like it here then you can leave. See how many people will post this.

Open Letter to Conservatives Who Think Progressives Should Just GTFO If They do Not Like It

Introduction If any of you know me in real life you may or may not know that my entire family (as far as I am aware) is conservative – some even blindly so. As agonizingly progressive as I am this makes family events a very delicate thing. My mother and I cannot even broach a […]

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Full Painting for Balder's Gate Descent to Avernus Books Cover

New D&D Campaign – Descent into Avernus

We finished Dragon Heist/Dungeon of the Mad Mage 6 weeks ago (3 sessions ago because we play every 2 weeks) and we excitedly moved on to Balder’s Gate: Descent to Avernus. Currently, we just finished our second session of Descent into Avernus and our party makeup seems just a little weird to me, but that will be fun… I think! =)

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Arthur Fleck Laughing Despairingly on a Bus (Joker 2019)

Themes, Messages, and Symbolism from the Movie “Joker”

I just saw the movie (Wed, 9 Oct 2019) and then was able to watch the movie again a week later (Wed, 16 Oct 2009) with my mother, and was able to take some quick notes to help fill out my rather large post. I really, really wish I had a DVD of this or was able to stream this so I can do this movie and post some real justice! There is so much more I am missing, but alas!

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