Conversations Across the Social Spectrum

My New Class: Transforming the World: Conversations on Social, Economic, Political, and Sustainable Policy

As I have stated on my new Patreon project I am planning on creating a class in our Yoga studio for conversations on political topics. Here is its description: Transforming the World: Conversations on Social, Economic, Political, and Sustainable Policy Description These FREE conversations will be facilitated by James O’Neill and will focus on social, political, economic, […]

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Monorail that goes through the center of ALL TVP cities (The Venus Project)

How Do We Transform Unbridled Capitalism Towards a New Ethical and Eco-humanistic Model?

In reading, researching, and writing about a Resourced Based Economy (RBE) over the last year my complete view of the how the world is and how it could be has radically changed. This post will cover how businesses and entire industries could be transformed while attempting to make the world a better place by attempting to fix unbridled capitalism towards a more ethical model for businesses.

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TVP Closeup of Domes

Benefits of a Resource Based Economy for Industries and Businesses

In reading, researching, and writing about a Resourced Based Economy (RBE) over the last year my complete view of the how the world is and how it could be has radically changed. This post will cover how businesses and entire industries could be transformed while attempting to make the world a better place by attempting to fix unbridled capitalism towards a more ethical model for businesses.

The end result for manufacturing, businesses, and research is beyond what we would define as businesses or even government, because it transcends these, and eventually requires the end of capitalism and its horrors, so thinking of business in a way that is outside how capitalism defines it can be a difficult feat. If you have not read my previous posts on Resource Based Economies and watched those documentaries then you may want to do that, so that you have the background to understand what I am talking about. Here are links to those posts:

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An amazing example of futuristic city design including urban green spaces and roof top landing pad (The Venus Project)

How will a Resource Based Economy work? What will it look like?

So, I had a Facebook conversation this weekend with someone who asked about Resource Based Economy (RBE) and how it would work, specifically asking about creation of products and getting access to resources, so I will spend some time talking about that and more for his and others’ benefit. Now keep in mind there has never been an RBE in the world, so this is all very subjective and just my projection of what it could and should be like. If you have no idea what a Resource Based Economy is then please read my post The Cancer of Capitalism and Its Antidote for an overview and why we NEED to shift to this socio-economic system in order to save our planet… and humanity from extinction.

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If you don't stand for the special song, the magical sky-cloth won't freedom

If you don’t stand for the special song, the magical sky-cloth won’t freedom!

If you don’t stand for the special song, the magical sky-cloth won’t freedom!

Pursuant to a not-quite-conversation on Facebook regarding this meme I posted, I will sum up what happened and where I stand on this. It was interesting that this lady, a fellow Bernie supporter and Universal Healthcare supporter, found this meme as a reason to unfollow me even with as much as we have in common politically. =O

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Open Access Research

11 EU Nations Just Kicked Off a Plan to Make Public Science Free For All of Us

This is a big freaking deal! I cannot tell you how many times I wanted access to a research paper or a doctoral or research thesis and it was hidden behind a freaking pay wall, which pretty much stopped my knowledge inquiry cold! =)

Fortunately, there has been a movement over the last decade or so to set knowledge and research free and there have been various educational institutions which have likewise done so, even in the US. All publicly funded research should be available for all! All research and knowledge should be available for all… period. This is a great step forward! 

Read it and rejoice! This is one of the many reasons why Europe is decades ahead of USA and its arrogance, ignorance, hubris, and faux-ceptionalism! 

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Holocene Era Calendar Reform

A New Year Zero for Humanity’s Calendars

Here is a neat calendar reform video which suggests that we start our calendrical history not at 2,000 years ago which pays homage to a single culture and religious belief, but on one that unifies all of humanity and honors more of human history, by starting our counting with the first stone structure ever created by humanity. This is also referred to as the Holocene Calendar or the Human Era Calendar. All we do is add 10,000 years to the year count and we are there. Go ahead and watch the video and give it a think: A New History for Humanity – The Human Era. 

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Legislative Process for a Consensus Based Digital Democracy

Legislative Process for a Consensus Based Digital Democracy

So here is a process I have developed which pulls ideas from consensus based democratic work which will allow for a more open legislative process and more citizen participation. The most free and advanced countries in the world, such as the Nordic States have a consensus based democratic government.

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Screen Cap - The Perimeter of Ignorance - Neil deGrasse Tyson

Video: “The Perimeter of Ignorance” (Neil deGrasse Tyson)

Introduction I am not sure how I have not shared this here yet, but a quite a few years ago I found this wonderful video of a presentation given by the notorious NdT (Neil deGrasse Tyson) at Beyond Belief: Science, Religion, Reason, and Survival from 2006. The title of his presentation is “The Perimeter of […]

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"But the third parties split..." "Blame the system and not the people"

If you are angry with a “Third Party Split” then you have no idea what is going on.

With America’s 2018 mid-term electoral cycle and other electoral cycles where the US’s few major 3rd parties (Green Party and Libertarian) consistently’ish on the ballots and affecting the electoral result, some of you are blaming these 3rd parties for their party’s loss. If you are doing this then you have no idea what is going and you are pissed at the wrong thing. You need to get your self woke! I am not even kidding here. Your ignorance is hurting us all.

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The 7 Philosophical Pillars For Peace In Humanity

New Page: The 7 Philosophical Pillars for Peace in Humanity (7P3H)

I have a new post titled The 7 Philosophical Pillars for Peace in Humanity (7P3H). Here is an excerpt: The 7 Philosophical Pillars for Peace in Humanity (7P3H) shall lie at the heart of and form the foundations of Humanities society, culture, citizens, and organizations, as well as its governmental bodies, institutions, and associations. The constitutions and laws […]

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