I took the Political Compass test again here on 29 Apr 2024 to see where I stand with my politics. I cannot imagine it has changed too much, hoping that I am closer to the left-hand side, than when I have taken it before: My Political Tests 2019.
Since there are memes being passed around Facebook about the book “The Dawn of Everything” vs “Sapiens”, here are my comments from my read of this book a few years ago. I have not read Sapiens yet, so I will not comment on that, although it seems I need to sooner than later.
I. My Comments on the Dawn of Everything
I know a lot of people worship the ground that the late great David Graeber walks on, but the worship of any intellectual is always bad because it creates an emotional blind spot and unwillingness to accept and consider critique, which is what I fear a lot of people will have with this book. That being said…
When I approached reading the book, I was worried about a significant bias with the work and I was not disappointed. The work has issues with a significant bias, an unwillingness to answer questions that conflict with the world view they are writing from, organizational issues, and other issues too. From early on in the book there are issues with how they classify of monumental architecture. Then there are issues with how they talk about flowing into and out of egalitarian and hierarchical social structures, and representing other scholars’ work.
It is really important when you read this book to understand that the work has significant ideological bias so you can read everything with grain a salt and critically question what they are talking about. However, even with the significant problems that this book has, I did take 100 pages worth of notes from the book for some writing I am working on.
II. Break Down of the Significant Issues with the Book by “This is Politics”
I knew there were issues with the book as I was reading it, but I could not put my finger on what exactly the problems were but, fortunately, this anthropologist went through the process of explaining all of the problems I had with the book in a 5 part video series:
Here is a quote from one the 3 videos that exemplifies some of the issues that are present within this book and how they contextualize (or not) their narrative, and it is in the style that the book writes in:
“No society demonstrates the power of political consciousness more than the members of the McDonalds tribe who shift from hierarchy to equality every week and even every day!
Workers and managers and franchise owners and corporate executives all form a chain of command of extreme political inequality. The low ranking workers have to obey dictates on how to dress and how to act and what they can and can’t say, and if they disobey, they are at the mercy of their manages who can eject from the tribe and leave them to fend for themselves, facing eviction from their homes and starvation. But then, every weekend and at the end of every shift, outside of the grounds of the holy MacDonald’s monumental architecture, even the godlike CEO chief has no power over the lowliest janitor. If they see each other at the grocery store or going for a walk in the hills, they greet each other as equal citizens.
What’s happening here is that McDonald workers understand different political possibilities, and they’re assembling and dismantling hierarchies for games and grand theatre, and expedience, on a weekly and even daily basis.”
10.4 What Causes Seasonal Political Structures? Graeber & Wengrow’s The Dawn of Everything Ch. 3
I have shared text like this a few times over the past year and have had to retype it a few times after not being able to find where I last wrote it which is beginning to annoy me. So, now I am adding it as a blog post so I do not have to have to keep retyping it, especially since my thoughts have mostly settled on this thought line.
There is some academic support for what I am about to talk about, although I have only done a cursory search, and I want to write a book titled “Humanity’s Journey from Abundance to Scarcity and Back Again” which would talk about the concepts I propose here. However, this post will give you the very rough cut of some of the concepts.
I have added some related content to this blog post that was not originally covered on any of the Facebook posts, so you can start to see my larger thought line on a sort of a unified theory on how to explain how the world of today came to be, and how to eventually create a new and better world.
Also, keep in mind that what I posit here is descriptive and NOT prescriptive.
I. Entropy and Scarcity within Human Social Systems
Most of the thought lines within this post are fundamentally derived from this flow chart titled “Entropy and Scarcity within Human Social Systems“, which is a work in progress. I will go over it below since it is foundational to understand why the world is the way it is today. I talk about the beginning concepts of Entropy and Syntropy in the following post: The Tao of Entropy and Syntropy within Human Social Systems which is where this conversation all really begins, so please take a moment to read that post.
This flow chart, which flows left to right is broken down into 3 main sections and 6 steps, which are as follows:
Physics (4 parts which make 4 steps)
Evolutionary Psychology (2 parts which make 1 step)
Historical Sociocultural Weight and Entropic Bias (2 parts which make 1 step)
The top level list item gives the main concept, and the list below it contain very short notes that make up that concept from a very abstract vantage point.
A. Physics
The key thoughts here are (1) that all things are interdependent and interconnected, and that (2) reality has an Entropic bias (i.e. Entropic, destructive, or harmful things are easy to do and are the path of least resistance) due to the laws of physics within our universe.
Systems Theory and the Interdependence of All – From the First Law of Thermodynamics, A.K.A. The Law of Conservation of Energy, we learn that all things within the universe are one Interdependent and interconnected system, therefore the lens through which we should look and think about all things is Systems Theory.
Inviolable Law of Breakdown, Separation, and Change – From the Second Law of Thermodynamics, AKA Entropy, when combined with the First Law of Thermodynamics from above, we learn that Entropy is only ever increasing, that break down, separation, and Change are inviolable laws.
Systemic Bias Towards Entropy – Because all things are Interdependent and Entropy is always increasing, this continuously pushes all things towards diffusion, separation, and breakdown, which means that reality has an Entropic bias. Entropy is the path of least resistance, therefore it is always easier to destroy than it is to create.
Scarcity (Entropy) – Because Entropy will only ever increase over time, Scarcity, as a form of Entropy, will only ever increase over time.
B. Evolutionary Psychology
This section looks at male and female evolutionary psychology and thinks about this on a level that is before a person is even born, as in “What are our deeply seated evolutionary psychological predispositions?” before we even get to other genetic factors, or even before taking into account the biopsychosocial effects of environment on the parents, the gestational process, or the new born person.
1. Scarcity Triggers Male Predisposition for Entropy
Within environmental Scarcity males tend to be more dominant because they are physically larger and stronger and because these conditions trigger their evolutionary psychological predisposition towards competition (from competing for mates) which is an Entropic action.
This then opens up the door for them to engage in more Entropic and separative actions such as: tribalism, violence, exploitation, and patriarchy.
Males tend to be less dominant within environmental abundance.
2. Abundance Triggers Female Predisposition for Syntropy
I know this section will be deeply triggering for many as it has been in the few times I have posted it. I am still not happy with this part because it does not have conceptual parity with the previous section yet, but this is a starting point for further research.
Within environmental Abundance females tend to be more dominant because they are the life-givers (Syntropy) and because these conditions trigger their evolutionary psychological predisposition for cooperation and sharing.
Tendencies towards Syntropic systems and results.
Females are less dominant within environmental scarcity.
C. Historical Sociocultural Weight and Entropic Bias
1. Scarcity to Abundance
If a culture has been competitive and tribal (Entropic) for a long time due to resource scarcity, and then resource abundance manifests (Syntropy), it will take a long time for abundance to potentially wear down the current Entropic societal organization. Although, that might also never happen because of reality’s bias towards Entropic systems, ideals, and results. If the shift eventually does happen, then it will most likely only happen with extreme violence and devastation (Entropic movement) or, less likely, through a massive organized and peaceful social movement (Syntropic movement).
2. Abundance to Scarcity
If a culture has been cooperative and egalitarian for a long time (Syntropic) due to resource abundance, and then resources scarcity manifests (Entropy), it will take a while for scarcity to tear down that current Syntropic societal organization, but eventually it will (sooner than later) because of reality’s bias towards Entropic systems, ideals, and results. It is not a matter of IF it happens, but when it happens.
A. Relative Resource Availability within the Paleolithic
Homo Sapiens first evolved within the Paleolithic which was (at least within the last 500k years or so) 100k – 120k year colder and dryer “Ice Ages” or Glacial periods separated by 10k – 15k years of warmer Interglacial Periods (based upon Milankovitch Cycles). Tribes were more nomadic, egalitarian, and based on cooperation and sharing. Their limited resource needs (which were also limited due to very lower population densities) were easily met through hunting and gathering, and they lived within relative abundance. During this period there was no record of war, no violence, no slavery, or anything like that prior to 12,500 years ago (which marks the start of our current “Interglacial Period”).
B. Relative Resource Availability within the Neolithic
By the start of the Neolithic, Homo Sapiens had completed its Great Migration out of Central and South Africa and had out-competed and/or genocided its way throughout the world, ending Homo Erectus, Homo Neanderthalensis, and Homo Denisovans, as well as extincting the available megafauna such as the woolly mammoth, the giant ground sloth, and the North American elephant. Humanity had spread to and dominated every part of the globe.
Due to various environmental factors, the Neolithic Age (which started about 12,500 years ago) was relatively bucolic and idyllic as compared to what Homo Sapiens had encountered before which created the ideal environment for significant population growth to an already prolific species.
Everything within Humanity starts to go wrong within the transitional period from the early to middle Neolithic (12,500 until ~9,000+ years ago) for 2 main reasons:
High Resource Requirements – Significantly higher population densities and higher tribal sizes due to idyllic Neolithic environmental conditions meant higher resource requirements.
Limits of Hunting and Gathering – Because of that, this is when we start to reach the limits of the technological efficiency of hunting and gathering to support the exploding populations within the bucolic early Neolithic, especially with the loss of megafauna as a resource.
It is due to these 2 factors that we see the rise of “Scarcity” within Humanity which meant that, even though farming is:
physically difficult
time consuming
weather sensitive
has lower nutritional value
…and our nomadic hunter-gatherer forebearers had a very low technological efficiency for (i.e. they do not know how to do agriculture well), that hunter-gatherers were forced to shift to agriculture to attempt to provide for exploding populations or face significant losses.
Tribes could no longer be nomadic – could not follow the weather, the herds, or the abundant food and other resources. They now had to protect their land, resources, farms and herds, and their tribal members from other tribes who were similarly struggling and competing with for survival in this new world of resource scarcity. This is when competition, violence, war, and slavery, etc… all start. It is during this transitional period when Humanity’s world goes to go hell and forged the devastating and violent world that we have today.
I want to be clear, because this is something that I have struggled with for many, many years, but it is NOT farming itself that caused everything to go wrong, but the rise of Scarcity (population vs resources) which did. Farming was just the technology that was caught in the middle of this transitional phase from nomadic hunter-gatherers with low resource requirements to sedentary agro-pastoralists with high resource requirements.
C. The Rise of Patriarchy in Humanity
The rise resource scarcity is also when patriarchy begins too. Scarcity triggers a male evolutionary psychological predisposition for competition due to competing for mates. Males’ evolutionary predisposition for competition combined with being larger and stronger leads to men being more dominant within environmental scarcity. Within environmental abundance, men are less dominant and women tend to be more dominant.
Men’s evolutionary predisposition towards competition (which is an Entropic ideal) acts as a gateway to more Entropic things such as: Patriarchy, Tribalism, Sociopathy, Violence, Slavery, and Genocide all of we see throughout human history and in the world today. Once Humanity started down the path of Entropy (which is the path of least resistance) due to a rise in Scarcity, it became very, very difficult to stop.
III. Other Related Thoughts
The following 2 draft quotes are from the above mentioned book I want to write:
A. Could the World of Today have been Different?
How much different would the world of today be if our nomadic hunter-gatherer forebearers had been able to slowly build up to the World of Today over a period of 50,000 years (5 times longer – 38,000 more years) and had worked diligently to keep Humanity within a state of relative resource abundance while maintaining their existing ecologically and humanistic minded social psychology based on cooperation, sharing, and egalitarianism; instead of embracing the population explosion and technological innovations full bore within a social system and environment based on scarcity and deprivation over the lightning-fast period of 12,000 years without regard to the social and ecological consequences?
Perhaps, if our hunter-gatherer forebearers were able to have been more mindful of population growth, resource availability, and of the cumulative effects of technological advancements to have them happen much more slowly, then we may have been able to have all of the advantages of all of the technological wonders of today without all of the social, political, economic, and ecological harms that have been attendant with its current evolution.
James O’Neill, Humanity’s Journey from Abundance to Scarcity and Back again (draft)
B,. The Crucible
The violent crucible of a species which evolved with a nomadic hunter-gatherer psychology based on egalitarianism and cooperation within relative resource abundance now faced with a new settled way of life within a world of significant resource scarcity has forged the virulent tempest within which Humanity has come to relate to each other and the natural world that forged the horrors of poverty, war, genocide, slavery, cruelty, and suffering of the world of today.
James O’Neill, Humanity’s Journey from Abundance to Scarcity and Back again (draft)
My daughter (age 14) and I (age 49) were recently diagnosed with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in February 2023 and April 2023 respectively, and I am very excited for both of us. Now that we know that we are part of the neurodiverse community we can begin to work towards understanding ourselves better and managing ADHD’s impacts on our lives. If you want to learn more about ADHD, you can check the list of ADHD links at the end of this post.
My daughter and I are on somewhat different ends of the spectrum and our ADHD manifest differently which means we clash a lot. She is more on the hyperactive side of ADHD as well as being an extrovert, while I am more on the inattentive side as well as being an introvert. It is a super exciting time for us both, because, with our new found diagnosis and knowledge, we are ADHD bonding over making sense of it all, and learning to better deal with each other. Yea!
For me, my diagnosis has a been a revelation and so very freeing. I am excited because now I really can start to make sense of myself. I have always been different and have struggled with various things, and ADHD is a large part of why. I have been lucky to have embraced my differentness by proudly embracing the word weird as a fundamental part of who I am from a very young age (grade school) and excitedly embracing geek and nerd too. You can see all of this slathered all throughout my About Me page. As I have reflected back on my life, I have begun to realize that most of my life has been built around coping with the impacts of ADHD, that my life and everything I have struggled with only makes sense through the lens of ADHD. =O
My wife is now the only neurotypical in the house except for maybe the cat, although he has his own issues. Gods help her!! Send her all your good vibes and love because she is going to need it.<3
Towards the last half of this post I will be using a few of Dani Donovan’s amazing ADHD comics/infographics which you can find on her website. If you like one of them, then please go on over to her site and buy one, because they are awesome!! I also have links to her works and her Patreon at the end of this post if you would like to support her or learn more.
I. My Daughter’s Diagnosis Journey
I am jealous but also very happy that my daughter’s journey to diagnosis and medication was an easy one. We actually do not remember how her journey began, but I could swear it was her 8th grade teachers recommending that she get tested for ADHD. We attended her first appointment two days before I had my first appointment in the first week of March. She also started with a therapist around this time too. In early September we had another appointment for her to get her ADHD meds and she received her first meds that day. Yea! The low dosage of meds did not seem to do so much for her at the time of this post, and will be looking to increase it here in a little while.
II. My Pre-Diagnosis Thoughts and Journey
A. My History with Web Accessibility
Honestly, it all starts with my previous position working with a county government for 18 years as a web standards developer/website administrator, because that is where my knowledge and passion for web accessibility started which is about making sure that websites were accessible to people with disabilities such as:
low of hearing to being deaf;
being color blind or having low vision to being blind;
not having arms or hands, or being paralyzed from the neck down;
cognitive disabilities such as ADHD, dyslexia, depression, anxiety, seizure disorders.
B. Early Head/Sleeping Issues
In late 2021 I had some fairly severe sleeping issues and I was seeing a psychologist and psychiatrist who both thought some of my issues may be caused by anxiety or depression. I did not identify with either of these. Like, what does that even feel like. I am stressed dealing with life under capitalism just like everyone else is. =O
In the summer of 2022 I worked to shift off the more powerful sleep medication with side effects that I did not like as well as getting off the antidepressants too.
C. Realizing I had ADHD
Last year (May 2022), I found an amazing job as a Digital Accessibility Expert with Western Governors University (WGU) to bring technical expertise to the institution – advising on website code, accessibility standards, accessibility evaluations, and so on. I am in my dream job and the people are AMAZING. I have never really been really friends with people I work with, so this is really the first time. Sooo many amazing and passionate people. Part of the reason why I am friends with the people I work with now, might be because I am now surrounded by people who really understand me and who likewise have that compassion-driven rage for accessibility too.
Amanda is my other half at WGU and she is amazing. She is like the neurodivergent accessibility sister I never had. <3 Amanda and I work together with the various departments and projects advocating and consulting on accessibility needs and best practices to ensure that our student-facing resources are as accessible to the entire breadth of human experience.
Amanda had therapists for 20 years telling her that she probably had ADHD, while her doctors told her that she didn’t, but she was finally diagnosed with ADHD in Dec 2022. She is very open with her struggles with depression and ADHD. She openly talks about her struggles with us in our accessibility group, but also talks about this in our talks to the various departments that we work with. While working with her I heard her experience and started to really identify with her ADHD struggles which then inspired me to do my own research. Then I was like “Holy shit! I have ADHD!!!”. With that realization, I started my journey into the world of ADHD and neurodivergence
D. My Concerns and Thoughts on the Diagnostic Process
At the start of this process I was thinking that I was going to have difficulty with receiving an ADHD diagnosis for 2 main reasons:
Childhood Impacts
The “I am old.” Problem
1. Childhood Impacts
Through my research, I had heard a problem that some people had with obtaining a diagnosis of Adult ADHD was that the diagnostic process requires significant and overt childhood impacts, which I do not really remember.
2. The “I am old.” Problem
Here are four of those potential issues with seeking a an ADHD diagnosis being this old (almost 50 years old) and being me:
Old – I have many years of practice in coping with ADHD’s impacts. Also, I do not remember much from my childhood.
Programming Background – I have logical brain and training through my computer programming degree which makes it easier for me to to break up large projects into smaller and more manageable steps.
Introvert – Some of the potential external issues from ADHD are mitigated because I do not spend a lot of time with people.
Introspective – As an introvert I am very introspective, so I can look to see problematic behaviors and try to to solve them before they become too problematic.
In some ways, all of these factors may have ended up sheltering me from the more severe impacts from ADHD, potentially making it harder to get a diagnosis.
III. My Diagnosis Journey
After my eureka moment inspired by my work sister, Amanda, I made the first appointment with a Veterans Administration (VA) psychiatrist to start the diagnostic process. I also made appointments for both my daughter and I with a private therapist to support us in our new ADHD journey. For me, our journeys will not be over until we both have a diagnosis and access to medication.
A. VA Appointment 1 (Feb 2023)
Step one was seeking a diagnosis with a VA psychiatrist who, after hearing my lived experience, thought I may have ADHD, but did not give me a diagnosis yet. She wanted to meet with my mother to talk about my childhood which, of course did worry me. Partially, because I knew that childhood impacts can be required for diagnosis and I do not remember much, but also I knew my mother would not be happy about any of this ADHD talk either. =(
I was sooo excited, over joyed, and empowered because the psychiatrist thought I might have ADHD. I know I did, but I had to just get the paperwork. I now had: a word, an almost diagnosis with which to pursue and to learn how to more effectively cope with being me; a community that I could identify with and seek support from.
I have always been different. Part of that is just my eccentric introverted self, but a lot of it isn’t. Finally, I made sense. My life, my struggles, and who I am as a person made sense for first time in my life. It was such an amazing feeling, but I still felt a significant hesitancy to embrace it too fully because the process was not over yet.
B. Private Therapist Support (Mar 2023)
We both started with a private therapist to support our diagnostic and learning process. From what I had heard within my research, I also, knew this was going to be a process to get the diagnosis and medication for me, so I was preparing for that.
C. VA Appointment 2 (Mar 2023)
The second appointment with the VA therapist was over a month later (last day of March) where she wanted to talked with my mother and I about my childhood because I did not remember so much about it in the first appointment (Did I mention I am almost 50?). However, this appointment did not go well because my mother and I did not remember and significant ADHD like symptoms which could reinforce an ADHD diagnosis. I was expecting this result, but that did not mean that I wasn’t still devastated. =(
And, just like that my life experience and struggles as an adult and a potential ADHD diagnosis were negated without significant childhood symptoms when the psychiatrist said something to the effect of: “I was just a normal adult just struggling normally.” She also said that there are further tests we could take and we made an appointment for another month out to talk about it further.
I was devastated, on the verge of tears which I held back as my mother drove me back home. Like my whole understanding of who I am as a person was unraveling, that feeling of completion and the potential for progress was yanked out from under me. Like I am just looking for a diagnosis as an excuse to be lazy which would make me a horrible human being. How horrible do I have to be to pursue something like this. =(
D. Private Therapist Appointment (Mar 2023)
I think it was the next week where I had my next therapist appointment. I talked about how devastated I was. Fortunately, she said that she was able to diagnose me. We talked about it and we went over my symptoms and she gave me a diagnosis! Color me happy. The hard part was done – a diagnosis. Now on to trying to get medication. She told me to fill out the paperwork to share my diagnosis info with my hospital/doctor so I could talk to him about getting meds.
While seeing my therapist as I was working through the process of understanding ADHD and its impacts I fairly quickly accepted Anxiety as a part of me.
E. Private Primary Doctor for Meds (May 2023)
Eventually, I got that paperwork filled out and submitted, and then scheduled that appointment. My doctor said that he does not do ADHD meds which was disappointing of course, but not unexpected. I can completely understand him not wanting to get in the middle of this battle between the Psychiatrist who says no to diagnosis and my Psychologist who says yes to diagnosis. He said he goes with whatever the psychiatrist says since that is her area of expertise. A partial cop-out, but a good one. =( He also mentioned I could make an appointment with the hospital’s psychiatrist as a next step.
F. Accepting Depression (Aug 2023)
In August I finally accepted depression as a part of who I am, some due to ADHD impacts but mostly due to politics and Climate Change, so I started taking the antidepressants again which really lifted the weight off my chest that I had been carrying. This whole journey into ADHD has been an amazing self-reflective experience, an amazing journey into understanding myself.
G. Hospital Psychiatrist for Meds (Sep 2023)
Eventually, I scheduled that appointment with the hospital’s psychiatrist in very last week of September. In that appointment we went over my ADHD symptoms so he could get a feel for where I am at with my ADHD impacts to decide on dosage. At the end of this appointment I had a prescription for 2 weeks of medication so we can see how it is working and then we can adjust the dosage. Currently, the dosage is not doing so much.
IV. My ADHD Impacts
Here are some of the ways that my ADHD has impacted the 50 years of my life so far and how I have worked to cope and compensate with it. Please forgive the somewhat arbitrary categorization.
A. Hyperactivity and Impulsiveness
Sleeplessness – Not being able to sleep because my mind has always been active which is a mixed blessing for me. Not sleeping sucks… a lot, but I cannot tell you how many times I have had amazing thoughts or epiphanies during those sleepless times which I had to get up and record. CBD oil was a miracle until I had the head/sleeping issues mentioned above. I take a medication for sleeping now – hoping to get off it and back to CBD oil sooner than later.
Impulsiveness – For me, my impulsiveness or lack of control shows itself with food and with spending money depending on the conditions, which then creates not-so-good feedback loops:
money – bills are late and/or fees accumulate and this also may create issues with my credit score, which then fuels anxiety which is not fun, and then feeds into the below loop.
food – I think I tend to stress eat cancer foods (Mountain Dew, Mounds, and a 4 pack of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups) which of course makes sure I cannot sleep well and wrecks havoc on my weight and how I feel, which then means I want more to compensate for being tired and feeling like crap. Tis a vicious cycle. I also wonder if I crave cancer foods for a quick dopamine hit?
Hyperactive Starts (Health) – For me, when I have decided to do something for working out or health, I have tended to go 100% and have tend to end up hurting myself in some way perhaps by not paying attention or not having the support I need (personal trainer or something).
Caloric Restriction (2008 @ 35) – I did successfully do caloric restriction and Shangri-La for a year and a half which was amazing, but I fell off the bus because I wanted to change the formula for my smoothie to reduce its caloric load which would have taken at least a week to do the math. I was not able to start or complete adjusting my smoothie recipe so I stopped doing the diet. No harm to me here, fortunately.
Daily Yoga (2014 @ 41) – I did yoga 7 days a week for around 7 months with 4 days of DDP yoga (a form of power yoga) and 3 days of my own light personal practice. This was the best shape I had even been in! It was amazing and I felt great!!! My cardio was amazing! But, I ended up with knee issues, so I had to stop and this is still not fixed. =(
Bowflex (mid-late 40s) – Then a few years later, my Dad gave me his Bowflex (original version of the home gym) and I ended up with significant shoulder problems (frozen shoulder) which still create significant problems for my body today. With knee and shoulder issues making it much harder to even attempt to try to take better care of myself. =(
Hyperactive Starts (Hobbies) – Picking up and dropping hobbies or things mostly due to time and resource pressures:
I have many gigabytes of Great Courses (college level courses) that I will never listen to but want too.
I have a Master Class subscription to learn things, specifically novel writing (Dan Brown) and have not even finished that course yet almost a year later.
On my phone I have over 2 years worth of reading in my Kindle app.
Blog Post Writing
I have 90+ blog posts sitting in various forms of draft which is over 5 years of full time writing.
Hobbies – I have picked up the following other hobbies:
Video Editing – spent a bit of money on video editing buying DaVinci Resolve and a bunch of tools for it. I do use this skill on occasion.
Novel Writing – I started learning copy writing, started planning a fantasy novela series and a fantasy novel series, and worked on a Fate based storytelling system, but have not finished any of them. Although, I have completed National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) in 2013. I was accepted into an online college for a degree in Creative Writing specializing Novel Writing, but could not justify adding more to my student loans, sadly.
Music Mixing – I have spent A LOT of money on music creation buying FL Studio and way too many sounds, with only one track out Return from the Ocean and a second one started, but have not had time to work on it again.
With Family
With my family I allow my impulsiveness to come out and I am a lot more fun. This is the me that my family knows from my childhood.
But the man I have become (30s+) is the one who is filled with a hyper-focused compassion-driven rage into leftist politics for the last 15+ years, which is the part that I cannot really talk to my family about because some members cannot handle it. This has me being very alone and isolated when I am with my family because I cannot share a very important part of who I am. Some say they do not know who I am anymore, which would be correct because they refuse to see the man I have become while they stick to the illusion of me in my childhood and adolescence as just a fun person.
At Work or Other Places
If I get too comfortable with my surroundings then I start to lower my mask which means I may say something stoopid which I then regret, so I have learned to keep my mask up, which can be tiring.
B. Social Awkwardness
No Small Talk – I do not like small talk. I really only prefer to talk about the things I am passionate and hyper-focused on (politics, religion, sexuality, nerdy stuff) most of which should not be discussed in polite company and that most people do not want to talk about. =(
Talking to Myself – My brain is soooo hyperactive that I am always having conversations with myself while trying to think about things (mostly politics and accessibility), my hands a flailing in the air, and people look at me strange and then move cross the street to avoid the strange man. I have had so many great ideas and epiphanies.
Conversational Thoughts – When someone is talking my brain catches on to a thought and I really want to say it, and it becomes harder to listen because I have something I want to say, so my energy is diverted to maintain that thought so I do not forget it, which makes it harder to pay attention, and then I need to ask them to repeat what they just said, and I might forget what I want to say during the retelling.
Spiderweb of an Answer – When someone asks me a question, especially something I am very knowledgeable on, my brain is trying to pull through the spiderweb of thoughts and knowledge to pick a path to an organized answer, but I don’t always get there. I find myself starting with explaining the background needed to understand the answer, and then I forget their question as well as the answer I was attempting to get to.
C. Executive Function
Massive Procrastination – It is hard to start certain things unless certain criteria are met, or it is super hard to switch tasks even if it is a short and easy task, or their is significant anxiety over the amount of brain power required to do that task so I put it off, or for some reason my brain wants to make it what is called an Impossible Task. Even if it is an easy task, my brain will just not want to do it. And then I have anxiety over not having done these tasks and the plethora of other tasks I need to do making it impossible to do anything.
Work Pressure – Have you ever had the thing where because of the pressure to get something done during work time that it is impossible to do, but as soon as the work day is done that project instantly becomes easier to do because the pressure is no longer there?
Underestimate time – It was during our daughter’s appointment where we heard that we should start with what time we think a project will take and then multiply it by 2.5. The week of her appointment I was just thinking of how shitty I am at estimating time to do projects at work!
Planning – Need to plan things that I write. I cannot think or write without an outline and headers.
D. Inattentiveness/Hyper-Focus
Google Calendar – My default view is set to 2 weeks so I can prep my brain for this week and next week. I have a notice set for 15 minutes before to get my brain ready to transition and then 5 minutes before to complete the transition to the next appointment.
Bill Paying – I have difficulty remembering to pay bills if I have to remember them, although I have compensated for this by auto-paying everything and/or using a debit card/credit card. If I cannot autopay it or pay for it right now, then I really do NOT want it especially as a monthly payment. I also make sure that our checking account has a full month worth of money in it at all times, again so I do not have to worry about money coming and going.
Hyper-focus is a major ADHD super power, but like all great narrative super powers, it has a significant negative side. When I am gleefully hyper-focused on things such as politics or gaming, then I find it very difficult to pull myself away from such things and can become cranky when I have to, and also the rest of my life tends to suffer because I have other things that I should be taking care of which are not getting done and/or I stay up too late doing them, which then leads to the food impulsiveness issues creating a viscous feedback loop.
Do NOT Like Breaking Routine – I like routine so I don’t waste brain cycles.
I really hate shaving and clipping nails because it breaks my routine and is such a waste of precious few brain cycles when I have them focused and available.
I don’t really check my voicemail (20+ messages) or postal mail (I have a whole pile in my office which I need to get to) often because I have to tear myself from my routine or focus.
Crappy Grades in grade school and high school like C-.
Sensory Sensitivities – sensitive to loud sounds or food texture
E. Object Permanence
Things – Don’t. Touch. My. Stuff!!!
I have a ritual before I leave the house or car to make sure I have all of the things.
I put things in the exact same place so I do not have to think about it or lose it. If something of mine was moved, then it is now lost in a black hole never to be found again which makes me cranky. And then my wife may get upset with me when I buy another because I cannot find where the original it went.
Difficulty Maintaining Personal Relationships – I have let close personal relationships fall to the wayside, partially due life’s increasing complexity as we grow older, but a lot due to not working to maintain these important relationships and people in my life. I have at least 4 of these that I feel constantly guilty about. My parents are another group. It is amazing how little contact I need while hermetically sealing myself in my attic office, much to their chagrin.
F. Short-Term Memory
Constant Reminders – I easily forget things required by short term memory to which my wife cannot powerfully attest to. I have her message me so that I can attempt to remember, but because of my focus on other things she will have to remind a few times to get something, even something simple, done. I have started to use stickies to help manage this although that fell off because the novelty wore off.
Rereading – Reading the same paragraph or page several times because my brain is jumping to different thoughts and cannot maintain focus.
The Neuroanatomy of ADHD and thus how to treat ADHD by Dr. Russel Barkley @ CADDAC in 2014 – This is a great presentation by a neuropsychologist Dr. Russel Barkley. The last one is perhaps the most interesting which talks about how to deal with ADHD. He says ADHD should be renamed Executive Function Deficit Disorder (ERDD) and/or Self Regulation Deficit Disorder (SRDD).
A conservative family member quite a while ago (Oct 2021) posted the below meme and I need to explain why this meme is completely wrong and devastating to 99% of the people within this country (U.S.), the peasant class. I feel bad about how long this has taken me finish this, at least 2 years, but, in my defense, I have 90+ posts in various forms of draft and I keep starting new ones each year, so… =O The struggle is real. =(
This rather brilliantly cuts through all the political double- speak we get. It puts it into a much better perspective…
Lesson # 1:
U.S. Tax revenue: $2,170,000,000,000
Fed budget: 3,820,000,000,000
New debt: 1,650,000,000,000
National debt: 29,271,000,000,000
Recent budget cuts: $38,500,000,000
Let’s now remove “8 zeros” each time, and pretend it’s a household budget:
Annual family income: $21,700
Money the family spent: $38,200
New debt on the credit card: $16,500
Outstanding balance on the credit card: $292,710
Total budget cuts so far: $385
Got It OK now…
Lesson # 2:
Here’s another way to look at the debt ceiling: Let’s say, You come home from work and find there has been a sewer backup in your neighborhood….and your home has sewage all the way up to your ceilings. What do you think you should do…. Raise the ceilings, or pump out the crap?
Your choice is coming November 2022.
I. Lesson 1 – Federal Government is NOT a Household
The first massive correction here is the fallacious notion that a National Government is like a household when it comes to spending. This section will explain why this is completely incorrect in the following sections:
Conversational Prerequisites
Power of the Purse
Federal Spending
Real Congressional Spending Limits
Federal Taxation
See How It All Fits Together
Note: We will use National, Federal, Congressional, and Government spending as interchangeable terms within the context of this post. This post only applies to Federal spending.
A. Conversational Prerequisites
I won’t get too deep into these, but within this post what we will talk about is only true within the context of a country like the United States which has:
a Federal Reserve Banking system (1913 under President Woodrow Wilson, the year before WWI broke out)
a Fiat Based Currency (money which is NOT backed by gold, silver, etc) (1971 under President Nixon)
their own sovereign national currency (US Dollars).
This is just something that you should note, because what we talk about here was NOT always necessarily true (prior to 1971). If you want to learn more about this you can check my page here which will get into the basics of how federal fiscal policy works.
B. Power of the Purse
The first and most important lesson is that a National Government is NEVER ever like a household. Why is that? Because the Federal Government has the power of the purse, the ability to create money (which is granted by the constitution – Article 1 Section 8 Clause 5); whereas a household like yours and mine cannot ever create money otherwise we will have an FBI hit squad breakdown the doors to our houses and then we go to jail for counterfeiting, right?
C. Federal Spending
How does Federal Spending work? It is actually very simple and it is only 3 steps This process is shown within the infographic titled Congressional Spending Flow Chart.
Congress passes a bill which has spending in it.
A bunch of zeros is added to the appropriate Congressional spending bank account.
Congress spends this money into the public sector as: business subsidies, tax credits, grants, loans, federal contracts, etc.
There. That’s it. Really.
D. Real Congressional Spending Limits
Then, technically, what keeps government from creating and spending unlimited money? That is a very important question that we do need to answer. A National Government can freely spend money into the economy within the real limits of main 1 thing:
real resources
“Really? Is that it? You have to be kidding me, right?” I am not kidding at all. That is it.
The reason for this is: If the Federal Government over spends in any industry or service, or in any resource than is available then that can create inflation. There are other things that can cause inflation, such as corporate greed, but within the context of this discussion, overspending is the only issue that matters. Inflation is the only real limit for Federal spending.
E. Federal Taxation
1. Federal Taxation is NOT Income or Revenue for the Federal Government
Since the moment we have added a Federal Reserve (1913) AND shifted to a floating Fiat Based Currency (1971), Congressional spending has NEVER been limited by taxation, and it is completely false to describe federal taxes as “income” or “revenue”.
Wait! Wait! I know I just shattered your world. No freaking out just yet! Keep breathing. Keep reading and then, hopefully, you will understand.
Only other levels of government such as: State, County, and City are limited by taxation. Why is that? Because these other levels of government do NOT have the power of the purse, they cannot create money through passing bills like Congress can. They can only raise money for operation through taxation or loans, etc. For these other levels of government, taxation IS revenue and income. The state and local levels of government ARE limited by taxation or taking out loans or using municipal bonds for spending just like the rest of us are. Within these local levels of government the household analogy or the word budget is useful, but these metaphors are NEVER useful when thinking about Federal Government spending because the federal government controls the money supply.
“So, where does all of our Federal tax money go to then?!?!?” you may excitedly ask.
Federal tax money goes:
from your wallet
to the Federal Government
then it disappears into a black hole never to be seen again.
…as I show in the associated infographic titled Federal Taxation Flow Chart. Federal tax money is literally just deleted from existence by a computer.
2. Useful Quotes
Like Levar Burton from Reading Rainbow would say “But, you do not have to take my word for it.”. Here are some important quotes from some very important people who really know that this is really true – a LOT of Federal Reserve Board members:
a. Beardsley Ruml, Chairman of the New York Federal Reserve (1946)
The necessity for a government to tax in order to maintain both its independence and its solvency is true for state and local governments, but it is not true for a national government.
b. Paul Samuelson, economist, Nobel Prize Winner (1995)
The reaction to our post on the nine myths also reminded me of an interview Nobel winner Paul Samuelson gave to Mark Blaug (in his film on Keynes, ‘John Maynard Keynes: Life/Ideas/Legacy 1995‘). There Samuelson said:
I think there is an element of truth in the view that the superstition that the budget must be balanced at all times [is necessary]. Once it is debunked [that] takes away one of the bulwarks that every society must have against expenditure out of control. There must be discipline in the allocation of resources or you will have anarchistic chaos and inefficiency. And one of the functions of old fashioned religion was to scare people by sometimes what might be regarded as myths into behaving in a way that the long-run civilized life requires. We have taken away a belief in the intrinsic necessity of balancing the budget if not in every year, [then] in every short period of time. If Prime Minister Gladstone came back to life he would say “uh, oh what you have done” and James Buchanan argues in those terms. I have to say that I see merit in that view.
c. Alan Greenspan, Federal Reserve Chairman (1997)
… a government cannot become insolvent with respect to obligations in its own currency. A fiat money system, like the ones we have today, can produce such claims without limit.
d. Alan Greenspan, Federal Reserve Chairman (2005)
In 2005, in testimony to the US House Committee on the “budget”, former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan was asked by then US Rep. Paul Ryan about the “solvency” of the Social Security system, which Americans rely on for retirement payments. Many Americans worry that Social Security will become insolvent before they retire. Greenspan told him:
I wouldn’t say pay-as-you-go benefits are insecure in the sense that there’s nothing to prevent the federal government creating as much money as it wants in payment to somebody.
Alan Greenspan (2005)
He went on to explain that the real problem is whether there will be enough resources or assets in existence to support all the purchases the extra cash would demand, which is the real resources-inflation problem I talked about above. You can see a video of the exchange here.
e. Ben Bernanke, Federal Reserve Chairman (2009)
It’s not tax money. The banks have accounts with the Fed, much the same way that you have an account in a commercial bank. So, to lend to a bank, we simply use the computer to mark up the size of the account that they have with the Fed. So, it’s much more akin to printing money than it is to borrowing.
Ben Bernanke (Federal Reserve Chairman, 60 Minutes interview in Mar 2009)
As the sole manufacturer of dollars, whose debt is denominated in dollars, the U.S. government can never become insolvent, i.e., unable to pay its bills. In this sense, the government is not dependent on credit markets to remain operational. Moreover, there will always be a market for U.S. government debt at home because the U.S. government has the only means of creating risk-free dollar-denominated assets (by virtue of never facing insolvency and paying interest rates over the inflation rate, e.g., TIPS (Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities).
g. David Andolfatto, Vice President of the St. Louis Federal Reserve (2009-2022)
Modern Monetary Theory, even the proponents admit that it’s not necessarily a theory as much as it is a description of reality of how things appear to work. The US Government is not like a household. The government creates the money. You don’t have to ask the question of where do you get the money. These are factually correct statements, so it is very hard to argue against them.
David Andolfatto, Vice President of the St. Louis Federal Reserve (2009-2022) (Finding the Money, May 2024) @ 23:40
3. What the Hell are Federal Taxes for Then???
Just to reiterate, money received through federal taxes are NEVER actually spent to pay for Federal Government expenses. They disappear into a black hole never to be seen again. Then you may be asking “What the hell are federal taxes for then!?!!?!?!”.
Federal Taxation has a few uses:
Taxation is Used to Get the Public to do Things – Because people and businesses need the currency in order to pay taxes, and the government needs things done, then the need for government’s currency provides the driving force to create the public services and infrastructure for the government and for society at large.
Taxation is Inflation Control – Governments tax as a method to the reduce money available to purchase things and services, and therefore helps to control prices which then acts as a primary control for inflation.
Taxation as Inequality Control – Taxes are a primary method used to reduce inequality and excess concentration of wealth which is directly also a very powerful form of price control. Obviously, this only possible when the Federal Government actually does it, which the U.S. government does not really do. My economic polices are a great example of this in action, as would be the tax polices of the Nordic countries or other heavily socialized countries.
Behavior Adjustment
Disincentives – “Sin taxes” used to adjust behavior such as a cigarette tax, tax on financial speculation, carbon tax, etc.
Incentives – create a rebates, subsidies, grants, etc… to encourage certain behaviors.
F. See How It All Fits Together
Here, is the complete infographic so that you can see it all working together.
The difference between Federal Spending and Federal Taxation results in a Surplus, Balance, or a Deficit.
Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter.
Dick Cheney (January 9, 2004)
Deficit – If Federal Spending is more than Federal Taxation (spending more than taxation) then this results in a Deficit, which means money is left in the public sector in the form of savings, services, and investments which is good for the long-term resilience and expansion of the economy. A “deficit” for the federal government is a “surplus” in the public sector (for you and me).
Balance or Surplus – If Federal Spending is near to or less than Federal Taxation (taxing more than they spend) then we can have a balanced fiscal policy or a surplus, which means people are pulling money out of savings or investments, or are taking out loans or payday loans, and using credit cards to pay their bills and other obligations. This dramatically increases the instability of the economy and eventually results in recession and depression, which is of course devastating to the economy and the peasant class. The resulting instability may force those who were already struggling prior to the Balance/Surplus (living paycheck-to-paycheck) possibly now casting them into poverty. I will talk about this phenomenon a little more below. A “surplus” for the federal government is a “deficit” in the public sector (for you and me).
Each time the US has paid a significant amount of its debt/deficit down through “budget balancing” and surpluses a depression followed. The following table has 9 rows and 3 columns. The headers on the x axis (top) for the 3 columns are (left to right): Years When Debt/Deficit was Paid Down, % Decline in Debt/Deficit, and Year Depression Began. You may check the year range in the first column, then in the second column see the % decline in debt/deficit, and in the 3rd column you find the year that the depression began.
Years When Debt/Deficit was Paid Down
% Decline in Debt/Deficit
Year Depression Began
1817 to 1821
1823 to 1836
1852 to 1857
1867 to 1873
1880 to 1893
1920 to 1930
1998 to 2001
2004 to 2008
Figure 6 – Historical National Debt/Deficit Pay Down and Resultant Depression
In 1917, during World War I, Congress created the debt ceiling with the Second Liberty Bond Act of 1917, which allowed the Treasury to issue bonds and take on other debt without specific Congressional approval, as long as the total debt fell under the statutory debt ceiling. The 1917 legislation set limits on the aggregate amount of debt that could be accumulated through individual categories of debt (such as bonds and bills).
History of the United States debt ceiling (Wikipedia)
The Debt Ceiling is a hold over from a different economic time when we had a specie backed currency which is a a gold or silver backed currency which had real supply limits (there is only so much gold and silver in existence), in which a Debt Ceiling had some actual use. But, now that we have a Federal Reserve Bank (1913) and, perhaps more germane to this discussion, we have a Fiat Based Currency (1971), the Debt Ceiling has no real use within the last 50+ based on how the monetary system of today actually works which is heavily reinforced by the plethora of quotes from Federal Reserve Board Chairmen from above. The Debt Ceiling is a vestige of an economic time that no longer exists and is now tool of destruction, harm, and manipulation.
B. Why is “Debt Ceiling” Harmful and Deceptive?
1. The U.S. Federal Government Does NOT have “Debt”
First, the U.S. Federal Government (for the last 50+ years) has NOT ever borrowed money and it does NOT ever need to because the Federal Government has the power of the purse, to spend money into being. Debt is a useful construct for politicians to manipulate the masses, because it is a simple (though completely incorrect) concept that that people understand and is something that they are afraid of in their own lives. If you can can create fear (trigger an emotional response) in the masses, then their critical thinking skills turn off, and then you can convince them to agree to horrible things such as inflicting austerity and impoverishment on the 99% (rugged individualism for the peasants) while greatly enriching the already rich and the corporations (socialism for the rich). With their brains turned off they do not know any better and they blindly trust that the politicians are telling the truth (because they should be telling the truth, right?). I talk a lot out this manipulative method that both parties use all throughout my post Lesser of the Two-Evils Voting is Antithetical to Democracy if you want to read more.
We should NOT call it debt, because it is not debt in the classic sense. There are no loans to the federal government, not even to China. We should call it Net Money Supply. Treasury Bonds (which makes up the fallaciously described “national debt”) has NEVER paid for any government spending. Only Congress can do that directly through legislation (as mentioned above). Treasury Bonds take money out of circulation NOW with the promise to be paid back with interest at a later date, and therefore are a tool for inflationary control. In other words, Treasury Bonds removes money from circulation NOW to prevent over spending (inflation) and then releases it slowly back into the economy after the bond’s maturation date (later). As a note: treasury bonds have a maturation period of 20 or 30 years, and pay interest every 6 months, so you can see the time spans we are looking at here for how long money is removed from circulation. When the time comes to pay the treasury bills, because it is a federal program, the money is just there and their owners just get paid.
2. The Continuous and Brutal Deception of the “Debt Clock”
Here are some quotes by economist Stephanie Kelton that talk about the ever so politically popular and manipulative “Debt Clock”:
The debt clock on West 43rd Street simply displays a historical record of how many dollars the federal government has added to the public’s pockets without subtracting (taxing) them away. Those dollars are being saved in the form of US Treasuries. If you’re lucky enough to own some, congratulations! They’re part of your wealth. While others may refer to it as a debt clock, it’s really a US Dollar Savings Clock. But you won’t hear that from Congress.
By persuading voters that something must be done about these big scary numbers, politicians can push for cuts to popular programs like Social Security and Medicare. Winning support for an agenda that calls for painful cuts requires sustaining public outrage over our national finances. These are programs that benefit enormous constituencies. People will fight tooth and nail to protect them. Unless, of course, they can be convinced that there is no alternative. That we must act to “fix the debt’ before it’s too late.”.
This rather brilliantly takes advantage of the political double-speak we get from both Democrats and Republicans. It ensures anyone who is ill educated enough on federal spending will blindly believe this because it will make you angry and/or afraid and turn off your critical thinking skills.
Lesson # 1:
U.S. Tax revenue: $2,170,000,000,000
Fed Fiscal Policy: $3,820,000,000,000
Spending Increase : $1,650,000,000,000
Public Spending : $29,271,000,000,000
Recent budget cuts: $38,500,000,000
Let’s now remove “8 zeros” each time, and pretend it’s a household budget:
Annual family income: $21,700
Money the family spent: $38,200
New debt on the credit card: $16,500
Outstanding balance on the credit card: $292,710
Total budget cuts so far: $385
Got It! OK now…
Here’s another way to completely misrepresent the deficit, debt ceiling, and federal fiscal policy a second time using a metaphor you will understand and will be afraid of so we can manipulate you better:
Lesson # 2:
Let’s say, You come home from work and find there has been a sewer backup in your neighborhood….and your home has sewage all the way up to your ceilings. What do you think you should do …… Raise the ceilings, or pump out the crap?
Your choice is coming November 2022.
1% Corporatocracy Meme Breaker @ FreeXenon.com
B. The Correct and Honest Version of the Meme
This meme rather brilliantly cuts through all the political double-speak we get from both the Democrats and Republicans, and puts the federal fiscal policy and the debt ceiling into a fiscally correct perspective.
Public Sector Savings and Investment: 2,200,000,000
Lesson # 2:
Here’s another way to look at the debt ceiling:
The Debt Ceiling is a vestige of a monetary policy era that has long since past (50 years ago). It is currently used as a scare tactic by politicians on both sides of the aisle to get you to be ok with giving more money to their corporate owners (socialism for the rich), while manipulating The People to fearfully beg for Congress to inflict austerity on ourselves (rugged individualism for the peasants) when there is NO reason for it beyond abject cruelty by the psychopaths in charge. Do not support any politician who does not work towards ending the Debt Ceiling, PayGo, and the Byrd Rule. Poverty and suffering of the masses is a policy choice. Our politicians should always choose The People over their profit and corporate owners.
Your choice is coming November 2024.
1% Corporatocracy Meme Breaker @ FreeXenon.com
C. All Three Memes Together
Conclusion – Why They Want You to Believe that this Meme is True?
Congress continues to use this severely outdate terminology (debt and deficit) and outdated Congressional fiscal tools (debt ceiling in addition to PayGo and the Byrd Rule) in order to sell manipulate the people into believing this harmful story which is used as a powerful form of social control because they are talking in terms that you can easily understand and scare you with. Their-fear based rhetoric also also ensures that we keep voting for perpetual and self-inflicted austerity, impoverishment, and debt enslavement, while also making the rich even richer, and all the while Congress continues to receive their lobbyists’ paychecks and their corporate payday during and following their time in office.
This whole destructive process radically increases inequality which harms us all no matter where you are on the economic ladder, rich or poor. This prevents societal progress and doing good things for the people and the country at-large. We are manipulated into reinforcing the corrupt system’s call for socialism for the rich and rugged individualism for the 99%.
Another way to put this into some perspective is the following two thoughts. No one in Congress asks how are we gonna pay for tax breaks for the rich or to bomb a new country in the Global South or the Middle East. There is always enough money for socialism for the rich, but there is never enough money for anything that will benefit the 99% such as universal health care, ending student debt, or housing as a human right, etc.
When the moment comes that the people understand how much members of Congress have made themselves rich from serving their corporate masters by knowingly and willingly bold-faced lying to us in order to manipulate us into begging them to inflict austerity and impoverishment upon ourselves, and that this impoverishment is completely a policy choice, then there will be riots in the street.
It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they are being fooled.
published: Monday, 17 July 2023 last edited: 15 Jan 2024 – add a section at they very end version: 1.21
A. Post Genesis
If you want to know who to blame for this post, then blame an episode of the Moneyless Society podcast I watched late last year (~Oct 2022) where one of the hosts mentioned the phrase “syntropic farming” and I had no idea what that was, so I researched it. And, then I was like “Syntropy, entropy? Is that a thing? Is there a relationship?”. And, then it exploded into this post.
B. Post Overview
In this post we will discuss the Conservation of Energy as well as looking at Entropy and Syntropy and how they apply to human social systems and human civilization in our effort to maintain our societies, economies, and the environment. This is really getting into interdisciplinary thinking, specifically the intersection of the laws of physics as they apply to human social systems. Be prepared for a mind bend. My mind is still bent from researching and writing this.
This conversation will covered in the following two major sections:
A Quick Trip Through Three Parts of Physics
The Effect of the Three Parts of Physics within Human Social Systems
C. Quotes are NOT Repeated Content
All quotes in my content are NOT repeated content. Having quotes within a page that repeats content on the page absolutely annoys the crap out of me because it wastes my precious time and brain cycles, so you will see quoted text only once and are an integral part of the post’s content.
I. A Quick Trip Through Three Parts of Physics
A. Conservation of Energy
1. What is the First Law of Thermodynamics?
The first thing we need to cover is The First Law of Thermodynamics (or The Law of Conservation of Energy). We will cover 4 basic ways we can describe it so we can start to wrap our heads around this concept:
Universal Energy is Constant – The energy found at the very beginning of the universe is the same as the energy found today within the universe.
This concept is exemplified by the graph in Figure 1 by famed chemist Peter Atkinswhich has the following title: “1. The total energy of the universe is constant.”. It has time on the the x-axis (right) with 3 data points from Year dot (0,0), Now (about a third down the x axis), and Eternity (at the end of the x axis). The y-axis (up) is Energy which has a straight line going across at about half way showing that energy is constant throughout time. It also has a thought bubble emerging from the Energy line which asks “What energy crisis?”.
Conservation – Within any given system, its energy is always constant or conserved.
If energy levels increases by 5% in one area, then energy levels must decrease by 5% in other area(s) so that universal energy is conserved.
Manifestation – Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only altered in form.
Equation – You can also think of it in equation form:
1 = (increasing energy) + (decreasing energy)
One last powerful thing we should mention is Einstein’s equation E=mc2 which basically states that mass is energy.
2. The Important Implications
All is One.
James O’Neill
The 2 major implications from the Law of Conservation of Energy is:
The Law of Conservation of Energy is the Law of Interdependence because an increase here will mean a decrease over there and on and on, as the change propagates throughout systems, loops and feedback loops within a given system. All things are interconnected and interdependent.
This sets reality up such that we should look at all things through the lens of Systems Theory because all things are a single interconnected and interdependent system.
We will go over the implications of this concept more within the following sections on Entropy and Syntropy, as well as in the final part of this post, part IV.
B. Entropy
1. What is Entropy?
The Second Law of Thermodynamics talks about Entropy, which goes something as follows:
Left alone, the state of entropy of the entire universe (or any given enclosed system) will always increase over time.
Or, as the famed British chemist, Peter Atkins has said:
“Entropy is simply a measure of disorder and affects all aspects of our daily lives. In fact, you can think of it as nature’s tax. Left unchecked, disorder increases over time. Energy disperses, and systems dissolve into chaos. The more disordered something is, the more entropic we consider it.”
Professor Peter Atkins, (Professor of Chemistry, Oxford University)
This concept is exemplified by the graph in Figure 2 by famed chemist Peter Atkinswhich has the following title: “2. The entropy (disorder) of the universe never decreases.”. It has time on the the x-axis (extending from left to right) with 3 data points from Year dot (0,0), Now (about a third down the x axis), and Eternity (at the end of the x axis). The y-axis (extending from bottom to top) is Entropy. There is an exponential curved line starting from 0,0 and going up to a place before Eternity. It also has a thought bubble emerging from the entropy line which states “We have an entropy crisis!”.
Over time, all of existence whether a living creature, a form of inert matter, or a social system will naturally shift from a state of higher energy, order, complexity, or unity to a state of lower energy, order, complexity, or separation eventually reaching a diffuse equilibrium with its background environment. This loss, diffusion, or breakdown of matter, energy, or systems is called Entropy and it is an inviolable law of existence. No matter what happens, Entropy – the disorder, diffusion, or separateness and/or the lowering of energy states – will always increase. This is the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
Within physical systems, Entropy can manifest as an Entropy Tax, degrading the system slowly over time resulting in disorder, inefficiency, and systemic breakdown. This Entropy Tax manifests as energy or work lost as:
friction or resistance
physical material
… all of which reduces its efficiency.
2. Terms that can Describe Entropy
Some of the terms that could be used to describe these more diffuse, lower energy, lower ordered, or separated states:
divergent transformation
separation, division
breakdown, decay, rot, sickness
cessation, death, senescence
diffusion, disorder, chaos
discord, disharmony, disequilibrium
3. How Entropy Increases
Here are some ways to increase Entropy:
Decreasing Density – such as state changes from: solid to liquid to gas to plasma decreases its density at each state change.
Loss of Energy – Something that is hot or high energy loses its energy to become equal to background levels.
Breakdown – Breaking or dividing something down into smaller parts such as erosion or decay – a coffee cup shattering on the ground.
Spreading – Spread something out over a larger area such as a cup of coffee spilling onto the floor.
Chaos and Noise – Increasing randomness or adding noise to a ordered system such as a picture.
4. Examples of Entropy
Here are some examples of increasing Entropy within the physical world:
Living Things – As another example, a human being or any other living thing which is just standing in one spot doing nothing will eventually die of malnutrition and lack of exercise. Without eating and drinking (adding energy) all organisms will eventually die. Their bodies will eventually shut down and then slowly decay away to be claimed by bacteria, insects, and mushrooms (significantly increasing its diffusion into the environment and its level of entropy) and then eventually worn away through the environment. We come from stardust and to dust we shall all eventually return.
Mountains – Over time, mountains will be worn down through the winds, snow, rains, lichen, the warmth of the sun and cold of the night into boulders, which then eventually get turned into rocks and then rubble, and then pebbles into dust. (breakdown)
Hot Cup of Coffee – If you take a steaming hot cup of coffee and leave it out on the counter for 2 days, what has happened to it when you get back to it? The work (energy) added to the coffee to make it hot (high energy) has dissipated into the room’s lower background temperature (lower energy), which results in the formerly steaming coffee’s temperature achieving equilibrium with its lower temperature environment, and it has become cold(er). If you want your coffee to maintain its high energy state (hot temperature) over time then you have to keep adding energy (heat) to it in order to keep its energy state from lowering through entropy acting upon it over time.
Physical Systems – Over time, Entropy within a collective physical system is increased through inefficiencies which are lost as heat, light, sound, or smaller parts of it coming off through erosion and decay.
Cosmic Expansion – The universe is expanding (cosmic density is decreasing) and we are losing the ability to see more and more of the cosmos each day, so that eventually, in billions and billions (maybe even trillions) of years, the skies will be completely black lost over the cosmic horizon and we will only ever be able to see our own sun if even that it is still around. This is the Mystery That Keeps Neil deGrasse Tyson Up At Night (The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Jan 2018 @ ~7 min). And even then, our sun (and all other stars) may turn into a lightless iron stars too through Entropy.
5. The Important Implications
This is a powerful quote which really puts Entropy into a new light:
Disorder is not a mistake; it is our default. Order is always artificial and temporary.
Shane Parrish
a. Change is Eternal and Inviolable
Because (1) all things are Interdependent and (2) Entropy is always increasing, this means that change is always happening. Change is an eternal and inviolable Law of Existence.
b. Reality has an Entropic Bias
Because (1) all things are Interdependent and (2) Entropy is always increasing in all things, this continuously pushes all things towards diffusion, separation, and breakdown which means that “negative” or Entropic Change is always happening, that reality has an Entropic bias.
Due to the laws of physics in this universe, Entropy is easy. Entropy is the path of least resistance. This means that it is always easier to destroy than it is to create. All it takes is for something to exist and then Entropy will effect it over time wearing it down all the way to its atomic parts.
Existence is always subject to systemic and structural separation and breakdown through continuous increases in Entropy which requires a consistent expenditure of focus, organization, and energy in order to resist its inevitable march, and to maintain order and unity within a system.
If you think about it, this is why:
humanity has harnessed the power of fission (splitting atoms to release energy) which is dirty and destructive came first while Fusion (collect and compress atoms together, more efficient, and cleaner) is still the ever present 30 years away
if you eat crap food consistently for a week or two you will gain weight, and then it will take several months to get that weight off, and then a lifetime of effort to keep it off
Originally coined as Negentropy which is a portmanteau of ‘negative entropy’, Syntropy through converging entropy, seeks systemic and structural unity, or higher states of complexity, order, or energy. Syntropy and its manifest entities are finite and localized resulting from convergent transformation within the broader scope of the entropic background environment.
Here are some other ways to explain Syntropy:
The appearance of order out of chaos.
The self-organizing tendency of matter, over long periods of time.
The tendency towards greater complexity and harmony that occurs naturally and counteracts the universal law of entropy, in living systems as well as inanimate entities.
Here is a quote:
This process initiates the conflict between entropy and syntropy: while entropy has inflated the universe towards infinite (diverging waves), syntropy (converging waves) forces living systems to be finite and localized. Comparing the infinite of the environment (entropy) and finite of the living system (syntropy) produces a results which tends to zero:”
State Change – a state change from plasma to gas, liquid to solid increases its density at each state change
Temperature Change – Increasing its density such as through an decrease in temperature.
Collecting – things into a larger collective entity or smaller space
Regenerating – regenerating, fixing, or maintaining the integrity of a system
Noise – Decreasing randomness or decreasing noise to a ordered system such as sharpening or removing noise from a picture.
4. Examples of Syntropy
Below I will show some examples of of increasing syntropy, but in order to make that happen, we also have to show increases in entropy, because entropy increases have to precede syntropy increases because organization of matter into unitary forms requires materials with which to form itself.
Example 1 – Cosmic Evolution – The creative engine of the evolution of the universe and all that is in it from the stars to the planets and moons, and the nebulae. They all formed as matter came together to form more order within the universe. This is all very simplified, but this give you an idea:
Big Crunch bringing together all matter in the universe into 1 tiny space (maximum syntropy)
Big Bang which gave light, heat, sound, and radiation, and greatly increased the entropy of the matter contained by spreading it out and forming massive heated plasma clouds (high levels of entropy).
The super heated plasma clouds cool down (decreasing entropy) to form more dense clouds of simple gasses (increasing syntropy).
These cooler simple gasses condense close enough through gravity, which then coalesces into stars increases gravity even more pulling even more gasses into it (greatly increasing syntropy).
These first stars forge new heavier elements (increasing syntropy) and then eventually explode (greatly increasing its entropy) and then spread newly formed more complex gas and heavier elements around the universe.
Which then collect in an area enough to form gravity which pulled those heavier gasses close eventually which then coalesced into rocks and meteors, then more stars, planets, and moons within galaxies.
Example 2 – The Circle of Life – sun (syntropy) ->emits light and heat (expanding entropy) -> which is absorbed by plants to sustain itself and grow (syntropy) -> which are eaten by cows and other animals (increasing entropy) to sustain themselves and grow (syntropy)-> which are themselves killed (entropy) -> and turned into hamburgers (syntropy) -> a pregnant female eats (entropy) -> to grow a baby (syntropy) -> which consumes food (entropy) and spends energy to maintain itself (syntropy)-> dies and is reclaimed by the environment (maximum entropy)
Example 3 – Black Holes and White Holes – In many ways black holes are the ultimate expression of converging matter and energy (syntropy), which may then emit all of that energy concentrated matter through its evolution into a theoretical white hole phase (increasing entropy) or a quasar (increasing entropy).
5. The Important Implications
a. Entropy Must Precede Syntropy
Localized order (Syntropy) can emerge only if large scale disorder (Entropy) preceded it. You cannot build a house (Syntropy) without various disparate materials (hammers, nails, 2x4s, screws, drywall, siding, insulation, etc) are present (Entropy).
b. Syntropy is Only Temporary
Decay and breakdown are the default end of all things when left to the dispassionate hands of time and entropy.
Syntropy is much more difficult. It takes more energy to create and maintain a unitary organism, to heal, or to create something anew. It takes more energy to maintain the health of an organism or system whether social, political, or other, otherwise it will naturally tend towards separation, discord, dysfunction, disequilibrium, and breakdown. The only way to compensate for the eternal losses or changes due to Entropy’s erosion is by continuously add work/energy to maintain the “order” and health of the system. Without the proper energy or work being continuously added to a give entity it will always breakdown over time due to the force of Entropy.
II. The Effects of the Three Parts of Physics within Human Social Systems
A. Introduction
1. My Political Leanings and Biases
Before we get into what this all means within human social systems, I just want to make sure you have some idea as to where I stand politically and what my biases are so that you can take what I will talk about here with a grain of salt (if needed) as we attempt to put it all into perspective.
I identify as a radical leftist, although your mileage may vary especially on the “radical” part. Republicans are far right-wing and Democrats are a moderate conservative and controlled opposition party in our one-party system, with the people (the 99%) having no political representation at all. You can check out the graphs on Political Compass which will put that into perspective.
If you want to read more about where I am politically, of course you can read more on this website, but you can also specifically check out the following posts which cover electoral issues within the US’ one-party system:
Ok, so, what does The Law of Conservation or Energy, Entropy, and Syntropy have have to do with human social systems? Well, some of you may already begin to see where I am going with this from what was written in those respective sections above, but I tried to keep it as politically neutral as I could so that those sections could be useful in-and-of-themselves even if you do not agree with my political views here.
We will look at what the new vocabulary terms stated above mean within our political and social systems as well as what the impact is of the 3 physics topics we covered above mean within our political and social systems too. We will also talk about the larger scale implications.
This section will cover the following sections:
Quick Review of The First Law of Thermodynamics, Entropy, and Syntropy
Some Useful New Vocabulary
Physic’s Effect within Human Social systems
B. Quick Review of Conservation of Energy, Entropy, and Syntropy
1. Quick Review of The Law of Conservation of Energy
With the First Law of Thermodynamics, which is the Law of Conservation of Energy, we have the following implication:
We should look at all things through the lens of Systems Theory because the entirety of time and space within our reality is a single interconnected and interdependent system.
2. Quick Review of Entropy
With Entropy we have the following implications:
Change is eternal and inviolable.
Reality has an Entropic bias.
3. Quick Review of Syntropy
With Syntropy we have the following implications:
Entropy must precede Syntropy.
Syntropy is only temporary.
C. Some Useful New Vocabulary
I am going to attempt to loosely define some words which might be useful to add to our collective vocabulary going forward:
Root word – Syntropy:
Syntropath (noun)
one who supports or acts in Syntropic ways
Syntropathy (noun)
of or being Syntropic
Syntropic (adjective)
acting or effecting the world in a Syntropic manner
Root word – Entropy:
Entropath (noun)
one who supports or acts in Entropic ways
Entropathy (noun)
of or being Entropic
Entropic (adjective)
acting or effecting the world in an Entropic manner
D. Physics’ Effects Within Social Systems
1. Introduction
This section will be covered the following topics:
Entropy and Syntropy within Human Social Systems
Everyone is Fighting a Battle…
Kindness are Inclusion are Rebellious, Radical, and Political Acts
Organization and Energy Required for Syntropic Movements and Organizations
2. Entropy and Syntropy within Human Social Systems
a. Introduction
In order to have a useful conversation we will need to talk about what Entropy and Syntropy look like when applied to human systems. Below is a quick summary of both concepts:
Entropy is characterized by results which divide, separate, or wear down or destroy existing systems and life. Entropy is the path of least resistance.
Syntropy is characterized by results which bring things closer together, increase inclusion, maintain the integrity of existing systems, heal existing systems, or which give birth to new systems. Syntropy is always temporary.
As establish above, because the laws of physics, reality has an entropic bias making Entropic actions and results the path of least resistance. It is always easier to engage oneself in Entropic beliefs, actions, and organizations, than it is to unify, maintain a systems integrity, or to heal it. When we look at the world today through this lens you will start to see this awful truth: that Entropic people, beliefs, organizations, and systems are everywhere, and that anything that could be construed as being Syntropic has to fight like hell to have any chance to exist or to even start to make a positive change in the world, and/or it does not last long.
b. Examples of Entropy within Human Social Systems
All harm that humanity inflicts upon the world is a cry for connection.
James O’Neill, The Tao of Entropy and Syntropy within Human Social Systems
Here are some macro scale examples of Entropy within today’s world which are all to easy to think of:
War is the ultimate expression of Entropy through at least 2 groups seeing themselves separate enough to be willing to murder each other, to the destroy lives, resources, infrastructure, and the environment.
Nation states, religions, businesses, and the toxicity of individualism which separate us from each other. This also brings up the concept of “labels as violence”.
Capitalism, monetary systems, and methods of exchange are Entropic because they pit us against the each other through competition via what I call the Tension within Methods of Exchange.
Systemic and structural classism, racism, and misogyny separate us and destroy the very fabric of society and create violent sociopathic tribalism, exploitation, and inequality.
Businesses and countries compete only for Profit Mo Matter the Cost to Humanity or the Natural World which are detrimental to and/or destroys existing systems such as we see through the visceral harms of inequality, the concentration of wealth, poverty, and pollution and climate change.
Extreme Conservatism (Republicans) and Moderate Conservativism (Democrats) are the dominant and most influential political ideologies which separate, exploit, and attack others through genocide, imperialism, colonialism, and classism, and all of the horrors we expect from Capitalism running rampant through the world today.
The list here can go on about the examples of Entropic, systems, ideals, organizations, or people because Entropy and its systemic devastation is everywhere in the world today! We must remember that it is easy to be Entropic for it is the path of least resistance within the laws of physics.
These manifestations of Entropy are also visceral self-defense mechanisms to promote and maintain the progress of Entropy within the system as well as to push the system further out of balance to accelerate the rate of destruction and disequilibrium, and to work towards ensuring that the effect of any Syntropy will be limited and short lived.
c. Examples of Syntropy within Human Social Systems
Syntropy, however, is much harder to find examples of, especially long term examples of because eventually they will be corrupted and torn down, but below are some examples. As you may see for some of these, Entropy will proceed many of these Syntropic movements.
Every… single… civil rights movement throughout history which seek to undo the horrors of our Entropic systems and reality, such as are listed below:
The Civil War and the Women’s Suffrage Movement
Resource Based Economies, the Labor Movements, as well as the movements for Socialism and Communism all of which sprung out as reactions to the exploitive and tyrannical horrors of Capitalism.
The Humanist and Secularist movements which sprung out from the horrors and devastation of fundamentalist Christianity, especially from within the throws of Capitalism.
Environmental movements and circular economy movements
Cooperative and sharing movements, and universal services movements
Open borders movements
Anti capitalist, imperialist, and colonialist movements
LGBTQ+ and disability movements
All of these have/are fighting against the dominant Entropic systems that control the world today and have violence inflicted upon them as they seek to create a more interdependent, interconnected, holistic, and inclusive society. These movements evolve as a sort of a Syntropic systemic autoimmune response in order to attempt to restore a more sustainable balance and to maintain the health and integrity of their living systems.
3. Everyone is Fighting a Battle…
We are ALL victims of sociopathic and Entropic social and economic systems, even rich and corporations who I affectionately refer to as “the predatory class”. You can read more about this here: The Harms of Inequality. And, because of this fact, I have been saying this a lot, especially on my Twitch live stream:
Everyone is messed up in their very own, special, snowflake way.
James O’Neill
Also, here is that amazing quote who we have no idea who really said it, but that Robin Williams is most attributed, that goes something like this:
Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.
Robin Williams
Here is a power quote from the late, great Michael Brooks:
Be ruthless to Systems. Be kind to people
Michael Brooks
4. Kindness and Inclusion are Rebellious, Radical, and Political Acts
Because the lure to the Dark Side within the horrors of an Entropic universe is so strong, being a kind, good, and inclusive person is really an accomplishment, and is really a radical act of rebellion. Let us all join this Syntropic rebellion of kindness and inclusion just to make the world a better place. If you can be anything, be the singular point of light within your community. Shine bright so others know that is OK, and that they are not alone, that there is hope and refuge from the raging and eternal storm of sociopathy and Entropy.
Acts of kindness and inclusion will always be radical, rebellious, and political acts within an Entropic universe.
James O’Neill, The Tao of Entropy and Syntropy within Human Social Systems
5. Mass Movement for Organization Required for Syntropic Movements to Be Successful
Entropic political and social movements such as conservatism and neoliberalism will always have an organizational advantage when it comes to politics because they are Entropic ideals. While, getting leftist to do anything is like herding cats, next to impossible to do. This is just how the physics plays out within our social and political systems.
With me saying all of this, I am not being nihilistic or trying to say that positive change is futile or impossible, because it is not. I want this post and these understandings to be a clarion call for massive organization to work towards the Syntropic changes that we all need to make the world a better place.
With all that we have stated here, let us take a look at this famous quote Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:
Those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
…and realize with what we now know from this post, that we need to modify this quote to be something like this:
Those who love peace must learn to organize “an order of magnitude more” effectively than those who love war.
James O’Neill, The Tao of Entropy and Syntropy within Human Social Systems
In order to get any progress done we first have to start putting in energy and organization just to make up for the Entropy Tax, which means that at the beginning there is no real progress to be had. Then we must keep putting in energy, resources, and time in order to compensate for the continuous application of the Entropy Tax over time. Already, before any progress can even begin, we are already starting behind which can be quite demoralizing. All that work and energy and organization put in with no real progress to show for it. And, with each and every individual Syntropic group and organization going through this same process, there is so much wasted resources, time, and potential, while they are all recreating the wheel, individually paying the Entropy Tax.
We don’t need a second or third political party, or another anti-capitalist movement, etc. What we really need is an overarching organization which can tie all of the Syntropic movements together so that we do not waste resources, data, ideas, or people power so we can work together to accomplish more together than apart, so we can take advantage of economies of scale. This way we can share flyers, ideas, data, research, resources, and work; so we can work together to plan a single global day/weeks(s) of protest, strike, or an information spreading campaign. This is what is really going to be required in order to work towards that 3.5% of the population that is required to potentially have a successful social movement to effectuate real changes in the world.
We need revolution, an organizational revolution to pull us all together to fight against the dominance, darkness, and destruction of Entropic systems, so that life on this planet (including us humans) may grow and flourish within Syntropy.
6. Change Managing the Death of a Phoenix
When first we start to create something Syntropic and good, we must first acknowledge and understand, as the saying goes “All good things must come to an end.”, because this is the universal law of Entropy. Whatever you build and put your heart into will eventually breakdown and come to an end, so you must put as much (if not more) heart and work into managing its end with grace and power. When a social movement does eventually implode, and it will because the end of all things is assured due to Entropy, we really need to be prepared to think of change managing its implosion so that something new and more powerful and Syntropic can rise out of its ashes, like the mythical phoenix.
Doing this require an incredible amount of humility, self reflection, radical and brutal honesty in our part in its demise (and its potential future) as we debrief its collapse in real time. Change managing its implosion will require a collective cooperation and agreement that something better can come of it if we choose to learn from it, and perform the hard task of a post mortem analysis and debrief. All of which are difficult to maintain as everything you have built and put your heart in for however long is now coming to an end, stages of grief and all of that (which also needs to be managed).
I know you are all clamoring for more posts. Believe me, I want to post something of substance too. I have a bunch of things I am working on. My new amazing job has me getting done @ 6pm (18:00) each day which really cuts into any potential writing time. Also, currently I am working on taxes which is a long process because we have some small businesses and I no longer have 2 months of vacation where I would normally take a week of vacation do get my part done. So, now I have to fit in in where I can. =(
However, that being said, I will just give you a small taste of some of what I am working on so at least you have an idea of what may be coming eventually. These are the 4 works I am working on listed in the order that they are most likely to be published (except for the last one):
The Tao of Entropy and Syntropy within Human Social Systems – This is one of the most recent posts I have started (Dec 2022) which is only 3k words and it is going to be a short but very powerful one. It will not get too much bigger than that – maybe 4k words before I am done. This post may radically change the way we think about things. -O =) I am super excited about this one.
Daylight Saving Time (DST) Needs to End – I have been working on this off and on since about 2018. and it is currently 12k words large. I have a the first 75% edited and ready, but I have the last 25% left to go. The scientific studies just make my eyes glaze over which is a large part of why this has taken so long.
Racism and Bullying in Our Schools – I have been working on this off and on since about 2019. and it is currently 12k words large. I have a the first 50% fairly well done, but there is still a lot of editing and writing to do in the last 50%. This is an important topic to get right.
Humanity’s Journey Through Abundance to Scarcity and Back Again – This will most likely end up being book length (300 – 400 pgs) looking at homo sapiens’ journey from the Paleolithic through the Neolithic and into the Holocene and Anthropocene of today. I will be looking at creating a theory of how and why Humanity is currently competitive, hierarchical, and patriarchal, as well as a theory of how we solve this issue to make the world a better place. Currently, this giant work will be broken down into 3 100+page parts: (1) The journey from the Paleolithic to today looking at abundance and scarcity which itself will be broken into 3 parts. (2) A theory of why things turned out the way the did and a theory on how to fix it. (3) How to fix it which will concentrate on my policies and a shift to an RBE. I currently have about 300 pages of notes and writing started already – mostly notes which need to be distilled and integrated into the larger writing.
I have also started a bunch most posts ranging from talking about Resource Based Economies to Running for Office too. So, there is a lot of irons in the fire, I just need to get the time to write and edit them all .
I have been wanting to start attempting to make music for a while, especially to create music for our yoga studio. I finally gave it a twirl while I was creating a romantic video for my wife as a Christmas present. A part of that process was creating this as background music for the video, although this was not the vibe or type of music that was really needed for that sort of video.
Keep in mind I have zero idea what I am doing… zero! Anyhow, below is my first attempt.
I don’t understand most of what he said, but I will take it!! 😊 ❤
B. The Track (4 min 18 sec)
II. New Track in the Works – Funk’s Nightmare
I am working on a new track, but it will be a while before I get a chance to finish it because tax season has hit. Here is a sample of the first approximately 1 minute, which is all I currently have done. About when this is ending I am expecting to add a hip-hop drum fill of sorts and then have it explode with more intense music.
Following my 6 year stint in the US Navy during the Persian Gulf War as a Nuclear Reactor Operator (1992 to 1998), I achieved a BS in Computer Information Systems (computer programming) an additional AS in Computer Networking Technologies (1999 to 2002). During college, I started to learn web development on my own starting from HTML for Dummies and Hakon Wium Lie‘s Cascading Style Sheets: Designing for the Web (1999) and then, once I graduated and started my first job in January of 2003, I drank deeply of the web development wisdom that was available online.
During these last 4 months I have done some freelance auditing while looking for work in this field. Fortunately, I have just found an amazing position with Western Governors University as a Digital Accessibility Expert. That is their label, not mine! =)
Ok, enough about me and my journey into Accessibility, and where I find myself now. Now, onto what this post is about.
B. Post Overview
During these last 4 months of looking for work, in most of my second round interviews I had lamented about the state of web development education which has lead to the state of the significantly inaccessible web that we find ourselves wading through today. I can pretty much guarantee that only a small fraction of websites actually meet AA of the WCAG 2.1 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) if it is applied stringently. And, this is sad to say especially when creating accessible web content is NOT at all hard. It really isn’t. The horrific state of the web persists today because of the abject failure of our web development educational paths to teach development correctly – with compassion and inclusion as a foundational principle for ALL web work.
This post will go over the issues with accessibility auditing as an industry standard, and I will make a call for larger order systemic change in the industry, so that we can solve the web’s accessibility issues relatively “quickly” – in five or so years.
This post will have 4 major sections:
The Harms of Accessibility Audits
Naming and Shaming Inaccessible Site Building Tools
The Clarion Call For Systemic Change
An Accessibility Driven Work Force
…so strap yourself in, accessibility peeps. Come for the article, but stay for the memes. =)
I. The Harms of Accessibility Audits
In this section I will make the case that accessibility audits do not serve the client, nor do they serve the internet, nor do they broadly serve those with impairments in the long term. The key here is long term.
A. An Accessibility Audit is a Company’s Web Developer Competency Test
Let’s get down into what an accessibility audit really is in stark and brutal terms: accessibility audits are really a web developer competency test which ends up with us (auditors) just telling our clients that their developers have no idea what they are doing and that they are writing shitty code which may put their business in legal danger, as well as fostering a image for their business that they do not care about an inclusive web or being an inclusive business which could be a PR shitstorm. If you are a business owner and lawsuits are your kink, then hey, you do you, ’cause I am not here to kink shame; but, for the rest of us, this potential should be horrifying. If developers knew what they were doing and created accessible websites then we accessibility auditors would not have a job.
B. Audits Potentially Create an Antagonistic Work Environment
When we send developers a page by page audit this can create a low level antagonism not only towards us as accessibility professionals who are just trying to help, but also to the client’s management, and their developers’ management. These changes we recommend to the already overburdened workload of the unrelenting web development industry can radically increase the level of stress for all involved. This may potentially make everything else within the industry harder than it has to be.
C. Audits Can Result in Client Complacency
Audits are a stop-gap for clients and their developers’ incompetence so they can say that they are working towards making their website accessible (since they failed to do it right the first time) to hedge against potential lawsuits. They contact an accessibility company so that audits can be performed, and to have the accessibility company’s logo in the footer, hoping to dissuade anyone from suing. This is also used as a way to say “See! We are working on it. It is not our fault. It is the accessibility company’s fault. They did not tell us!” or “It is a long process, so be reeeeealy patient!” and so on, even though their site never should have been broken in the first place. With this sort of public signal out there, they believe they can take their time to fix things or blame the lack of change on the developer’s work load or some other bureaucratic or fiscal issue. And, then keep delaying making the real changes required to ween themselves off the accessibility company’s auditing and expertise by cultivating their own.
D. Barely Incremental Change with Recurring Errors
Accessibility is NOT extra steps. Accessibility is the steps your forgot to take.
someone on Twitter
Monthly audits as a primary means of helping to improve a site’s accessibility is barely incremental month by month change. They are barely placing a band aid over a gaping stab wound, while the attacker is still stabbing away (developers continuously NOT coding accessibly). The site’s developers may fix an individual issue, but they may end up making that same coding mistake again because they do not understand why it is a mistake, nor do they care, nor do they have the foundational knowledge or empathy to understand or want to remember. Such knowledge is not ingrained into them to care or to understand, because they do not see the web through the eyes of inclusion and empathy. They just want to get this extra work done, so they can get to their coding backlog.
Audits are done instead of providing an answer which is larger and more sweeping (systemic change) which could more quickly speed the client towards reforming their website and creating an accessible developer pool as soon as possible.
E. Wasted Time on Random Page Audits
Also, if random pages are audited every month, then there can be A LOT of wasted time because the same issues are still present there month after month as the developers slowly fix things which ends up wasting the accessibility firm’s time and expertise, as well as everyone else’s time from having to look at so many duplicate error reporting. If a product page was analyzed thoroughly before and everything was found, and there are no new areas added to a product page, then the only thing that should really be done with those product pages is testing fixes to the page unless there are major structural changes made to that page type. Although, a quick check on the content’s structure would be OK.
F. Audits Serve Profits Mostly
Audits serve the auditing businesses’ profit margins because it creates a continuous stream of perpetual work, because the client’s developers do not change how they code in the long term, so there is very little incentive for an accessibility business to cure themselves of this plague of auditing as long as it could mean a loss in profits. Yea capitalism! =(
G. Accessibility Audits are Still Necessary
However, as an accessibility auditor, let me say that I do not think we should stop doing them, because they are a useful tool to have in our toolbox to help ensure that the web remains as accessible as possible, but they should NOT be the primary means for our work towards effectuating large scale change within the web, because they are at best temporary incremental change to help jump start our clients’ learning process. The ideal goal that ALL accessibility businesses should have is to work themselves out of business, and accessibility audits are NOT ever going to be a tool to accomplish this.
II. Naming and Shaming Inaccessible Site Building Tools
A. These Are Just Medium Term Patches
The below options are not perfect and have the same issues as audits have from above (because you are really just auditing their software) which are: sure your fixed those issues, but then their coders may make those same types of errors again. These are more of medium term patches, which would lead us to the real solution in the next section.
B. Focusing on the Client’s Web Tools
Here are the steps for this:
Find out what CMS your client is using as well as what themes, plugins, and modules, etc… they are using.
Publish a blog post:
Name and shame the CMS (if needed) and the broken, themes, plugins/modules, etc…
List what accessibility issues there are with each.
Provide the solutions to fix all of the present accessibility problems.
File the appropriate bug reports to have them fix the accessibility issues, and continue to monitor those bugs.
Volunteer to help them solve the issue, so you know it will get done.
Such naming and shaming will generate a lot of talk about accessibility within the community as well as awareness about accessibility issues. And, once these accessibility issues are fixed, this will increase the accessibility of all sites using that CMS and those site building tools, as well as for your client specifically.
C. Focusing on the Most Popular Tools
You could also publish that same type of blog post as mentioned above but focusing on the most popular modules/plugins for a given CMS in a given area such as breadcrumbs, and then write a blog post tearing apart the accessibility issues for the top 5 of them, rating them, and then file bug reports to get those issues fixed. You can similarly volunteer to fix the issues too.
By concentrating on CMS’es and their site building software you change it not just for your client, but also for ALL of the people who are using that site building software’s tools too. There is a large bang for your buck to effectuate broad scale change quickly through this method of naming and shaming, and assisting in the fixing of their code.
D. Dedicated Open Source Programmer on Staff
Honestly, each accessibility shop should have at least one open source developer on staff just to do this full time. Hell, you could start an open source project just so you can collaborate and not waste anyone’s time. If every accessibility shop did have one open source programmer on staff then, in short order, much of the accessibility issues on the web could be fixed fairly quickly, while powerfully supporting an open source internet. Everybody wins!!
III. The Clarion Call For Systemic Change
Hopefully, in my thoughts above I made a decent case for why accessibility audits are limited in usefulness, and barely qualify as incremental change. They are mostly useful for auditors like myself to keep their auditing skills sharp, and that is about it, really. This then begs the question: What will provide long term value for the client’s buck and to push the internet at large quickly to a more empathetic and accessible space? Any long term solution to this inaccessible internet issue must be looked at through the lens of systemic change, because the system is the problem. If we do not change the way sites are developed then we will just end up spinning our wheels in place while never really accomplishing anything.
First, let’s look at what systemic change is: “Change has to be fundamental and affects how the whole system functions”. We need to look for a solution which changes the way the whole web development system operates so that it no longer creates inaccessible websites.
This quickest way to serve our clients and the web quickly is by power-driving their developers and their development model straight into an accessible development shop. Anything short of this is wasting a lot of our precious time and resources, and has people with impairments needlessly suffering while trying to get things done on the web.
A. The Failure of the W3C to Lead on Accessible Web Developer Training
Let’s take a look at what the W3C offers as web developer educational paths. On a quick look I see two options:
W3Cx (Training) – On the bottom left of the sidebar there is a section labeled as W3C Developers, and below that there is a link to W3Cx (Training), and that takes you to some light intro open courses including one for accessibility, which is a good start, but barely a start.
W3C Front-End Developer Professional Certificate – And then at the bottom of that above mentioned training area there is a link W3C Front-End Developer Professional Certificate which is for ~$900 where accessibility is barely a foot note which is criminal. Accessibility is no where near the star of the show that it needs to be.
Honestly, for all web dev courses, the Web Accessibility course should come first and be required to be completed before unlocking the rest of the course work just to show how important it is to their work and learning.
Now, don’t get me wrong, the W3C is a non-profit and they are busy creating specifications, and all of that. But, they already created a course (or two). They already have the experts and the accessibility materials through the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) and so on. How hard would it be to make accessibility as the first and most important part of each course? blink blink I know. It wouldn’t be hard at all.
Do you want to know why the web is an morass of ableism and inaccessibility? This is why!!! Can you sense my barely contained rage? I hope so. Ok, whew! I will simmer down now a bit and get into how we can work towards fixing this ridiculous and criminal oversight of the W3C.
B. Create an Accessible XHTML5 Developer Certification Path
Since the W3C is criminally remiss at not having implemented something like this, then we will have to create a training and certification path for a Certified Accessible XHTML5 Developer (CAX5D) ourselves, which should be available online for free so we can have it available to create a global pool of developers who can code websites accessibly.
Once a course like this is created, you can then give this to each client for their developers to go through. Also, offer this to each and every educational institution which teaches web development. Then start naming and shaming schools which do NOT teach web development from the standpoint of accessibility and XHTML first, because that is where this inaccessible web problem started in the first place. Doing this will create a huge conversation through the controversy, but could effectuate change quickly once the schools pickup this new program.
Now, what might such a curriculum look like for the beginning of a full time class load (or something like that)? I will give you a rough outline of what I think we could do, from my limited view, so take this all with a grain of salt. There is so much more than this, but this should get you a good start on how I am thinking about this and how we solve the long term problem. We will look to start small and then build up and layer their skill set and empathy as we go.
The curriculum will be broken down into 4 basic sections:
Accessibility Foundations – Learn about accessibility and why it matters. We must also work towards powering up their empathy too.
XHTML5 – Semantically correct, valid, and well-formed XHTML5 is the bare essential for accessibility, plus we will start to have their minds thinking like auditors by judging the semantic correctness of code.
Accessibility Tools – Introducing them to the WCAG and ARIA so that they know what it is, read through some of it, and then start talk about auditing websites for accessibility issues
Accessible Web Development – Just continue on teaching with these fundamentals in mind (empathy and accessibility; semantically correct, valid, and well formed code; separation of layers; progressive enhancement).
Keep in mind that this is all a very rough outline, especially towards the end. We will need both the teachers side of the course and the students side of these courses too. We will also want to take into account Universal Design for Learning principles as we are putting all of this together.
1. Accessibility Foundations (month 1)
We will start with making the case for accessibility and instilling empathy into our developers of tomorrow, because this is the piece that is sorely lacking, and this IS the foundation for web development.
Second, sprinkled liberally throughout this learning process students should be watching plenty of videos of how people with the various impairments experience and use the web.
If we can, bring in some people with impairments to come in and use the web live for the class and to answer questions for them about their web use and their experiences with disability.
c. Firsthand Accessibility Experience
The third part is to have the students experience firsthand the frustration of the inaccessible web for themselves. The curriculum will need curated sites, some of which are broken and some which are not, so that they can experience both sides. They will be given tasks to perform on each site.
Have students perform tasks on various websites with keyboard only (no mouse).
Have students, while blindfolded or with the monitor off, perform tasks on various websites with keyboard and screen reader only.
Have students perform tasks on various websites with the sound turned off.
If we can get access to other assistive technology for the students to try that would be powerful too (sip and puff, switch access, voice activation).
This should be enough to get their brain into thinking about accessibility, why it is important, as well as supercharging their empathy too by:
First, seeing people with impairments use the web.
Then, talking with people with impairments and learning of their experiences.
Lastly experiencing using the web with assistive technology themselves.
It is harder to deny the issue of an inaccessible web if you have experienced it yourself, and if you have to keep experiencing it. This whole process will also introduce them to how important and fundamental a test that tabbing through the page really is.
d. The Case for Accessibility
The fourth part will be teaching them the various excuses stakeholders provide for not doing accessibility, and then providing our students with the break down for why the stakeholder’s excuses are incorrect, and how to refute them. Arming our future accessible developers with the ability to combat the primary stakeholder blockers for accessibility is perhaps one the most powerful and valuable tools we can provide them. This will also help to instill into them that there is no reason to not code accessibly.
2. XHTML5 (month 2)
In this second phase we will introduce the students to the HTML5 specification as well as making the case for why creating:
… XHTML5 is the foundation of accessible web design. Because, without semantic, well-formed, and valid HTML5 there is no accessibility; or, at least, your work to make an accessible website is potentially made more difficult. If we can drive this into them then we are almost there in creating a new wave of accessible web developers.
Here is a question from Axe Con 2022 to Mark Steadman: “Should I learn semantic HTML or ARIA first?”
Holy hell! Learn semantic HTML first.
I can tell you right now, semantic HTML will save you loads of time. It will.
But, also it will save you from getting into the weeds of having the worst experience with ARIA. So many things I see in the field are people who will put ARIA on everything and they end up in a pretty messed up web of ARIA. And, it’s hard to get back out that.
If they would just use semantic HTML in the first place, right, in tandem with everything else they’ve got, they will be in great shape. Use semantic HTML. Learn it, because it has so many built in accessibility options already there. Use it and learn it.
We will have the students read through a few of elements within the HTML5 specification so that they know that the specification exits and where it is, what each element is used for (its semantic value) and how it should be used:
ordered and unordered lists
We can then introduce them to sample HTML5 code so they can see these elements in action, and then look at how different sorts of content might be formatted using these elements to get their brains thinking about semantics, and perhaps even wanting other elements with different semantic meanings to mark their code up with. We will also work with them to validate this code and to look for well-formedness errors so they will start thinking about code quality.
Lastly, we will have them take a look at the HTML5 code behind various websites to check for how semantically correct their code is (a semantic code audit). This will get their brains thinking about semantic HTML5 and to be critical of their code, all of which is are very important tools to start instilling into them so that we can begin their journey into becoming an accessible XHTML5 developer, and for having them to start developing their auditing brain.
3. Accessibility Tools (month 3)
a. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
Now, we will continue the discussion about XHTML5 by introducing some the landmark elements, and then have the students read the HTML5 spec for these elements. We can show them that screen readers can navigate by jumping from landmark to landmark, and from header to header, and then have them do it too. We can spend some time auditing some sites for landmark roles.
To reinforce the things that we have already been teaching them, we will now introduce the WCAG 2.1 by giving them a link to it, going through the basic parts, and then introduce a few criteria for them to digest:
1.1.1 – Non-text Content – for those with visual impairments
1.3.1 – Info and Relationships – semantically correct code
2.1.1 – Keyboard – keyboard only accessible websites and screen reader users
4.1.1 – Parsing – reinforces valid and well-formed HTML/XHTML
This will hopefully have them start to see how this all ties together. We can show example code and have them audit it for these criteria. We would then explain why the WCAG is important, how to understand it, how to test it, how to code for it. We will also have them evaluate websites for semantic HTML and evaluate websites for accessibility using the WCAG.
Once you start getting into actual code, you will review the code’s semantics and any applicable WCAG criteria or usability issues that may come up.
b. Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA)
Only using Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) when necessary. Potentially, if you are using ARIA then you may be doing something wrong. Check what you are doing to see if there is a more semantic way of doing it. Although, there are a few places where ARIA is needed because there are no native HTML elements which cover such as:
in-page tabs
carousels (please, just don’t use these)
live regions
We will want to introduce them to the appropriate accessible design patterns for these exceptions, and have them test them too so they know how well they work or don’t.
Information – the page’s content – A webpage is there to show us information in one form or another.
Structure – HTML is the structural layer providing semantics to describe what the content is and to describe the structural aspects of a page’s layout.
Presentation – CSS is there to provide the presentation and layout.
Behavior – JavaScript is there to create the website’s client facing behavior through scripting.
The structure, presentation, and behavioral layers should maintain as much separation as possible – no in-page CSS or JS. It should be as separated into their own files as much as possible. Clean HTML is easier to troubleshoot, and see what is going on then having to wade through tons of inline CSS and JS.
b. Progressive Enhancement
As as stepping stone to the Separation of Layers, we have Progressive Enhancement. Once you first have created your page by adding your content with semantic XHTML, then you look to add CSS and, in doing so, you should make sure that the site works just fine like this (without JS). Then you look to add JS behavior. At each stage (HTML only, + CSS, + JS) the site should be functional.
c. The Rest
Then you get into the weeds as far as web development is concerned – blending XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, but still all taught through the eyes of accessibility, always through that lens. Perhaps, the last half of each Friday will be semantic and accessible code audits for not only the students’ code, but on other websites too. They will still use screen readers or other assistive tech. For each lesson, the links to the HMTL5 spec for the new individual elements will be listed and be a part of the required reading. Also, the applicable WCAG criteria shall be listed as well as which impairments are the most effected by these tags or the project being worked on. We can also introduce accessible design patterns here too.
C. How Do We Get Businesses to Make the Switch?
How do we get businesses to make the switch to compassion, empathy, and inclusion? That is a good question. Here are some thoughts:
Naming and shaming is a good start.
Grants for businesses to have their people go through this accessibility training.
Having governments pass a law which gives a small tax break to those businesses who have very accessible websites would be a great reinforcing driver.
Having governments pass a law which gives an increase in taxes on those businesses who have significant accessibility issues with their websites, in addition to fines.
Having the government step up or start to do website auditing and then file complaints against the businesses with inaccessible websites.
Businesses with inaccessible website cannot qualify for government contracts.
The government could also be a registry where people can find businesses with accessible websites to work with, or to know which ones are having issues too, so that they can avoid them if needed.
Businesses which are accessible could also require that anyone that they do business with should have an accessible website.
The W3C can keep a list of all of the education institutions that are using this curriculum, so that students know where they can learn web development correctly.
Will we put most web dev training companies out of business by doing this? Hopefully not. Hopefully, with a naming and shaming campaign they will pick up this program which would be a good thing. Having the training to create accessible websites as open and free contributes to making sure that the web is as open free, and as accessible as possible, and it makes it so that anyone can learn it and learn it correctly, if they have the time and inclination.
Honestly, and to be completely harsh here, the fact that the W3C has not done this with all of the expertise that they have available is bordering on malpractice. They should have put something like this together and posted it to a least one MOOC site. This would save the internet so very many problems, especially if there was a certification for it too.
IV. An Accessibility Driven Work Force
Now, I am going to be real with you. If your company is really into inclusion and accessibility, then your company should join the International Association of Accessibility Professionals, and then every… single… person in your employ should take an Accessibility Foundations sort of in depth course. If every single person in your company is not thinking about empathy and accessibility, then this may end up being problematic.
Once your people get through the first part of the training, then you can have their training diverge from there as it applies to their specific work, such as something like this:
A company that did this whole-heartedly would really create waves globally and perhaps even set a new standard for what an inclusive work place really is.
Now, after reading the above, ask yourself this “How inclusive and accessible is my work place, really?“.
Accessibility Audits are going to be a necessary evil until as such time as the accessibility community focuses on creating a one stop open and free educational shop for colleges, universities, and individuals to learn web development through the lens of accessibility, so that someday, sooner than later, that accessibility auditing will be relegated to an as needed thing.
Here is another quick post answering questions from someone on Facebook who is asking the age old questions about a Resource Based Economy (RBE) that are typically being asked of those who are just beginning their journey into RBE, and need to know just how the hell this thing is going to work. These are good questions and I am going to try to answer them in this post. So, here we go!
Most of these questions are basically answered in these posts of mine:
Someone explain who decides who gets the beachfront, the penthouse, the luxury living quarters in this system.
Someone tell me who decides why some people will get the better stuff while everyone else gets stuck in shitty apartments.
And how does who does what job get determined? I keep telling y’all I’m not cleaning the loo, regardless of anything. And you can’t make me. And I’m not alone.
Not everyone can have a Corvette or a $90K truck or a Maserati. Who decides what kind of car you get to drive? Or what toys you can have?
You think everyone is going to build luxury items for everyone else? Do you have any idea what it takes to craft some of these things?
What if Joe wants to just sit around and paint shitty pictures that no one likes, all day. He claims he should be allowed to do that as his contribution because Sarah does it. Except Sarah’s art is exquisite and everyone wants one of her creations.
If I write stories that would sell like Stephen King novels and Mike wants to write too but he pens our drivel that no one wants to read, who determines that Mike has to do something else with his time that is of more value to society?
II. The Answers
A. Who gets the beachfront, the penthouse, the luxury living quarters?
Someone explain who decides who gets the beachfront, the penthouse, the luxury living quarters in this system.
First, ALL living spaces will effectively be luxury to an extent (at least as compared to today’s world). But, luxury as far as completely wasteful of resources – like mansions and penthouses are – will not exist because they violate equity and sustainability.
Those high demand locations such as beachfront housing will be setup in one of 2 ways:
Some may get to live there because they were there first. I imagine that there will be some properties that will be setup as permanent residences so as to build a community.
However, most of such highly desirable locations will be setup through a waiting list or lottery type system where each person will be able to stay there for like a few weeks, a month, 6 months, or a year, or something like that, so that one person cannot monopolize access to such amazing locations. Equity is important.
B. Who decides who gets the good stuff?
Someone tell me who decides why some people will get the better stuff while everyone else gets stuck in shitty apartments.
Differing levels of quality of resources is a result of the horrors of capitalism’s drive for maximizing profit through planned obsolescence, and exploitation of inequality, all of which will NOT exist in a Resource Based Economy, because that is so wasteful and it is harmful. A RBE will concentrate on creating the highest quality resources that we are capable of creating sustainably. Everyone will have the same access to the same high quality resources for the most part.
“To each according to what we can equitably provide.“
Another point to keep in mind that a RBE will concentrate on a sharing economy, so everyone will not need one of everything like we do today, which will greatly reduce wasteful production and allow for higher quality items. If they need something they can reserve it with the local Resource Sharing Center for as long as they need it.
Shitty apartments will not exist.
C. Who decides who does the shit work?
And how does who does what job get determined? I keep telling y’all I’m not cleaning the loo, regardless of anything. And you can’t make me. And I’m not alone.
When we are full into a Resource Based Economy such “shitty” jobs will be automated away to the fullest extent possible, because no one will want to do them, and because of the negative biopsychosocial effects of such horrible work.
Then, the core of all cities will be education and research centers where each person will be highly educated. A byproduct of a highly educated society which has great access to resources will be people wanting to work in the field they are passionate about.
D. Who decides who gets the Maserati?
“Not everyone can have a Corvette or a $90K truck or a Maserati. Who decides what kind of car you get to drive? Or what toys you can have?”
Individually owned cars (and their capitalistic brands) will not exist, because individual ownership is massively wasteful of resources. A Resource Based Economy will concentrate on a centralized mass transportation system with cities redesigned from the ground up with that in mind. Cars in a form will exist, but they will be apart of the centralized mass transportation system.
If you need to go somewhere you will access your RBE Life app to request transportation and it will reserve and plan out your trip, and your transportation will arrive as needed, which will be used and shared by the rest of society.
E. Master Artisans Don’t Work for Free!!!
“You think everyone is going to build luxury items for everyone else? Do you have any idea what it takes to craft some of these things?”
First, most everything created will be of the highest quality as we can sustainably produce through automation to prevent wasting resources, and people will have access to these items through the Resource Sharing Centers.
Second, people will still craft things because that is what they enjoy doing. So, a person could spend their time doing just that, creating masterfully crafted items – 1 item a year – because this is what they are passionate about doing, and such masterfully crafted items will be the ultimate expression of their craft.
These master artisans will also be teaching classes and/or have apprentices so that their skills will not be lost. I expect, much like YouTube or Twitch, that their process will be livestreamed and recorded for posterity so people can learn from them and so we do not completely lose their skills. The results of their works can then either be given away through a lottery or reservation system or, preferably, they can be given to Resource Sharing Centers.
F. Does a shitty artist have the same quality of life as a professional artist?
What if Joe wants to just sit around and paint shitty pictures that no one likes, all day. He claims he should be allowed to do that as his contribution because Sarah does it. Except Sarah’s art is exquisite and everyone wants one of her creations.
If I write stories that would sell like Stephen King novels and Mike wants to write too but he pens our drivel that no one wants to read, who determines that Mike has to do something else with his time that is of more value to society?
First, contributions are NOT required. If you want to vacation your whole life away you can do that, and we should all be celebrating this potential, which would be the first time in history that this would be possible.
You are falling prey to the capitalist idea that a person’s individual value to society is determined by what they can produce that can be exploited for profit, which is the thinking that created the world we have today. Each person can do whatever they want because we will work towards automating all manual labor. In order to create a better world we have to understand that each person’s life is valuable to society just because they exist.
Also, keep in mind that Sarah started out creating shitty works too. Everyone is a beginner when they first start. And ya know what? Sarah is creating videos of her creative and technical process, as well as teaches classes several times a month; and Joe is trying to learn from her so that some day he can do the same. Teaching others will be a powerful effect of people having the time to learn what they are passionate about. They will want to teach others how to do it too.
Please take the time to follow him on Twitter and to read his great article.
Here is a quote to get your started:
When leftists challenge Joe Biden on his racist record, one of the first things that is brought up is the Crime Bill, but the bankruptcy bill was also devastating to black lives. The bankruptcy bill was one of the most anti working-class pieces of legislation ever. Joe Biden voted against amendments that would have eased the burdens of those suffering from medical debt and student loan debt. This highlights the key difference between black liberals and black leftists because black leftists discuss the black financial consequences of neoliberal capitalism. Black people are the demographic that suffers the most under medical debt.Black people pay the most interest on student loans. Joe Biden fought his entire career to make it more difficult to go after Wall Street fraudsters who charge black Americans higher interest rates and deny them loans.
This video is important enough that I have embedded it in my post Religion, an Overview (Oct 2018). Greta Christina’s presentation has an important enough of a message that I wish to to maintain it for posterity, just in case the video is eventually removed. This video was important just because I use it in my post, but, also because it has moved me too, as a non-believer – specifically as an Agnostic Humanist.
So, herein, I have added the video for you to watch through YouTube if you have not done so already. I have also created a captioned transcript of her amazing speech below too. I have taken the liberty to add headers, paragraphs, lists, images, and other things to help make the transcript readable, and a more accurate experience. I will also strip out some of the repetitive ums and such too for better reading.
About Greta Christina
Greta Christina is a well known queer author, atheist, feminist, blogger, writer, and speaker.
[muted applause and celebration from crowd] All right. Is that better? Is that good? Alright, good. [an unheard question from crowd and laughing from crowd] Buy the pictures. Buy the calendar. Okay, alright.
So, why are you atheist so angry? This is a question on a lot of people’s minds these days. In the last few years the atheist movement has moved into overdrive. We’ve become much more visible, much more vocal, much more activist, much better organized, and much less apologetic. And, this increased visibility is putting atheist’s anger into the spotlight, and a lot of non atheists are really baffled and disconcerted at what they see as a sudden torrent of atheist anger from apparently out of nowhere. I know, if only they knew. [mild laughing from crowd] And, frankly, a lot of atheists ourselves are not sure what to do with this atheist anger – either: with the anger itself or with the perception of our movement as a fundamentally angry one.
And, so today I want to talk about atheist anger. I want to talk about whether this perception of the so-called “new atheist movement” is a fundamentally angry one. Whether that’s even an accurate perception. I want to talk about why many atheists are angry. I want to talk about whether or not that anger is valid. And, I want to talk about whether this anger helps or hinders our movement.
A. Angry Atheists?
Okay, so, first of all, I need to point out not all atheists are angry about religion. Now, most atheists I’ve known do have some anger about some of the specific ways that religion plays out in the world, but the atheist movement, the atheist community is very diverse and one of the things that we differ about most is how we feel about religion. You know many atheists would be perfectly happy to co-exist with religion as long as religion was happy to coexist with us. Other atheists have a more confrontational attitude towards religion. [pointing to herself with her right arm, laughing from crowd] Yeah, they, or perhaps I should say we, we think that there are qualities in the very nature of religion that make peaceful coexistence unlikely, and we are actively engaged in trying to persuade people out of it. In fact, one of the things that I find most interesting about this whole angry atheist image that the current atheist movement has is that atheists are often seen as angry and confrontational, disrespectful, and intolerant, and bigoted simply for existing, and simply for being open about who we are.
When atheist groups simply put up billboards saying “You could be good without God!” or “Don’t believe in God? You are not alone!” people go cuckoo bananas. It’s actually, ironically, one of the things that make those the billboard campaign so successful is that they generate a lot of media attention because people go nuts about them. If you go – a really good source for this is, if you go to the Friendly Atheist blog [celebration from crowd] I know, Rock on Hemant! Hemant, on the Friendly Atheist blog keeps a record of the different atheist billboard and bus ad campaigns and people’s responses to them. And, the frequency with which people just really freak out about them, or even vandalize them; or try to get them taken down, succeed in getting them taken down, succeed in getting it stopped altogether. It’s really astonishing. And, so when you hear all this talk about all these angry atheist, it’s really important to remember this. You know, yes, absolutely some atheists are angry about religion. Many atheists are angry about religion. [wildly pointing at herself with her right arm, laughter from crowd]
But, this image that people have of the atheist movement is this raging mob with torches and pitchforks who want to burn down all the houses of worship and personally dig up Jesus Christ, so we can crucify’em all over again. [laughter] Really, I know! That would be awesome! [more laughter] But, you know, but really this image of us is not warranted. It’s really important to remember that atheists get pegged is angry and confrontational simply for existing and simply for being open about who we are. And, I also think it’s really important to point this out, those atheists among us who are angry about religion – it’s not like we’re angry all the time. It’s not like we’re in a constant state of rage.
I mean, I definitely can proudly count myself as an angry atheist, and yet most of the time I’m not an angry person. Most of the time I’m actually a very happy person. Ask anybody I know. There’s lots of people here who know me pretty well. Ask them “Is Greta in a constant state of rage all the time?” or “Is Greta is actually absolutely in a pretty good mood most of the time?”. You know, really to assume that that me or that Richard Dawkins or PZ Myers or any other famously “angry atheist” is angry always because the only writing that they’ve read of us is our angry writing about religion. It makes about as much sense as assuming that the only thing Roger Ebert ever does in his entire life is go to the movies.
B. Things That Atheists ARE Angry About
But, there are things about religion that I’m angry about and that other atheists are angry about, and I do think that that anger is valid. A lot of people are asking these days “Why are you a atheists so angry?” and a lot of these people seem to have never considered the possibility that a lot of atheists are angry because we legitimately have things to be angry about. [crowd clapping] So, I want to talk about that little bit. I want to talk about why, specifically, many atheists are angry, or rather, because I don’t in fact presume to speak for the entire atheist movement, I want to talk about why I’m angry. And, based on my experiences in writing and speaking, a lot of my anger is anger that a lot of atheists share.
1. Reasons 1 to 20
I’m angry that according to a recent Gallup poll only 45% of Americans would vote for an atheist for president.
I’m angry that it took until 1961 for atheists to be guaranteed the right to serve on juries, testify in court, or hold public office in every state in this country. I mean I was born in 1961, it wasn’t that long ago, and in 1961, the year I was born, my parents who were non-believers were not guaranteed the right to serve public office, serve on a jury, or testify in court in every state in this country, and that pisses me off.
I’m angry that atheists in the United States are frequently denied custody of their children explicitly on the basis of their atheism, and that’s not in 1961, that’s not the year I was born that’s happening now. Judges deny custody of children to atheists explicitly because they are atheists.
I’m angry on behalf of the atheist bloggers in Iran who told me that they have to blog anonymously, because if they’re discovered they’ll be executed.
I’m angry that school board’s all across this country are still, 80 plus years after the Scopes trial, still having to spend time and money and resources on the battle to teach evolution in the public schools. [boisterous clapping] School board’s, in case you haven’t noticed, are not exactly loaded with time and money and resources. And, the time and money and resources they’re spending fighting this stupid fight is time and money and resources that they’re not spending teaching.
And, in a similar vein, I’m angry that science teachers in this public schools often don’t teach evolution even when teaching it is permitted and, indeed, required by their school because, or they either: don’t teach it or they give it only a cursory mention, because they don’t want to start angry arguments with fundamentalist parents of kids. You know, they don’t want to start a controversy. I mean, evolution is the foundation of the science of biology. Biology literally does not make sense without it. And kids who aren’t being taught the theory of evolution are being deprived of one of the most fundamental ways that human beings have learned to understand ourselves in our place in the world.
I’m angry that people are dying of AIDS in Africa and South America because the Catholic Church convinced them that using condoms makes baby Jesus cry. [boisterous clapping]
I’m angry at preachers who tell women in their flock to submit to their husbands because it’s the will of God, even when those husbands are beating them within an inch of their lives. [clapping from the crowd]
I angry that the belief in karma and reincarnation gets used as a justification for the caste system in India. [clapping from the crowd]
I am angry that people, that people, people who are born into poverty and despair are taught that it’s their fault, that they must have done something really bad in a previous life and the misery that they were born into is their fault.
I’m angry that people in Africa are being terrorized, driven from their homes, maimed and tortured and killed over accusations of witchcraft. [short bout of clapping] Not of the Middle Ages, not in the 1600s, today. Actual, literal witch hunts are happening today.
I’m angry that so many parents and religious leaders terrorized children with vivid traumatizing stories of eternal burning and torture to ensure that they will be too terrified to even question religion. [clapping from the crowd]
I’m angry that children get taught by religion to hate and fear their bodies and their sexuality, and I’m especially angry that girl children are taught to hate and fear their femaleness, and that queer children are taught by religion to hate and fear their queerness. [clapping and whistling]
I’m angry that in fundamentalist Mormon polygamists cults girls are raised from birth to believe that they will be tormented for eternity in the afterlife if they don’t marry whatever man they are told to marry by their preacher, in most cases when they’re teenagers, in some cases as young as age 13, in some cases younger.
And, I am angry that in the non-fundamentalist, non-polygamist, entirely mainstream Mormon church, girls are raised from birth to believe that they will be tormented for eternity in the afterlife if they don’t marry, bear lots of children, and be obedient to their husbands.
And, that queer children are raised from birth to believe that will be tormented for eternity in the afterlife if they do not suppress and deny their sexuality. [clapping]
And, on a related topic, I’m angry that in Salt Lake City, Utah 40% of all homeless teenagers are gay. Most of them kids who have been kicked out of their house by their Mormon parents. Yeah, it’s really great family values you guys got there.
I am angry that in public taxpayer paid high schools around the country, and this is in the United States, atheist students who are trying to organized clubs, something they are legally allowed to do by the way, are routinely getting stonewalled by school administrations. [clapping] Talk to, If you want to find out more talk to JT Eberhardt and the Secular Student Alliance people, they will tell you more than you ever wanted to know about it, because it sucks.
I’m angry about the girl in the Muslim family who was told, and this is in her school in her public taxpayer paid school, by her teacher, by her public taxpayer paid teacher, that their red stripes on Christmas candy cane represented Christ’s blood, that she had to believe in and be saved by Jesus Christ as he’d be condemned to hell, and that if she didn’t convert there was no place for her in his classroom. Yeah.
I’m angry, okay anger is not the word here, I am enraged at priests who rape children and tell them that it’s God’s will. [clapping]
2. Reasons 21 to 44
I’m angry at the at the Catholic Church that consciously, deliberately, repeatedly, for years acted to protect these priests who rape children, and deliberately acted to keep as a secret. I’m angry that they placed the church’s reputation as a higher priority than – for fuck’s sake – children not being raped. [loud clapping and whooping]
I’m angry about 9/11. And I’m angry that after 9/11 happened, people of Middle Eastern descent were attacked and their businesses were vandalized because they were Muslim, or because they were believed to be Muslim even if they weren’t. And people blamed ALL Muslims for the attacks. [clapping]
And, that after 9/11 happened Jerry Falwell blamed 9/11 on – let me get this list right: pagans, abortionists, feminists, gays and lesbians, the ACLU, and the People for the American Way. That covers pretty much everybody here, right. It sounds funny because it is funny, but it also makes me furious. I mean this theology, this whack-job theology, this theology of this wrathful God who’s exacting revenge against pagans and abortionists by sending fundamentalist Muslims to fly an airplane into a building full of secretaries and investment bankers. I mean, this was not some fringe theology. This was not a theology held by some bizarro out there with a dozen followers picketing funerals. This was a theology held by a powerful widely respected religious leader with millions of followers.
I’m angry that the Bamiyan Buddha statues in Afghanistan, these magnificent monumental works of art over 1,500 years old were dynamited by the Taliban because they were idols, [clapping] and because idolatry was considered to be affront to God’s law.
I’m angry that little girls are getting their clitorises is cut off because their parents religion teaches that it’s necessary. And, I’m angry that many people try to defend religion against the charge of female genital mutilation by saying “Oh, that’s not what the religion really teaches. If you look at these original, what the original text says, this is being misinterpreted.” Like I care. [loud celebratory clapping] The reality is, the reality is that the Islamic religion as it is actually widely believed and practiced, and not just the Islamic religion, but other religions as well. This teaching is not restricted to Islam alone. That religions as they are actually believed and practiced in the real world, teach that little girls clitorises have to get cut off. And, I am enraged that people respond to this by defending the religion and not the children. [clapping]
I’m angry about honor killings. I’m angry that in Islamic theocracies women who have sex outside marriage, women who date outside their religion, women who spend time with male friends, women who disobey their male relatives are executed.
I’m angry that in Islamic theocracies women who have been raped can be and are executed for the crime of adultery.
I’m angry that the ones who only get beaten and imprisoned are the ones who get off lucky.
I’m angry that in Islamic theocracies girls as young as nine years old can be married against their will.
I’m angry that when a nine year old girl in Brazil was raped, the doctors who performed an abortion on her and the family who approved the abortion were excommunicated by the Catholic Church. And, I’m angry that there was no excommunication for the man who raped her. [clapping]
I ‘m angry that in 13 states in the United States childcare centers operated by religious organizations don’t have to adhere, by law, do not have to adhere to basic standards of Health and Safety and don’t even have to be licensed.
I’m angry that children in these childcare centers have been harmed and have even died because of poor or non-existent staff training, because of grossly unsafe conditions, and the operators are immune from prosecution.
I’m angry that seriously ill children needlessly suffer and die because their parents believe in faith healing or believe that medical treatment will anger their God. [clapping] And, I’m angry that that in 39 states in the United States these parents are protected from prosecution for child neglect. [light clapping]
I’m angry about what happened to Galileo. [laughing, then loud boisterous clapping] Still, I am still angry. I realize it happened in 1633. I’m still mad. [laughing] And, I am angry that it took the Catholic Church until 1992 to apologize for it.
I get angry when religious leaders opportunistically use religion, and people’s trust and faith in religion, to steal, to cheat, to lie, to illegally manipulate the political process, to take economic advantage of their followers, to take sexual advantage of their followers, to generally just behave like the scum of the earth. I get angry when this happens over and over and over again. I get angry at the fact that when you open up a newspaper and you see a headline that says “Religious leaders are the opportunistic lying, stealing, cheating, scumbag” that our reaction is “Yeah, must be Tuesday, so what else is new.”. [light laughing]
And, I get angry when people see this happening and still say that atheism is bad, because without religion people would have no basis for morality or ethics, and would just do whatever they wanted. [loud and boisterous clapping and whistling]
I am angry that when my dad had a stroke and went to a nursing home the staff asked my brother is he Baptist or Catholic. And, I’m not just angry on behalf of my atheist dad. I’m angry on behalf of all the Hindus, all the Jews, all the Muslims, all the Wiccans who got asked that question. I’m angry on behalf of the Lutherans, and the Episcopalians, and the Presbyterians whose families got asked that same question. That question is enormously disrespectful not just of my atheist dad, but of everybody at that nursing home who was not Baptist or Catholic.
I get angry when religious believers make arguments against atheism and make accusations against atheists without having bothered to talk to any atheists or read any of our writings. You know, I get angry when they trot out the same old you know “Atheism is a nihilistic philosophy with no joy or meaning, and no basis for morality or ethics.”, when you know, if they spent ten minutes in the atheist blogosphere with your discover countless atheists who experienced great joy and meaning in our lives and are intensely concerned about right or wrong. I mean, I realize that it’s a really a great hardship to type atheism into Google and hit enter, you know, but you know if you’re going to be a bigot can you at least take that much trouble, you know.
I get angry when believers say that the entire unimaginable hugeness of the universe was made entirely for the human race when atheists by contrast say that humanity is infinitesimal eye blink in the vastness of time and space, and then religious believers accuse atheist of being arrogant. [light laughing then loud boisterous clapping]
I’ve been angry when believers argue against atheists by saying that we’re intolerant, mean, superior, whiny, angry without making an argument for why we’re wrong and why they’re right.
I get angry that I have to know more about their damn religion than they do. [really loud celebratory clapping and whistling] Believers will say the most bizarre, inaccurate, fucked-up shit about their own religion, about the tenants and text of their religion, and I have to correct them on it. And, I have to do the research on it. I mean that night that I spent six hours combing through the Gospels finding all the places where Jesus actually did talk about Hell because somebody was arguing my blog “No, Jesus never mentioned hell. That’s this made-up idea that they made up later.” It’s like, that’s six hours of my life I am never getting back. [laughter] I have things to do. You know I could have been watching Project Runway, ya know. [laughing]
I get angry when believers treat any criticism of their religion as insulting and bigoted. I get angry when they treat the very fact that we treat their religion as an idea, a hypothesis about the world in the marketplace of ideas that can be questioned and criticized, as the most horrible form of intolerance.
I mean I get angry when they accuse atheists of being bigoted for saying things like “I don’t agree with you.” [laughing] “I think you’re mistaken about that. What evidence do you have to support that.”.
I get angry when believers respond to some of these offenses or all of these offenses by saying “Oh, well that’s not the true faith.”. You know, “Hating queers and stifling science, and you know stifling questions of dissent, that that’s not the true faith. People who do that, that’s not true Christians, it’s not true Jews, that’s not true Muslims.” I mean, as if they knew, as if they had a pipeline to God I mean, as if they had any reason at all to think that they know for sure what God wants and the billions of other people who disagree just clearly got it wrong.
3. Reason 45 – The Threats
I’m angry that when I wrote the piece on my blog about atheist and anger I got comments telling me quote:
“It’s a pity your mother didn’t have an abortion.” [gasps]
“I hope some guy bombs your house, bitch.”
“Oh, just kill yourself, okay.”
“What you need is to get laid not with lesbian toys either, you need a strong man with some big junk, and a strong will to set you straight.” [slight horrified laughter] Yes, the rape threats are a little more upsetting than the death threat for some reason. They’re more personal.
“I fucking hate every single person who posted here and if there was some magical button that I could press which would annihilate your collective existence in an instant I would push it one thousand seven hundred and twenty eight times.” I don’t know why that number but. [laughter]
“You’re a fat, ugly whore. Your anger doesn’t impress me. Go drink bleach.”
You know, okay, yeah it’s funny, but also this is really pretty fucking scary, you know. And I’m really angry that writing my atheist opinions, I mean, yes, granted, angry opinions, but opinions where I was actually pretty careful to distinguish between criticizing people and criticizing ideas. And, in any case, opinions expressed on a blog that people were free to read or not as they liked. I’m really angry that doing this resulted in me fearing for my safety and my life. [clapping]
4. Reason 46 – Believers’ Lack of Self-Awareness and Self-Reflection
But, perhaps most of all perhaps most of all, I get so angry, I get sputtering inarticulately pulse-racingly angry when believers chide atheist for being so angry. “What, why do you have to be so angry all the time”. You know, you know “All that anger is so off-putting.”, “If atheism is so great, why are so many of you so angry?”. You know, but because here’s the other thing I’m angry about, I mean, all this anger that I’ve been ranting about today, this barely scratches the surface. And, I could write an entire book about everything about religion that angers me. Other people certainly have. I could write… [inaudible comment from crowd] I’m on it. I really, but really I could write an entire encyclopedia about everything about religion that gets me angry and I would still not be done. And it, I’m really angry that that’s true. And, yet atheist anger about religion is just assumed to be a sign not that there’s something wrong with religion, but that there’s something wrong with us. [clapping]
C. Religion is Uniquely Capable of Causing Terrible Harm
1. Definition of Religion
Now, I’m going, I know I want to be fair here just for a second. Many people will hear this litany of grievances and they’ll even agree with with most of it or even all of it, and they’ll still defend religion against it. They’ll argue that these evils aren’t religion’s fault. They’ll argue that people do terrible things to each other for all kinds of reasons. People come with all kinds of rationalizations for the terrible things they do. You know, religious believers will make this argument and, in fact, many atheist will make this argument, and they will have a point. You know, religion is very far from the only motivation for human evil. It’s very far from the only excuse that we give for it. But, I would argue that religion is unique, and I would argue that the things that make religion unique are exactly the same things that make religion uniquely capable of causing terrible harm.
We have to agree here on a definition of religion and I realize we could be here all day arguing about that, so for the purposes of this talk I’m going to stick with a very pragmatic definition based on how religion commonly plays out in the real world: “Religion is a belief in supernatural entities or forces that have an effect on the natural world. The belief in entities or forces that are invisible, inaudible, intangible, and otherwise undetectable by any natural means.”. Now, we can debate whether that’s really the best definition of religion, but for the purposes of this argument that’s the definition I’m using. You know, it might not be what religion means for this handful of modern theologians who have essentially abstracted religion out of existence, but that is undeniably what religion means. [slight laughter] I know. You know. As religion is… I don’t even want to go there – Karen Armstrong – shoot me now. You know.
This is what religion means for the overwhelming majority of people who believe in it. And, here’s why it is so uniquely capable of causing harm. Okay, so again “Religion is a belief in invisible beings, inaudible voices, intangible entities, undetectable forces, and events and judgments that happen after we die.”. It therefore has no reality check and it is therefore uniquely armored against criticism, against questioning, and against self correction. It’s uniquely armored against anything that might stop it from spinning off into extreme absurdity, extreme denial of reality, and extreme grotesque immorality. You know. This belief – unverifiable supernatural entities, the thing that uniquely defines religion, that makes religion what religion is, that is exactly what cranks up its capacity to do harm to an alarmingly high level because there’s no reality check.
Any other ideology or philosophy about the world, you know it’s eventually expected to pony up. You know, it’s eventually expected to prove itself true or correct itself, and modify it, make itself more true, or fall by the wayside. You know, with religion, that is emphatically not the case, because religion is a belief in the invisible and the unknowable, and it’s therefore never expected to prove that it’s right. It’s never even expected to show good evidence for why it’s right. This capacity to do harm it can spin into the stratosphere.
2. A comparison to Political Ideology
I want to make a comparison here to show my point. I want to compare religious belief with political ideology. After all religion is not the only belief that’s armored against criticism, it’s not the only belief that ignores, that leads people to ignore evidence in favor of their settled opinion. That is a human trait. We all do that all the time. Let’s not fool ourselves into thinking that we don’t. And, very contrary to the popular atheist saying – religion is not the only belief that inspires good people to do evil things.
Political ideology can do that very nicely. You know people committed horrors to perpetuate Soviet Communism which was an ideology that many of these people sincerely believed was best. And, horrors were committed by Americans in the last Bush administration in the name of the values of democracy and freedom. But, even the most stubborn political ideology will eventually crumble in the face of it – what’s the word I’m looking for here – not working. [quiet laughing] You know, people can only be told for so long that under Communism everybody will eat strawberries and cream, and that, you know, and no an unrestricted free market the rising tide will lift all boats. You know, a political ideology makes promises about this life and this world. And, if they’re strawberries in the cream and the rising boats aren’t forthcoming, eventually people notice. You know, that the 2000 election, the 2008 election was really good evidence of that, as is the current Occupy Wall Street movement. [clapping and whistling] People, people can and will rationalize a political ideology for a very long time, but ultimately the proof is in the pudding.
3. There is NO Pudding
Religion is different. With the religion, the proof is emphatically not in the pudding. With religion the proof comes from these invisible beings, these inaudible voices. You know, the proof comes from prophets and religious leaders who supposedly hear these inaudible voices and are happy to tell the rest of us what they’re saying. It comes from these religious texts written hundreds or thousands of years ago, again, written by religious leaders who supposedly heard these voices. It comes from the feelings in people’s heart, you know, it’s like I just feel God in my heart conveniently telling me whatever I already believe or what I want to believe. And, the proof comes in the after life after people are dead and gone, and can’t come back to tell us about it. So, again, with religion, even if the rules and promises that are supposedly made by God, aren’t working out, even if it’s clearly “Gee, this is not happening.”, the followers will still follow them because the ultimate judge and judgment are invisible. You know, there is no pudding. There’s no proof. There’s no expectation that there be any. In fact, in many religions the idea that you should expect proof, you know there’s this idea that you should expect evidence for your beliefs, that idea is blasphemy in many religions. And, so therefore there’s no reality check when religion starts to go to really bad places.
So, it drives me up a tree when people insist that religious wars or religious bigotry and religious violence and religious hatred and so on, it really drives me up a tree when they say that’s not religion’s fault. You know, no, of course not, it’s a fault of religious reader leaders, you know, greedy selfish power-hungry religious leaders, you know who manipulate the people. Or it’s the fault of the people, you know. It’s a fault of the religious followers, you know, they’re driven by fear and ego and tribalism. They don’t understand the true meaning of God. Or else the wars and violence and hatreds, and so on, you know, they’re really about something else. They’re really about land. It’s really about money. It’s really about power, and so on.
I mean of course religious wars and hatreds and so on, of course they’re complex, of course they’re human, of course they have a lot of causes feeding into them, but to deny the role that religion plays in religious conflicts – it’s a textbook example of ignoring the elephant in the room. I mean it’s like looking at an enormous steaming pile of shit, of elephant shit in the room, and saying “My goodness! Where could all this elephant shit come from? It must have been brought here by a greedy, selfish, power-hungry elephant trainer!” You know. “Elephant? I don’t see any elephant here! In fact, it’s bigoted and intolerant of you to suggest that an elephant could have caused that pile of elephant shit. [laughing and clapping] How dare you!”.
And, so when people say that is not fair to blame religion for the terrible things that’s done in its name I must passionately beg to differ. And, when you look at this litany, when you look at the rant I was ranting earlier, this litany of religious harms if you look at them closely you’ll find that every single one of them has at its core this unique nature of religion, the thing that makes religion different from every other human activity. Its fundamental unverifiability, and it’s fundamental lack of any sort of reality check. So, I think it is entirely fair to blame religion for the terrible things done in its name. What makes religion unique is what makes religion fucked up. [slight laughing and then loud clapping]
D. Anger and Social Movements
1. Is Atheist Anger Useful?
And, I think I think that our anger, I think the Atheist anger about it is completely justified. But is it useful? Does anger about religion help or hurt our cause? I will acknowledge, and I will freely acknowledge that anger is a difficult tool in a social change movement. It’s even a dangerous one. Anger can make people act irrationally. Anger can make it harder to think clearly. Anger can make people treat potential allies as enemies. You know, anger can some fuel tribalism. And, in the worst case scenario, anger can lead to violence. You know, anger can screw-up. And, very contrary to popular opinion psychological research shows that expressing anger does not make people calmer and less angry. This is a myth, there’s this myth about “Oh you, if you get your anger out you’ll feel better. You’ll be venting it.”. That’s not true. Expressing anger actually makes us angrier. Part of why I’m up here today. [laughing]
And, so I, but seriously, I don’t want to be cavalier about anger. Anger is a difficult tool and it is one that we need to be careful with. But, all that being said, yes, I think that anger in a social change movement is not only valid, but valuable and necessary. Why? Because anger is always necessary, because anger has driven every major movement for social change that I am aware of. Anger has driven the labor movement, the Civil Rights movement, the queer rights movement, the feminist movement, the environmental movement. Every single one of these movements has had as a tremendous driving force a tremendous amount of anger. Anger about injustice. Anger about mistreatment and brutality. Anger about helplessness.
We need to be very clear about this. Anger is not violence. Anger is not bigotry. Anger is not hatred. I’m not in favor of any of those things. But, that’s not what anger is. Anger is emotion indicating displeasure and antagonism with a state of affairs. Anger is one of the ways that we know that things are not okay, you know. Anger is how we know that people are being hurt unnecessarily. Anger is how we know that there’s injustice in the world. And, anger is how we notice not just in our heads but in our hearts. And, anger is what motivates us to do something about it. You know, I’m thinking about Julia’s talk earlier it’s like we can’t make decisions unless we’re motivated by something, and that motivation often is anger. I mean really, seriously, why else would people bother to mobilize social change movements. Social change movements are hard, you know. Wasn’t there a Barbie doll where you pull the string and she said “Social change movements are hard!”. [laughing]
You know, really but they are. They take, they take time. They take energy. They take work. Sometimes they take serious risk. They take risk of losing your family, losing a job, you know. They take risk of personal actual physical safety. You know, we wouldn’t be bothering to do social change movements if people weren’t really furious about something. So, when people tell atheist not to be so angry they are in essence telling us to disempower ourselves. They’re telling us to lay down one of the single most powerful tools that we have at our disposal. They’re telling us to lay down a tool that, as far as I know, no social change movement in history has ever been able to do without. It, you know, they’re telling us to be polite and diplomatic when history clearly shows us that polite diplomacy, which is in fact effective and I don’t dismiss it, that polite diplomacy is much more effective when it’s coupled with passionate anger.
I mean in a battle between David and Goliath, they’re telling David to lay down his sling shot, you know. “I don’t know, just gnaw Goliath on the ankles or something.” Let’s get, really effective method of social change. [Greta leaning over a little bit and making gnawing actions and sounds, audience laughing] And, in fact when believers tell atheists not to be so angry or not to be so vocal about our anger it’s very difficult to avoid the conclusion that this disempowerment is exactly the point.
2. Atheism is Doing Well
The Atheist movement, in case none of you have noticed, is doing rather well. [light laughing] Take a look around you. [loud clapping]. We’re actually doing extraordinarily well, especially considering that we’ve really only been seriously mobilized in the last few years. You know, we have made astonishing strides in visibility in a very short time. We’ve gone, we went from being on pretty much nobody’s radar to being a major topic of conversation, a major topic of op-ed pieces, and magazine articles, and, you know, talk shows, and a major topic of conversation at dinner tables and water coolers around the country and around the world. You know, we went from being 0 to 60 very, very fast. Many of our books are best sellers. Our lobbyists have met with White House officials. The President of the United States openly acknowledged us in positive ways. Those are things that to my knowledge have never happened in the history of this country.
And, rates of religious non-belief are going up at a very rapid rate. [loud clapping, whistling, and whooping] Across the United States, and not just across the United States on average, but in every single one of the 50 states in this country the fastest growing religious affiliation is none. [clapping] And, this trend is especially true among young people, which is arguably the most important demographic for any social change movement. Clearly we are doing something right. Clearly, our anger, among many other factors of course, but clearly our anger has been very effective, and it’s been very effective at drawing attention to our movement from the outside, and it’s been very effective at mobilizing and motivating people from inside of the movement. And, clearly this has a lot of people seriously freaked the fuck out. [laughing]
3. Advice from Believers on How to Run a Social Movement
As a blogger, I have received a great deal of advice from believers on how atheists should run our movement. I got all comments and emails all the time from believers saying “This is, you know, it’s like, you just might want a little, little word of advice on how you should learn your movement.”. It’s very difficult to avoid the observation that this advice is almost always in the direction of telling us to tone it down, telling us to be less confrontational, less visible, you know. I have almost never seen a believer advise the atheist movement to speak up more loudly and more passionately. You know, to not be afraid of offending people if we think we’re right. You know, take to really be willing to get in people’s faces about things that they don’t want to think about. I’ve gotten a lot of advice from believers on how atheists should run our movement and it is almost always in the direction of politely suggesting that we shut up.
Maybe I’m being cynical here. I don’t think that’s a coincidence. [laughing] Oh, and again, when you look at the history of social change movements you see the same pattern again and again. It was true of the women’s movement, the labor movement, the Civil Rights movement, the queer movement. As soon as a movement starts to get some real traction, as soon as the movement starts to get some real power, opponents start fear-mongering about how angry they are. They start fear-mongering about you know the angry blacks, the angry women, the angry communists in the labor movement, the angry queers. They’re going to turn into this uncontrolled raging mob and they’re going to tear up your city, or else they start concern trolling about how “Oh, anger just alienates people and the movement needs to be sweet and diplomatic.” and, you know, “You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.”. I don’t need flies. [laughing]
And, really I do not think this is a coincidence. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we are being advised to lay down our anger, one of the most powerful tools that any social change movement can have, right at the time that we are beginning to get some real power.
E. The Final Point – An Anger Driven By Compassion for Others
And, there’s one, before I finish, there’s one more really important point I want to make about all this atheist anger and that’s, that most of it is not about harm that’s being done to atheists. Some of it is and that’s totally valid. There’s real bigotry and real discrimination against atheists and is absolutely legitimate to be angry about that. But, when you look at the things that make so many atheists angry about religion, you know, when you look at my ranting litany from earlier, you realize that most of it is not about harm that’s being done to atheists. Most of it is about harm that’s being done to believers. It’s anger on other people’s behalf.
You know, atheists are not angry because we’re selfish. We’re not angry because we’re whiny. We’re not angry because we have no joy and meaning in our lives. We’re not angry because we have a God-shaped hole in our hearts. [laughing], you know. Atheists are angry because we have compassion. We’re angry because we have a sense of justice. We’re angry because we see harm being done to people, terrible, horrible harm that’s being done to people, and, our hearts go out to them. Atheists are angry because we want to see this stop. Atheists are not angry because there’s something wrong with us. Atheists are angry because there’s something right with us. [loudest clapping whistling and whooping]
Thank you. I think I’m running out of time here and, so, I want to leave you with a couple of quotes. Here’s the first: “The supreme task is to organize and unite people so that their anger becomes a transforming force.”. And here’s the second “I have learned through bitter experience the one supreme lesson: to conserve my anger, and as heat conserved is transmitted into energy, even so our anger controlled can be transformed into a power that can move the world.”. These aren’t from Richard Dawkins. They’re not from Christopher Hitchens. They’re not from PZ Myers. They’re not from any other famously angry atheist. They’re not from Malcolm X. They’re not from Betty Fordan (not sure). They’re not from Abbie Hoffman. The first is from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the second is from Mahatma Gandhi. [clapping] Leaders, leaders who today are held up as icons of peaceful diplomatic, love thy neighbor activism. Leaders who, at the time they were leading, were not held up as icons of peaceful diplomatic, love thy neighbor activism. Leaders who, at the time they were leading were seen as dangerous radical threats to the stability of society, and who only today are held up as these paragons of sweetness and good manners. Who only today are being shoved in the faces of atheist activists, of activists of all kinds, who are seen as being too confrontational and too intemperate, and too angry.
So, the next time somebody asks you why are you atheists so angry remember that. Don’t just remember Galileo. I know. [laughing] Don’t just remember honor killings. Don’t just remember the gay kids who are taught that they’re going to burn in hell. Don’t just remember the women who are being beaten by their wives and the preachers who are telling them to suck it up. Don’t just remember people cheated and stolen from by religious frauds. Don’t just remember the kids being raped by priests and the Catholic Church that’s covering it up. Remember the words of King and Gandhi. Remember that anger can become a transforming force. Remember that anger controlled can be transmitted into a power that can move the world. And, remember that the people who are trivializing our anger, however concerned, however well-meaning, are trying to take that power away. Don’t let them. [loud sustained applause, whooping, and whistling]
Thank you. Thank you so very much. We don’t have time for Q&A, but I’m going to be around. I’m going to be at the pub, you know. So, thank you so much. This is awesome. You all rock!
Working towards saving Humanity and all life on this planet from extinction being the most important global work that needs to be done. However, as my words here will show, this 8 page “agreement” is utterly devoid of providing anything relevant that needs to be done by being exemplary of the systemic inflicted powerlessness of the Global South and the abject Colonialism of the Global North. Therefore, with the violence of that negative space left as a gaping vacuum of desperately needed action, this agreement is tantamount to agreeing to Global Extinction of all life on this planet.
B. What is the Glasgow Climate Pact (GCP)?
The Glasgow Climate Pact, as an update to the Paris Climate Agreement from 2015, was created through the 2 week Conference of Parties 26 (COP26) in Nov 2021. It is endorsed by ~190 countries and functions as a set of principles and goals for action on climate change, although there are NO enforcement mechanisms, but the agreement serves as a lever for international political pressure. The agreement has the signatories come back to the table next year (2022) with stronger and more detailed plans for cutting their emissions by the end of the decade and by the middle of the century.
I. Overview and Commentary on the Glasgow Climate Pact
Now, I will talk about this Glasgow Climate Pact from a completely Climate Doomer perspective, so take all of that snark with a grain of salt, but I will also provide some corrections and ways to deal with the document’s short falls too. I also say that even though the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Accord, and this Pact are essentially useless because they are all nonbinding, they have NO teeth or method of enforcement, that they are also necessary so that at the very least we can say that we had a meeting or two to talk about doing nothing to stop the extinction of all life on this planet. But, seriously, such major events bring the conversation to the public which IS important, even though there is a level of hypocrisy to found in all of the carbon added to the environment from all of those representatives flying into Scotland for a climate conference, but that is another issue. See. I am already starting. =( Uggghhh!
For my in depth look at what needs to be done for Climate Change you can check my 35+ page policy page here:
… or you can check The Interstellar Climate Pact section at the end of this post for a slightly abbreviated version.
A. Whereas Section
1. The Overview
Note: Technically, this is NOT a whereas section, since they do not use whereas at the beginning of these statements, although this is the section of this document where those statements would be present in legal or political documents. This section of the document did not have a title, so this is what I am calling it. You get what I mean, right?
Here is an overview of this section:
Whereas, Climate Change is bad and working together is good.
Whereas, CoVID is bad and recovery is good.
Whereas, the Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement exist… and were completely useless because they were both not binding.
Whereas, Climate Change is bad and so is being a sociopath. OK, this is getting on the verge of the Democratic Party’s #BLM hypocrisy. =(
Whereas, having an environment which sustains life is good and working together is good.
Whereas, world leaders showing up is good (even though they will do nothing… but sleep [Biden])… except for China’s Xi Jinping!!
Whereas, various climate movements exist. OK, it is like they are just adding a shoutout section here now in a Post Script.
2. The Bad
This section did not mention the primary reasons or areas that need to be dealt with in order to even begin talking about Climate Change in any useful way:
fossil fuel industry as a whole
the Global North’s disproportionate obligation to deal with climate change, especially the United States as the largest historical polluter, and the US military as the 47th largest polluter in the world
nor do they mention the disproportionate effects global military and actual terrorism actions and coups, especially the US’ many, many Global Terrorism Projects
the historical and current Colonialism and economic terrorism of the Global North inflicted upon the Global South
reparations from the Global North to the Global South
The first 5 enumerated items of this document should have been similar to this:
1. Whereas, Climate Change is explicitly caused by the use of fossil fuels, ending their usage shall be paramount;
2. Whereas, Climate Change does not respect the artificial constructs of national boundaries, and is an issue that ALL the peoples of ALL nations need to work together to fix;
3. Whereas, some countries have contemporarily and historically disproportionately contributed to climate change more than others and therefore have a proportionate responsibility to pay for solving Climate Change;
4. Whereas, global military actions and the effects of operating a military has a direct and indirect effect on the environment and the Climate, those countries owe a debt for military operations in proportion to the direct and indirect contemporary and historical operation of their militaries;
5. Whereas, the Colonization of the Global North has devastated the Global South, Reparations shall be a large part of repairing the historical and contemporary damage to those countries in principle, but also to help them reach climate change goals;
There. I feel better now. =) They could have added those 5 and then the rest of the items, then this section would have been pretty close to stellar. We would also need entries to talk about sustainable energy, sustainable food production, urban redesign too. Without those items real progress will be very difficult, if not impossible.
Already, the 5 main things which should be mentioned in climate talks are not even mentioned. Without tackling these as the main focus of work, there will be very little progress. Now, I do understand that if the Global South really worked to hold the Global North responsible that none of the US or the EU would have even showed up. This really shows how little power the Global South has, and how at the mercy of the Global North and their crumbs that they are.
OK, well, let’s see if this holds true in the rest of the document. =O
B. Science and Urgency (1 to 4)
Science is good and IPCC 2021 Report exists, and we really need to do something NOW because Climate Change is here and NOW.
C. Adaptation (5 to 9)
IPCC Report 2021 says the effects of Climate Change are only going to get worse year after year and we need to act heavy and fast to mitigate the harms, and developing nations are going to need help.
D. Adaptation Finance (10 to 14)
The Global North has failed in its support of developing nations in their assistance to deal with Climate Change, and they need to fix this, even though we know they won’t. <stares in colonialism>
E. Mitigation (15 to 20)
Weakly asks countries to take Climate Change seriously in a request for drastic change while quoting temp statistics, and the need to conserve and protect ecosystems and biodiversity.
F. Finance, Technology Transfer and Capacity-Building for Mitigation and Adaptation (22 to 36)
Global North needs to do more to support the Global South through money and technology, especially due to the socioeconomic harms of CoVID. No, really. We mean it this time. <stares in colonialism> Requests an anemic amount in support of the Global South.
G. Loss and Damage (37 to 45)
Repeats sections D and F with different words in case you missed it the first 2 times (and because we cannot state it directly and honestly or The Global North will take their rich and technologically advanced marbles and go home). <stares in colonialism>
H. Implementation (46 to 52)
Acknowledges participation trophies for current work or lack thereof on Climate Change.
Basically repeats sections F with different words in case you missed it the first 3 times (and because we cannot state it directly and honestly or The Global North will take their rich and technologically advanced marbles and go home). <stares in colonialism>
Acknowledges the link between Climate Change and social and economic justice.
I. Collaboration (53 to 71)
Honorable mentions section?
II. My Thoughts on the Pact
A. It’s Incremental Change is a Vote for the Extinction of ALL Life on Earth
As you will be able to tell by the ~35 pages of my Environment and Sustainabilitypolicies @ Interstellar New Deal that environmental policies are the most important policies, because they are 2 times larger than the next largest policy on my policy site. There is so much work that needs to be done that any “agreement” that could be construed as ‘incremental change’ effectively condemns Humanity to extinction, and was not worth the effort to create it.
B. The Power of Fossil Fuel Lobbying on Climate Change Talks
There were more representatives from the Fossil Fuel Industry at the meeting than there were representatives from any other country, if you can imagine the amount of influence these lobbying groups have at COP26 (and previous climate talks).
This is the first time in 26 years, at least from what I have read, that fossil fuels have been able to be mentioned by name, which is criminal. This goes to show how in control the Fossil Fuel Industry is, and how the Global South is being held hostage by the Fossil Fuel Industry and the whims of the Global North, all of which is completely immoral and inhumane. This all needs to change and it needs to change now.
The agreement was able to mention coal specifically, but only as a draw down, but NOT as a phase out. They did not use the phrase ‘fossil fuels’ or even mention: gas, natural gas, oil, fracking, etc – just coal and that is it and only for a phase out. Even the mention of coal was reduced by a last minute change from India which was devastating news to many Global South countries and their belief in this process.
Here are some quotes from linked to articles on the appalling effects of the Fossil Fuel Lobby:
“Their influence is one of the biggest reasons why 25 years of UN climate talks have not led to real cuts in global emissions.”
COP26: Fossil fuel industry has largest delegation at climate summit (BBC, Nov 2021)
There are more delegates at COP26 associated with the fossil fuel industry than from any single country, analysis shared with the BBC shows.
COP26: Fossil fuel industry has largest delegation at climate summit (BBC, Nov 2021)
“We have been fighting for years to basically take what everybody else in the world knows that fossil fuels is the driver of the climate emergency and bring it to the global climate negotiations,” she said.
“So on the one hand we were extremely surprised that this year we finally got it into the text but what’s in the text is extremely weak – it actually doesn’t mean much at all. It just ends up perpetrating a fossil fuel system that has not been adequately addressed in the negotiations,” Su added.
At COP26, nations strike climate deal that falls short (Al Jazeera, Nov 2021)
…Glasgow Climate Pact, an update to the Paris Agreement that targets coal-fired power and fossil-fuel subsidies, and calls on countries to produce more aggressive climate plans next year.
COP26 Ends With Nobody Really Happy (Time, Nov 2021)
…adding that coal had been “singled out” during the COP26 talks while there was no similar call to phase out oil or natural gas.
At COP26, nations strike climate deal that falls short (Al Jazeera, Nov 2021)
But fossil fuel-producing countries like Saudi Arabia and Russia resisted making 1.5°C the new de facto target since it implies a much more aggressive phaseout of coal, oil, and natural gas.
What the world did and didn’t accomplish at COP26 (Vox, Nov 2021)
Several countries, including small island states, said they were deeply disappointed by the change put forward by India to “phase down,” rather than “phase out” coal power, the single biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions.
At COP26, nations strike a climate deal with coal compromise (NPR, Nov 2021)
Several countries — including small, low-lying island nations — said they were deeply disappointed by the watering down of the crucial language but had no choice but to go along with it.
“There was a real sense of ambush in the air,” said Al Jazeera’s Nick Clark, reporting from the talks.
At COP26, nations strike climate deal that falls short (Al Jazeera, Nov 2021)
C. Colonialism of the Global North
We also need to state that the Global South is NOT poor, nor has it ever been poor. It is just that the Global North’s colonialism has stolen trillions of dollars of wealth from the Global South, impoverishing and enslaving them for hundreds of years. Here are some links that I have covered in my Twitch live stream that talk about the Global North’s colonialism:
Because of the systemic and structural racism inherent to Capitalism, the Global South is held hostage to the Colonialist powers of the Global North, and they have to essentially wait for the anemic handouts driveling out from their forced hands. This is largely why there are no enforcement clauses added to this (or any climate agreement) so that the Global North will attend and look like they are playing their part, and so, hopefully, they can be guilted into casting handouts to the Global South.
It is so sad how structurally violent monetary systems are. If only the Global South could free themselves from the strangling colonial hands of the Global North. Imagine how different the climate talks would be if the Global South was not held hostage by the Global North and the Fossil Fuel industry, and had real economic and political power to stop the harms, and pursue a sustainable economy, even if the Global North will not.
Speaker Pelosi, you just presided over a large increase in the Pentagon budget. The Pentagon budget is already massive. The Pentagon is a larger polluter than 140 countries combined. How can we seriously talk about Net-Zero if there is this bipartisan consensus to constantly expand this large contributor to climate change, which is exempt from these conferences. The military is exempt from climate talks.
Abby Martin’s Question to Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi @ COP26 (10 Nov 2021 )
2. The US Military as a Large Polluter
Journalist Abby Martin’s question was very, very important if you are serious about dealing with climate change. She gives an important statistic: “the Pentagon is a larger polluter than 140 countries combined“. My environmental policies approach change from this standpoint too. Here is the first paragraph of that page from my environmental policies:
From the money we gain from ending the US’ Global Terrorism Programs (GTP) we can redirect it into massive infrastructure spending to support a complete shift to sustainable: communities, energy, transport, farming, etc… as well as working towards directly and aggressively combating climate change and global pollution. Working quickly to combat climate change and cleaning up global pollution is an imperative, for if we do not, then Humanity will soon be destroyed by our willful corruption and ignorance.
First Paragraph from Environment and Sustainability @ Interstellar New Deal
And, then I give links to some posts that talk about about this too:
Essentially, without gutting the US’ military spending it will be difficult to work towards dealing with climate change, because of how much The US Military contributes to environmental destruction and global pollution.
3. The Compounding Effects of the US’s Global Terrorism Projects War
Also, I have yet to see a study take into account the direct and indirect effects of the US’ Global Terrorism Projects from coup after coup, and various methods of economic warfare through the IMF and the World Bank, to the direct warfare inflicted on the Global South too. How much infrastructure is destroyed? How much of the natural world is destroyed with their bombs and drones? How many right-wing leaders are installed by the US which leads to policies and actions that destroy the natural world and their national economies? Look at what happened in Brazil and Amazon Rain Forest as a result of the US’s installation of right-wing dictator there. Calculate the pollution and damage from the US’ terrorism works and add it to their direct carbon pollution and then see how how the US may just be at the top of the list for contributing to climate change globally.
E. Reparations and Climate Justice
No talk about climate change or colonialism can be had unless we talk about Reparation by the Colonists to the Colonized:
Due to the abject theft of the wealth from the Global South by the Global North, whose theft pays dividends as impoverishment always does (the compound interest of poverty), the Global North will need to send trillions of dollars a year (and not an anemic $100 billion) to the Global South to pay for the direct loss of wealth as well as directly returning any stolen resources and businesses as possible, plus pay for the compound interest paid on the stolen wealth. That will be :
Trillions per year from the US.
Trillions per year the UK.
Trillions per year from the EU.
That should be a a good start.
The Global South will never be able to mitigate the worst effects of climate change without reparations from the Global North. And, the Global North MUST pay Reparations in order to begin to correct the egregious harms it has inflicted upon the Global South. No healing or even a pursuit of Humanity as a globalized civilization can be had until that is done.
Here are some quotes from linked to articles on paying for Climate Change:
The final agreement, dubbed the Glasgow Climate Pact, was endorsed by nearly 200 countries and functions as a set of principles and goals for action on climate change. While there is no enforcement mechanism, the agreement serves as a lever for international political pressure.
What the world did and didn’t accomplish at COP26 (Vox, Nov 2021)
In the final days of the talks in Glasgow, negotiations in large part centered around a push for rich countries to provide adequate funding for poor countries to adapt to the effects of climate change, and to help pay for the inevitable damages and financial losses of increasing droughts, floods, and other climate-related events. As representatives of poorer, more vulnerable countries have made clear, historical emissions of richer countries have largely fueled their accrual of wealth, while putting other parts of the world at risk to the effects of those emissions.
COP26 Ends With Nobody Really Happy (Time, Nov 2021)
“We made our effort to make a consensus that is reasonable for developing countries and reasonable for climate justice,” he said, alluding to the fact that rich nations historically have emitted the largest share of greenhouse gases.
At COP26, nations strike climate deal that falls short (Al Jazeera, Nov 2021)
One of the main shortfalls is a commitment made in 2009 to make $100 billion available for climate-related financing for developing countries by 2020. This money, via loans, grants, and investments, would go toward supporting a shift toward clean energy and building resilience to climate change. That goal has still not been met and may not cross that threshold until 2023. For developing countries, this promise was a key test of how serious wealthy countries are in addressing the climate damages they caused, and they emphasize that this is an obligation, not charity.
What the world did and didn’t accomplish at COP26 (Vox, Nov 2021)
“The reason is, they fear that once they start accepting that they are contributing to financial assistance to address loss and damage, this would open up the avenue towards compensation claims for harm done through causing the climate crisis,” said Kowalzig.
What the world did and didn’t accomplish at COP26 (Vox, Nov 2021)
Often, many of the same debates are relitigated over and over. Island countries want immediate cuts to emissions, developing countries want more financing, fossil fuel producers don’t want to halt their exports, and wealthy countries don’t want to pay for their damages.
What the world did and didn’t accomplish at COP26 (Vox, Nov 2021)
After resistance from rich nations led by the US and the European Union, the text omitted any reference to a specific finance facility for the “loss and damage” that climate change has already caused in the developing world.
Instead, it promised future “dialogue” on the subject.
The text also noted “with deep regret” that wealthy nations had also failed to pay a separate annual sum of $100bn they promised over a decade ago. It urged countries to pay up “urgently and through 2025”.
At COP26, nations strike climate deal that falls short (Al Jazeera, Nov 2021)
Climate change adds up over time, and the wealthiest countries in the world have spewed out the largest share of greenhouse gases that are heating up the planet. Yet the countries facing the worst effects of sea-level rise, more intense heat waves, and more destructive downpours — countries whose citizens often have the least resources to adapt — contributed the least to the problem.
What the world did and didn’t accomplish at COP26 (Vox, Nov 2021)
“I think we say consistently that 20 countries equal 80 percent of all the emissions, and they do bear the greatest responsibility,” US climate envoy John Kerry told delegates. “President Biden from the moment he has come into office has been determined to live up to that responsibility.”
What the world did and didn’t accomplish at COP26 (Vox, Nov 2021)
“Finance is not the charity of developed countries to the developing world,” Pacheco Balanza said. “Finance is an obligation.”
Rich countries still don’t want to pay their climate change tab (Vox, Nov 2021)
The Glasgow pact also calls for countries to come back to the table next year with stronger and more detailed plans for cutting their emissions by the end of the decade and by the middle of the century.
What the world did and didn’t accomplish at COP26 (Vox, Nov 2021)
Now, some developing countries now say they need vastly more money to meet their goals. India, the world’s third-largest greenhouse gas emitter, committed at COP26 to reaching net-zero emissions by 2070. But it says it wants $1 trillion in international climate financing by 2030 to meet its goal. African governments have said that climate finance funding should reach $1.3 trillion per year by 2030.
It’s likely that the $100 billion funding target will be solidified at COP26 with the momentum underway. However, it’s unlikely these far greater demands will be considered, given that parties to the Paris agreement failed to meet a much smaller objective on time.
Rich countries still don’t want to pay their climate change tab (Vox, Nov 2021)
In statement after statement during the closing sessions, negotiators from countries around the world suggested that they were accepting the text in the “spirit of compromise” while lamenting that the deal did not go far enough. “The text represents the least-worst outcome,” James Shaw, New Zealand’s climate minister, told his counterparts on Friday.
COP26 Ends With Nobody Really Happy (Time, Nov 2021)
III. An Interstellar New Deal Climate Pact
It is now highly feasible to take care of everybody on Earth at a higher standard of living than any have ever known. It no longer has to be you or me. Selfishness is unnecessary. War is obsolete. It is a matter of converting high technology from weaponry to livingry.
R. Buckminster Fuller
This will be me listing what an effective climate agreement might look like, although including a lot more stuff:
Whereas, Climate Change is explicitly caused by the use of fossil fuels, ending their usage shall be paramount;
Whereas, Climate Change does not respect the artificial constructs of national boundaries, and is an issue that ALL the peoples of ALL nations need to work together to fix;
Whereas, some countries have contemporarily and historically disproportionately contributed to climate change more than others, and therefore have a proportionate responsibility to pay for solving Climate Change;
Whereas, global military actions and the effects of operating a military has a direct and indirect effect on the environment and the Climate, those countries owe a debt for military operations in proportion to the direct and indirect contemporary and historical operation of their militaries;
Whereas, the Colonization of the Global North has devastated the Global South, Reparations shall be a large part of repairing the historical and contemporary damage to those countries in principle, but also to help them reach climate change goals;
Whereas, a total phase out of fossil fuels is required, major investments in sustainable energies and technologies will be needed;
Whereas, food production, especially animals as food and a gluttonous use of non-organic and heavily fertilized food which significantly harms the environment, massive investments in sustainable food production will be needed;
Whereas, our sprawling urban plans contribute to deforestation and individual transportation ownership, a complete redesign of our urban spaces will be needed to be be walkable, green, centralized, shareable, and with mass transportation.
B. Enforcement Through Ethical Taxation Through the Economies for the Common Good
All signatory states shall have 1 year to ratify the creation of an international organization which shall create a Nation State Certification Rating Organization (NSCRO) to rate the signatory states’ compliance with this Agreement which shall use the Economies for the Common Good method of taxation and enforcement. Examples as such below:
Each member state shall be rated for their compliance such as:
Level 1 – atrocious
Level 2 – working towards improvement
Level 3 – made some good work towards
Level 4 – great work, something for others to aspire to
Level 5 – highest level of conformance
Those nations which do NOT comply with this agreement will have taxes/tariffs increased each year for non-compliance, until the the 6th year where all trade will be cut off an sanctions will be imposed. With this we will have to take into account where they are starting, specifically the Global South will have significant infrastructural upgrades to make, so percentage of improvement may have to be something that we will have to look at with the Global South.
Those countries with higher levels of conformance will get trade/contract preference and a more advantageous trade policy. Those who are low in compliance may not get access to international trade or business contracts at all.
Level 1 = +20% taxation/tariffs, no access to federal or municipal contracts/business
Level 2 = +10% taxation/tariffs, no access to federal or municipal contracts/business
Level 3 = 0%
Level 4 = -10% taxation/tariffs, preferential access to federal or municipal contracts/business
Level 5 = -20% taxation/tariffs, preferential access to federal or municipal contracts/business
C. Implementation
1. Human Extinction Level Event
Each signatory state shall: declare Climate Change as a Human Extinction Level Event (HELE) and shall be name it as a Nation Emergency.
Each signatory state shall have 1 year to create a 5 year plan to create a Climate Change and Natural Disaster Mitigation Plan to account for Climate Change or other disasters.
2. Reparations
The Basics
The US Military budget, as well as the budgets for Global North signatory states, shall gut their military and “defense” spending by at least 75%.
Each group of the Global North signatory states (US, UK, EU) each shall provide trillions each year in Reparations to the Global South.
Someone will have to do the math on this based on colonial reparations and pollution based reparations.
This will eventually include China too due to pollution.
The US and other imperialist and colonialist countries shall return stolen businesses and other resources.
Austerity Measures and Economic Warfare
Especially as implemented through the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, Austerity Measures are economic warfare and should be abhorred and prevented for it usurps national sovereignty and it strips natural resources from its people and casts them into poverty, while allowing US companies (and the Global North at large) to profit from such processes which is highly unethical, inhumane, and abhorrent.
All austerity based loans need to be terminated with extreme prejudice.
All foreign companies that have gained from such processes must return such resources and industries back to the ownership of their respective countries.
All IMF loans and other global national loans:
…must NOT be based upon austerity or the subversion of sovereign resources for foreign use
…but MUST be based upon increasing quality of life such as reducing poverty and homelessness, or increasing education, clean water, recycling, sustainable energy, etc. Such loans and other assistance must also meet Economies for the Common Good values.
…and MUST allow deficit spending
3. Environmental Preservation and Remediation
Each signatory state shall:
participate in the creation of an international organization for the management of Global Nature Preserves.
declare areas as Global Nature Preserves (such as the Amazon Rain Forest or the Great Barrier Reefs) which shall be turned over to global sustainable ownership and management – a property of ALL of Humanity.
engage in global reforestation and de-desertification plans, as well as cleaning up the rivers, lakes, and oceans.
enact a global ban on dumping into rivers, lakes, and oceans
pass laws that will outlaw and requiring the filtering out of microfibers, microfibers, glitter, and other manufactured micro-pollutants.
dig up all landfills and completely recycle and remediate them.
4. Sustainable Businesses
Each signatory state shall pass laws:
to fight planned obsolescence by maximizing product lifetimes; increasing efficiency product; promoting modularity, universal fittings, and ease of maintenance.
that require all items produced to be have every part of a product’s life cycle be 100% recyclable.
which require all businesses to shift to a Regenerative Open Source Circular Economy (ROSCE).
ensure that all businesses have 1 year to create a pollution evaluation and to completely remedy their pollution or face increasing taxes each year on the business itself and on the CEO/managers.
which will create a National Environmental Business Certification rating organization whose base terms shall be determined by a global specification so that member states and manage the shift to a ROSCE.
5. Sustainable Energy
We will make the money back from the below process in 10 years due to health care savings alone by reducing pollution, increasing efficiency, and saving the environment.
They will be held accountable for knowing about and suppressing climate change data and knowledge for decades, destroying the environment for profit, suppressing technologies that could put them out of business, and their owners and managers should be tried for Crimes Against Humanity and Crimes Against Nature.
An immediate and complete stop to all Fracking processes. The proprietary patents shall be nullified and released to the public so we can find a way to cleanup this absolute environmental idiocy. Their business, managers, anyone who profited from this, as well as the government officials who passed this or agreed to do this shall be tried and jailed for Crimes Against Nature and Crimes Against Humanity.
Current applications to build pipelines, rigs, etc… will be terminated. Any incomplete projects will have their permits terminated and those projects are to be completely recycled and their environments remediated.
Any project that is not currently completely built and operational should terminate building and shall have their permit/license terminated and those projects are to be completely recycled .
Corporate subsidies and tax breaks shall be terminated
They will receive a 20% increase in corporate and management taxes
Sales of fossil fuels shall be subject to explicit price controls.
Their financial actions will have to be approved by a governmental agency in order to prevent bypassing them or to avoid sabotaging the company so they do not have to deal with it.
They will have 1 year to create a 5 year plan to:
shift to sustainable energy
completely remediate all environmental damage caused directly or indirectly (over the entirety of their operation and of all of their subsidiaries…)
create a job retraining plan to work in the sustainable and other related industries
all in preparation to be classified as a public utility or else all managers and key decision makers shall face lengthy prison sentences, no compensation including Golden Parachutes, as well as fines for failing not only their company, but Humanity en toto
Massive subsidies and tax breaks shall be granted for sustainable energy projects.
All Energy shall be nationalized or at least non-profit and municipalized and there shall be a move towards microgrids where possible.
We should try to combine sustainable energy types and/or vertical farming in order to make better use of land.
6. Sustainable Communities
We cannot manifest the world of tomorrow within cities that have been designed using the values, methods, technologies, and plans of past.
James O’Neill, Interstellar New Deal
We need to redesign and replace our cities through such methods as:
… where each city’s infrastructure will be designed from the ground up with all that it needs to support a specific population size in a healthy, intelligent, and sustainable way. We could start with smaller communities first so that we can mature the process and technology before tackling larger metropolitan communities. Although, if this process is done well, such designs should scale well.
Build Sustainable and Modern Buildings: all new building production should be required to be more sustainable and include such features as:
need to be made disaster proof based on area survey and analysis while taking into account climate change eventualities
weather and pest resistant materials and designs (square buildings are inefficient)
modular building designs so that when a building is not needed here it can be moved to where it is useful
localized food production
sustainable energy production and storage
smart housing technology
green roofs or walls
earth covered for efficiency
be livable by all demographics including disabled and the elderly
integrated into a larger sustainable urban plan
Sustainable and Locally Connected Communities: community buildings could be tied together through a community center which could:
have sustainable energy generation and storage
manage local electricity surplus and can share and sell it to other buildings in the neighborhood or to other communities (microgrids);
act as the central internet provider
provide large scale urban community hydroponic/aquaponic/aeroponic farms (vertical faming) and organic food sales
playgrounds and recreation centers
sustainable mass transit
community center
community resource sharing and service center
Increase Use of Technological Advancements
We need to greatly increase the use of AI, sensors, automation, and 3D printing when it comes to construction. We can use such technological advancements to greatly speed up the building of buildings and for the recycling of old buildings and materials.
Communities can make better decisions with access to rich pools of data from smart sensors on buildings, mobile devices, and other sources, and the semantic web.
Humanity’s archaic and regressive methods of dealing with the world’s many dead through the use of burial plots and cremation while our collective population is rising results in several harms:
pollution from burning through cremation
the use of toxic chemicals through embalming
a significant loss in land area and green spaces
We need to consider greener alternatives such as these:
Large swaths of land could be reclaimed from cemeteries to forests (which can help with climate change) with each tree having been grown from an individual. Each tree could also have a plaque embedded in it or in front of it to commemorate the individual. Such a cemetarial forest or green space could be turned into vertical green spaces too, so that we are able to make more use of the same land which might be even more important as our populations continue to rise, as well as to help combat climate change. We would probably also want a memorial websites available for each individual too.
8. Sustainable Food Production
We need to drastically analyze the the agriculture subsidies and shift it to reinforce the values herein with this section.
With extreme prejudice we need to repeal the agriculture gag laws.
The former owners and managers of Monsanto (now a part of Bayer) need to be tried at the Hague for crimes against Humanity. International Tribunal Finds Monsanto Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity (News Target) The owners and managers imprisoned and all technology, research, patents, IP, and funds returned to the people which will also us to learn how to combat it.
The owners and managers also need to be fined for releasing a criminally negligent product which causes massive destruction to the environment and infects non-gmo seed crops.
All of their engineered seeds need to be destroyed.
The money from tearing apart the company should be returned to all of the small family farms that were devastated by their lawsuits and criminal negligence, and they should be reconstituted collectively in one way or another, if possible, through the evolved means mentioned below in the Evolution of Farming section.
Abundant Food Waste
We need policies in place to require that waste food is sent to food pantries and other places so that the food is NOT wasted and it gets to the people who need it. Whole industries can spring up with this requirement and to make this happen.
Hemp Production – The US shall greatly invest in Hemp production and research for:
construction: hempcrete, hemp based lime, etc
products: paper, rope, clothes, fabric, plastics
medicine: hemp oil, CBD oil, etc
food: seeds, oil, etc
Evolution of Farming
Sustainable and Efficient Farming Techniques
Create a mandate as well as provide economic support for a shift to aquaponic, hydroponic, or aeroponic farming (as much as practicable) because this uses 10% of the land and water and is more easily to be made organic, and can be located in urban areas to keep food production nearer to population areas which also reduces its carbon footprint.
Shift to permaculture and regenerative agricultural methods to maintain healthier soils, as well as implementing biochar.
Create areas in all communities that shall cater to feeding and supporting bees. For without bees much of our ecosystem will collapse which will hearken the end of Humanity.
Create sustainable bee flower gardens and rest areas and parks.
Research and Start Using the Most Nutrient Dense Food Sources – We need to start making serious investments and research into food sources which are nutrient dense and require little resources for the amount of food and nutrition it produces such as:
insects, mushrooms, algae, seaweed, honey, hemp
Get rid of factory farms and only allow truly free range animals.
For the benefit of all of Humanity we need to stop cows as food.
Ban farming animals for food fur, skins, etc…; use stem cells or other current alternatives such as:
Make animal cruelty a crime and register offenders
Ban import of ivory and wild game trophies as well as fine and imprison people for big game hunting
Create more parks to ensure unadulterated green spaces
End zoos as we know them and shift to preserves. Animals should not be penned up in a cage which is cruel. Humans should be put into protective cages to traverse natural habitats in order to experience the natural world.
Healthy Food For All
Organic whole foods should be cheaper than everything else.
Taxes should be significantly increased on processed foods based on lack of nutritional density or the presence of physiologically harmful ingredients, as well as to support the increased healthcare costs incurred by the consumption of such deadly foods.
Food should NOT be thrown away but should be either:
given to those who are in need.
composted and returned to the ground which results in proper carbon sequestration
IV. Articles on COP26 and the Glasgow Climate Pact
I don’t normally do temporal newsy things like this, but I saw these amazing quotes floating around social media about COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland and I had to post them because they are both too good to pass up and comment on. I have 2 quotes from COP26 for you to ponder:
Greta Thunberg’s Speech @ COP26 (8 Nov 2021)
Abby Martin’s Question to Nancy Pelosi @ Cop 26 (10 Nov 2021)
Below, I will give you a video of their speech/question, then the text transcript of it, and then I will post my thoughts.
It is not a secret that COP26 is a failure. It should be obvious that we cannot solve a crisis with the same methods that got us into it in the first place. And more and more people are starting to realize this. Many are starting to ask themselves, “What will it take for the people in power to wake up?”
But let’s be clear: They are already awake. They know exactly what they are doing. They know exactly what priceless values they are sacrificing to maintain business as usual. The leaders are not doing nothing; they are actively creating loopholes and shaping frameworks to benefit themselves and to continue profiting from this destructive system. This is an active choice by the leaders to continue to let the exploitation of people and nature and the destruction of present and future living conditions to take place.
The COP has turned into a PR event where leaders are giving beautiful speeches and announcing fancy commitments and targets, while behind the curtains the governments of the Global North countries are still refusing to take any drastic climate action. It seems like their main goal is to continue to fight for the status quo.
And COP26 has been named the most exclusionary COP ever. This is not a conference. This is now a Global North greenwash festival, a two-week-long celebration of business as usual and blah, blah, blah. The most affected people in the most affected areas still remain unheard, and the voices of future generations are drowning in their greenwash and empty words and promises. But the facts do not lie, and we know that our emperors are naked.
To stay below the targets set in the Paris Agreement, and thereby minimizing the risks of setting off irreversible chain reactions beyond human control, we need immediate, drastic, annual emission cuts unlike anything the world has ever seen. And as we don’t have the technological solutions that alone will do anything even close to that, that means we will have to fundamentally change our society. And this is the uncomfortable result of our leaders’ repeated failure to address this crisis.
At the current emissions rates, our remaining CO2 budgets to give us the best chances of staying below 1.5 degrees Celsius will be gone within the end of this decade. And the climate and ecological crisis, of course, doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It is directly tied to other crises and injustices that date back to colonialism and beyond, crises based on the idea that some people are worth more than others, and therefore had the right to steal others — to exploit others and to steal their land and resources. And it is very naive of us to think that we could solve this crisis without addressing the root cause of it.
But this is not going to be spoken about inside the COP. It’s just too uncomfortable. It’s much easier for them to simply ignore the historical debt that the countries of the Global North have towards the most affected people and areas. And the question we must now ask ourselves is: What is it that we are fighting for? Are we fighting to save ourselves and the living planet, or are we fighting to maintain business as usual?
Greta Thunberg Speech @ Conference of the Parties 26 in Glasgow, Scotland (8 Nov 2021)
I have been saying something similar to this on my live stream and in my policies for quite a while now: “It should be obvious that we cannot solve a crisis with the same methods that got us into it in the first place.“, although I am not sure we are NOT meaning the same thing. I would have to really look into her various speeches and words to know for sure.
For me, the issue is Capitalism and Monetary Systems which is what creates all of the issues that Humanity, as a globalized civilization, has. Things cannot change as long as the system itself requires and rewards sociopathic actions – the destruction of Human lives and the environment for profit. Congress gets paid by lobbyists from the Military Industrial Complex, the Fossil Fuel Industry, the Banking Industry, the Pharmaceutical Industry, and others to murder people and destroy the environment for fun and profit. We cannot save ourselves from extinction while still staying with monetary systems because as long as it possible to profit from the suffering of others and the destruction of the environment, then nothing will change which is exactly what we are seeing.
Perhaps, the most important of the 2 is the first one. I will give you the last question I ask to the reader in that post:
How can we create a world based on cooperation and peace between Humanity and the Environment when then core driver of Methods of Exchange is based on Competition which powerfully rewards the exploitation of Humanity and the Natural World?
Tension Within Methods of Exchange (Dec 2020) @ Free Xenon
2. Meetings and Agreements are Political Performative Theater
I have also been saying something similar to this for a while in my live stream too:
The COP has turned into a PR event where leaders are giving beautiful speeches and announcing fancy commitments and targets, while behind the curtains the governments of the Global North countries are still refusing to take any drastic climate action.
Greta Thunberg Speech @ Conference of the Parties 26 in Glasgow, Scotland (8 Nov 2021)
Climate meetings and agreements are all well and good, and these need to happen, but they are all just political performative theater unless they are binding and there are consequences for not fulfilling the agreement. I say, sure we should sign the Paris Accord as a sign of support, but the accord means nothing because the agreement has NO teeth, no consequences. And no political agreement on climate change will ever matter unless it is politically binding and there are consequences for failing to fulfill the agreement. These meetings and agreements are really there to make people think that things are going to change when in fact they will not, much like she is saying, and as history has definitely shown us this to be the truth. I talk about the meeting and agreement here: The Glasgow Climate Pact from COP26.
I’ll have faith in the COP process when I see a binding agreement to cap fossil fuel use and scale it down on a clear annual schedule. Until then, it’s basically all just hot air. Twenty-six years of hot air.
Jason Hickel (10 Nov 2021, Twitter)
26 years of political performative theater is what the COP conferences are, and only 1 country is even close to meeting the Paris Climate Accord. How fucked is Humanity really? =O =(
3. The Colonialism of the Global North
And COP26 has been named the most exclusionary COP ever. This is not a conference. This is now a Global North greenwash festival…
Greta Thunberg Speech @ Conference of the Parties 26 in Glasgow, Scotland (8 Nov 2021)
She is exactly on the mark, especially when referring to the majority of countries who are in attendance (as well as those that have the the economic and political power for large scale change) as the Global North which hits the notes of the historical and current colonialism and racism of the US and the EU. The US and Europe are the largest colonizers in human history, and the current Global North’s geopolitics is still just that – colonialist. It is just that the racism inherent to their policies is systemic and structural (not overt and therefore harder to detect) verses being overtly and obviously racist like apartheid and direct human trafficking. The Global North’s colonizing ways are just laden with things like performative platitudes such as #BLM #ClimateCrisis while doing nothing to solve the problem.
The Global North’s colonialism is what fundamentally keeps the Global South (Africa, Central and South America, Middle East) poor. These regions have NEVER been poor. They are just being looted by the colonizers of the Global North (US, Europe, and China too).
Speaker Pelosi, you just presided over a large increase in the Pentagon budget. The Pentagon budget is already massive. The Pentagon is a larger polluter than 140 countries combined. How can we seriously talk about Net-Zero if there is this bipartisan consensus to constantly expand this large contributor to climate change, which is exempt from these conferences. The military is exempt from climate talks.
Abby Martin’s Question to Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi @ COP26 (10 Nov 2021 )
Here are both Frank and Nancy’s responses which I have cleaned up a little bit for ease of reading:
Representative Frank Pallone’s (Democrat) response:
I just want to use an example, if I can. You know the sea level rise is an important part of what’s happening to the climate, and I am not a defense person, but I’ve had so many talks with the Defense Department, with the Navy, in particular, about how they have to respond to what’s going on, so I really do think that there is no reason why what we’re putting together with Build Back Better and other things can’t respond to the Defense Department and have the same impact in terms of reducing emissions. And, I do think that the Defense Department is very much aware of the fact that they have to play a major role both from a strategic as well as for the good of the world. So, I don’t see what we’re doing in any way or, you know, increasing the defense budget as being something that’s inconsistent with climate action. I really don’t.
Representative Frank Pallone’s (Democrat) response to Abby Martin’s Question @ COP26 (10 Nov 2021 )
Representative Nancy Pelosi’s (Democrat, Speaker of the House) response:
Can I just add that national security advisors all tell us that the climate crisis is a national security matter. It is, of course, a health matter for our children – the water they drink, the way air they breathe, etc. It is a jobs issue between clean, good clean technologies being the future of our workforce and the training for all of that. It is a national security issue because of the all of the conditions that climate crisis produces, I won’t go into all of them, but they do are cause for migration, conflict over habitat and resources, and, again, a security challenge globally, and then the fourth, of course, the moral issue that we need to pass on this planet future generations in a responsible way, Now, recognizing what you said, we recognize that as well. And a big user of fuel, there have been many initiatives over time more successful with more technology to convert from fossil fuel to other other sources of fuel to run the military, because it would make the biggest difference. Transportation, defense – these are two of the biggest, that can make the biggest difference in all of that and that is something we’re very very focused on. As I say, the Defense Department sees this systemically that we have to stop it as a national security issue and one way todo that is to stop our dependence on fossil fuels which exacerbate the climate crisis.
Representative Nancy Pelosi’s (Democrat, Speaker of the House) response to Abby Martin’s Question @ COP26 (10 Nov 2021)
C. My Thoughts
1. The US Military as a Large Polluter
Abby’s question was very, very important if you are serious about dealing with climate change. She gives an important statistic: “the Pentagon is a larger polluter than 140 countries combined“. My environmental policies approach change from this standpoint too. Here is the first paragraph of that page from my environmental policies:
From the money we gain from ending the US’ Global Terrorism Programs (GTP) we can redirect it into massive infrastructure spending to support a complete shift to sustainable: communities, energy, transport, farming, etc… as well as working towards directly and aggressively combating climate change and global pollution. Working quickly to combat climate change and cleaning up global pollution is an imperative, for if we do not, then Humanity will soon be destroyed by our willful corruption and ignorance.
First Paragraph from Environment and Sustainability @ Interstellar New Deal
And, then I give links to some posts that talk about about this too:
Essentially, without gutting the US’ military spending no work towards dealing with climate change can be done, because of how much it contributes to global pollution.
2. The Compounding Effects of the US’s Global Terrorism Projects War
Also, I have yet to see a study take into account the direct and indirect effects of the US’ Global Terrorism Projects from coup after coup, and various methods of economic warfare, to the direct warfare inflicted on the Global South too. How much infrastructure is destroyed? How much of the natural world is destroyed with their bombs and drones? How many right-wing leaders are installed by the US which leads to policies and actions that destroy the natural world and their national economies? Look at what happened in Brazil and Amazon Rain Forest as a result of the US’s installation of right-wing dictator there. Calculate the pollution and damage from the US’ terrorism works and add it to their direct carbon pollution and then see how how the US may just be at the top of the list for contributing to climate change globally.
3. Response to Frank and Nancy
Everything they said is a complete word salad, using a lot of words to say nothing to confuse people, so they do not have to really take responsibility for what they are doing:
Build Back Better is anemic and does basically nothing of any real value to address Climate Change at the scale that is really required such as: ending fossil fuel subsidies, ending drilling and fracking, massive subsidies for sustainable energy, and Reparations for the Global South. I have been saying for a while now that: “If a bill passes that is not $10 trillion dollars or more (and guts US military spending) that they are voting for business as usual and voting soundly for Human Extinction.” and that is exactly what we will get if we are lucky to even get that much.
Effectively, the word salad they both subjected us to amounted to something like this, if translated correctly from ‘word salad politi-speak’: “Yes, our US military and National Security Advisors has told us how fucked we are by climate change unless we act accordingly, but our Military Industrial Complex and Fossil Fuel Industry owners told us to ignore all of that technical jibber-jabber because it would negatively effect their profit margins.”
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